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Posts posted by season1

  1. 9 hours ago, sydneysam said:



    Add me @season1! :))) love her! (can't believe I forgot to be added here earlier 💀). Photo used as a reference for this artwork was a photo from her Instagram ;)


    Added! :thumbs:


    I think this might be one of your best works yet. :thumbsup:

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  2. The general maybe (half) joking, but who knows now, with the current military leadership's priorities. ro1ld96.gif



    Nonetheless, thank you British Special Forced for also rescuing American citizens (along with the British citizens and at-risk personnel).

    Jasmine Mills Fan Thread

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    Studio Versions
















    1. season1

    2. jamescasaki

    3. David68

    4. Persy





















    [trivia images]














    [h/t: Dany for Trivia Image]




  4. Here's a little bit of hopeful news:




    Glenn Beck's audience raises staggering $22 million in 2 days to rescue Christians trapped in Afghanistan



    Blaze Media previously reported that the Nazarene Fund is gearing up to extract approximately 5,000 people — mainly women and children — from Afghanistan as the newly Taliban-controlled country descends into violence and chaos.


    During Beck's Wednesday morning radio show, the conservative firebrand and humanitarian urged his listeners to "give until it hurts" — and his loyal audience delivered beyond belief: Beck's audience donated even more than the $20 million goal by early Friday morning.




    I do not like Glenn Beck but this organization seems to be working hard in rescuing Christians in the Middle East. I hope this rescue mission of Christians in Afghanistan is successful.

  5. It seems this administration messed up the Afghanistan withdrawal. My husband was livid when he saw what happened in Afghanistan. He said that they should have kept Bagram with its secure perimeter and two airstrips, and conducted the withdrawal from there instead of Kabul. He said that they did the whole thing backwards -- that they should have withdrawn the civilians first, then the equipment, then destroyed the bases after the military leaves. Instead they shut-down the military bases and withdrew most military personnel, and left at least 10,000 American citizens in the country. Thousands of Americans (civilians) are now potential hostages of a regime hostile to the US.


    Instead of trying to cover their asses and pass the blame, I hope that the government should now focus on how to get our citizens out of that country and back in the US. The British paratroopers rescued their citizens; even the French military went and got their citizens from Afghanistan. The US should be able to bring in the necessary troops and resources to get our citizens trapped in that country, to safety. I hope this administration has the will to use the military in rescue mission.


    The guy with the "mean tweets" said in his 1/20/21 speech: "The best is yet to come." He probably knew that things were about to get worse, much worse. But America has been through really bad times in the past and it still managed to bounce back and grow.


    American political prisoners held in US prisons for months without being charged.

    Millions of illegals entered the porous borders in just 6 months, and transported by the government to different red cities and red states without notifying the local governments.

    Rising inflation and gas prices.

    Forced vaccination, vaccine passports, and more restrictive mandates.

    Continued censorship of conservatives on government-colluding social media giants.

    It will get worse before it gets better.


    Afghanistan was a preventable disaster and I feel really bad for our fellow Americans now trapped in that country, waiting to be rescued. They will be brought home, even if it takes years.


    I am sad and disappointed about the disregard for freedom that many Americans are now exhibiting in their own country. Giving up freedoms for the empty promise of safety and security is how tyranny takes hold. Take a look at what's going on in Australia. It wasn't long ago that they let the government take away their guns.


    Meanwhile, America's enemies, both foreign and domestic, want Americans divided -- Republican vs Democrats, vaxxed vs unvaxxed, black vs white, etc. It's easier to conquer and control a divided people.



  6.  I don't know if I should put this on the funny thread or the politics thread so I am cross-posting on both (I hope that's okay). I think we all could use a little laugh once in a while. Things are getting tense these days.



  7. I don't know if I should put this on the funny thread or the politics thread so I am cross-posting on both (I hope that's okay). I think we all could use a little laugh once in a while. Things are getting tense these days.



    • Haha 1


    And here's a cool article about SDYB --


    The Boot: Story Behind the Song: Danielle Bradbery, ‘Stop Draggin’ Your Boots’



    And when I first heard this song, it reminded me of Shania Twain. It gave me so much of Shania vibes — that '90s country-meets-today's country [thing], which I feel like is a little hard to find.


    It was super catchy. There's just a lot of things that I was like, "Okay, this is good — this is really good." We ended up recording it with Nathan Chapman [as producer], who's incredible ...


    It's probably right off the bat, the verses [where I first felt the Shania vibes]: [sings] "You say you want me ... and then you don't" ... It's very — that swingy melody, like Shania used to have, and just very sassy. You're like, "Hey, man, what's up? What are you gonna do?"


    So, it just had Shania written all over it, and, I mean, that's not bad, so I just ran with it.



  9. 9 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

    Here’s the compilation video for Rachel (finally.) 🤍


    Thanks! It's now on the OP. :thumbs:





    I just finished watching/listening to the video. I really enjoyed all her performances. I love her gorgeous tone. But one thing that I think is underrated about Rachel is how clear her enunciation is. I can clearly hear and understand what Rachel is singing. And I think that's one of her strengths.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Bk1234 said:

    My favorite performance was probably BMHA. I just love that song so much! 😁


    Of the two "new" songs, I like BMHA more than SDYB though I understand why they released SDYB instead of BMHA. I hope BMHA would be released someday, or at least be included in the next album. jaofSCz.gif

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