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Everything posted by Nutterbutter

  1. Same here I'm having a great time the truth is out there. My advice for the pudding heads in this thread. Watch mainstream news. Whatever they say, invert it and you'll have the truth. Ex. If they say RUSSIANS are under your bed. You can sleep easy.
  2. I told you "let go of your willey, junior" you didn't take my advice. Keep gripping yourself like that and you'll pass out, leaky.
  3. The left were never gonna flip Ohio a Republican strong hold. You are right on one pount though. "The evil left is so incompetent"
  4. 1.) There's no such thing as president-elect. It's a low hanging IQ fruit for simple thinkers. 2.) You don't have anything until January 20, 2021 3.) Yes we have, and you're not gonna like it. 4.) Your breath stinks.
  5. Check out @adamseconomics's Tweet: https://twitter.com/adamseconomics/status/1332715006660493313?s=09
  6. "They" won't watch it. They don't care, they never did. Their minds have been taken over and their hearts turned black. They know the truth just as we do, but they will never face it until it comes for them. Some are called, some are not. I enjoyed the video
  7. 1.) Unfollow AOC she'll rot your brain. 2.)many articles said he colluded with the RUSSIANS and you saw how that went south. 3.)you really need to wait on that prediction. Ever play chess?
  8. And if you cared about facts you'd be arguing with us, but you have nothing to offer except ridicule and to see your own pie hole flapping.
  9. When you have something to say that contributes to the conversation then post it. Until then, the adults are talking and you should go back to the kiddie table.
  10. My 401K says different. Time you let go of your willey, junior. Your brain needs the blood. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. This "slush fund" conspiracy theory is simply because the ACLU can't compete with the number of suits brought by Trump's legal team and Trump's own money. 3 million of his own in MI. Trump holds the laser, while the rest of you chase the dot. Anything else of irrelevance you'd like to add?
  12. Joe raising the dead to vote when he couldn't raise the living to come out to his rallies I can't decide if I should cry or laugh at 2020.
  13. If I'm not mistaken, (in a nutshell) it was the PA supreme court that made this change to their election process despite their own state law that says act 77 was ambiguous in its wording and any change would render it non ambiguous which would then violate their own law and the U.S. Constitution which states only state legislators can make federal election procedures. Time, place, ect. Looks like PA has got a real pickle on their hands.
  14. "Perhaps I was unclear" no perhaps about it. Are you so sure that what they had in their filling was not all there to start with? Are you sure this judge appointed by Trump wouldn't just expedite this from the lower court for Trump? When it's over it will be over. You can jump up and down then around January 20th, 2021.
  15. "No good deed goes unpunished" Corruption is rewarded because they can control you. When they have nothing on you they invent it. And the uninformed follow along, but sometimes there's a glitch in the matrics and like you they understand.
  16. So the Megathread you posted above is trying to mislead us? Or are you referring to yourself? Because it says "The case can still be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court." How about the New York Post? Are they not understanding the ruling or are they also trying to mislead us. https://nypost.com/2020/11/27/trump-campaign-vows-to-appeal-pennsylvania-case-to-supreme-court/
  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/georgia-lawsuit-witness-testifies-use-different-paper-counterfeit-ballots-watermark-solid-grey-instead-transparent-100-joe-biden/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons
  18. I watched this earlier. It's a little dry and full of numbers, but after seeing the second affidavit from cybersecurity think this video explains the anomalies.
  19. It would be in Georgia's best interest to grab onto that "China and Iran" part to cover their backside.
  20. Great source if it wasn't for turkey brain fog I think I'd understand the affidavits graphics a little better.
  21. When you have nothing of substance to add go for the typos. What are you, 10 years old
  22. That's just sad, but still doesn't explain why anyone would vote only Biden and not down ballet for the party leaving their choice a lame duck presidency. It's funny but I feel like this article is trying to give a reason for Trump's loss while ignoring a lot of issues like 6 states shutting down counting at the same time when Trump was ahead. I'm not saying the media wasn't at fault, they were. But the article is narrow thinking, imo.
  23. I can't imagine how anyone would know this, but it's interesting. https://themarshallreport.wordpress.com/2020/11/22/sidney-powells-kraken-is-dod-cyber-warfare-program-we-are-at-war/ The patch is cool
  24. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/biden-received-thousands-illegal-votes-non-citizens-not-enough-flip
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