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Everything posted by Nutterbutter

  1. Well I guess it's over now that Jim Acosta and idf says it is Somebody change the record already, it's skipping. 1.) Trump is still the president. 2.)There may be a electoral vote mid December "IF" all states have certified. If not it moves to the house for voting by delegates. One vote per state. There are 31 Republican delegates and 19 Democrat, January 6th 2021. Easy math. 3.) We are still in a state of emergency per Trump's executive order in 2018. I posted this a few days ago. He could enact the insurrection act as per his authority as president. Get some pop corn and stop letting the media direct the narrative. Trump's already doing that. When it's over then it's over and you can go back to sheep. Um I meant sleep.
  2. Jordan Sekulow says Georgia lawsuit is shocking. https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/georgia-lawsuit-jordan-sekulow-constitution/2020/11/21/id/998154/
  3. You were right on the money in your postulations.
  4. Agreed it's amazing, when you're not looking for a leverage to attack someone how critical thinking takes its place.
  5. Same reason Canadian IDF members think they have skin in our politics.
  6. That's an interesting tweet by Flynn. Almost cryptic you could say.
  7. How did he know this in 2012? Time traveler
  8. So I'm hearing that Dominion was funded by a number of foreign countries one being China. Also Dominion a Canadian company testified to this fact some time back. Canada does not use this voting system, gee wonder why? Here is Trump's executive order from 2018 which is still active, regarding election interference. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/09/14/2018-20203/imposing-certain-sanctions-in-the-event-of-foreign-interference-in-a-united-states-election
  9. The liberal media will say "it was a peaceful hit and run" No coincidences
  10. O'bama "deporter in chief" right hand girl picked by Biden. https://www.democracynow.org/2020/11/13/headlines/cecilia_munoz_who_defended_family_separations_under_obama_joins_biden_transition_team
  11. The next week will be critical. Dominion failed to show in PA, Closed their doors in Canada and employees deleted their Linked in profiles.
  12. I really don't mind being suspended for legit (?) reasons. I do mind that you said one thing in your comment above and then decided to list the offense as "Spamming" under the Suspension page. I did not request someone on this forum to join me in some other area on this site or other site/forum.
  13. And it's "AOC" that wants a list of Trump supporters when we should demand a list of idiots who voted for this demented old fool. Oh wait, that's right. They voted for Republicans for the house and senate, but didn't vote for Trump as president. Hey everyone, let's get together and vote for a "lame duck" presidency. Okay, sounds like a plan
  14. 6 states shut down counting election night "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt. PA supreme court changes their election rules violating U.S. Constitution (fact) "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt. Media reports "Biden the winner" when they knew Trump had not conceded and states where still counting/recounting. "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" for casting doubt. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/breaking-exclusive-analysis-election-night-data-states-shows-millions-votes-either-switched-president-trump-biden-lost/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons We get it. "IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT" that's all you can regurgitate in every comment. Yawn.
  15. Would that be your life or the voice?
  16. All true regarding Trump, but I really don't believe we'll get four years from biden. He was just a Trojan horse for Kamala, imo. Self proclaimed "top cop" when she was AG of California. She's a phony who shouldn't be where she is, and will be a puppet president.
  17. So is my boss, but i can't argue his effectivness. After some deep thought and dropping some acid I've come to two conclusions. 1.) The mayan were dyslexic and it is 2021, not 2012 the world will end. 2.) Trump is "blue dress" "gold dress" taken to its ultimate argument.
  18. You really love that word "debunked" it's your go to response for just about everything. It's almost like some kind of armore, your protection from something else. It's like sticking your fingers in your ears and saying out loud. Lalalalalalalalalala
  19. WHAT! Qanon? Oh no! Those people who like solving riddles and puzzles? This must not stand, I say. I draw the line when it comes to puzzle solvers.
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