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Let’s Dance (Germany) Season 17 Discussion

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Finale Songs and Dances are out!


Detlef & Ekaterina

Jury Dance: Waltz - "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong

Favorite Dance: Samba - "Tum Takketà" by Luca D and Alessandro Olivato

Freestyle: Men in Black - "Men in Black", "Who Let the Dogs Out", "Back in Time" and "I Will Survive"


Gabriel & Malika

Jury Dance: Samba - "Mas Que Nada" by Sergio Mendes feat. The Black Eyed Peas

Favorite Dance: Tango - "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica

Freestyle: Romeo and Juliet - "Dance of the Knights", "Lovefool", "I'm Kissing You" and "Herrscher der Welt"


Jana & Vadim

Jury Dance: Rumba - "Eres Todo En Mi" by Ana Gabriel

Favorite Dance: Quickstep - "I Want You to Want Me" by Letters to Cleo

Freestyle: Beyoncé - "Run the World (Girls)", "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", "Crazy in Love" and "Halo"


The eliminated couples are also each reprising a dance, with the exception of Mark & Kathrin (due to the injury that took him out) and Tillman & Patricija (he's injured as well).  


There's also the Pro Challenge next week where the pros randomly pair up and dance together; one couple is named the winners and they get to choreograph the opening number next year and receive a bonus point that they can add to their celeb's total score if they're worried about being eliminated that week (it has to be redeemed by the fourth show).  



Vadim Garbuzov & Mariia Maksina

Ekaterina Leonova & Paul Lorenz

Mika Tatarkin & Kathrin Menzinger

Malika Dzumaev & Fabian Täschner

Valentin Lusin & Massimo Sinató

Zsolt Sándor Cseke & Marta Arndt

Andrzej Cibis & Adeline Kastalian

Evgeny Vinokurov & Anastasia Stan

Alexandru Ionel & Patricija Ionel (they were the only pre-determined pairing due to Patricija's pregnancy)


So all the current pros are participating plus two past pros (Andrzej and Evgeny) and two outside dancers (Fabian and Adeline).  The pairings that have won the Pro Challenge in the past are Ekaterina & Massimo, past pros Christina & Christian, Renata (past pro and Valentin's wife) & Valentin, Renata & Christian and Malika & Zsolt.  Kathrin and Vadim have gotten very close to winning both together and with different partners so they're contenders as well.  

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18 hours ago, Ariel1989 said:

Finale Songs and Dances are out!


Detlef & Ekaterina

Jury Dance: Waltz - "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong

Favorite Dance: Samba - "Tum Takketà" by Luca D and Alessandro Olivato

Freestyle: Men in Black - "Men in Black", "Who Let the Dogs Out", "Back in Time" and "I Will Survive"


Gabriel & Malika

Jury Dance: Samba - "Mas Que Nada" by Sergio Mendes feat. The Black Eyed Peas

Favorite Dance: Tango - "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica

Freestyle: Romeo and Juliet - "Dance of the Knights", "Lovefool", "I'm Kissing You" and "Herrscher der Welt"


Jana & Vadim

Jury Dance: Rumba - "Eres Todo En Mi" by Ana Gabriel

Favorite Dance: Quickstep - "I Want You to Want Me" by Letters to Cleo

Freestyle: Beyoncé - "Run the World (Girls)", "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", "Crazy in Love" and "Halo"


The eliminated couples are also each reprising a dance, with the exception of Mark & Kathrin (due to the injury that took him out) and Tillman & Patricija (he's injured as well).  


There's also the Pro Challenge next week where the pros randomly pair up and dance together; one couple is named the winners and they get to choreograph the opening number next year and receive a bonus point that they can add to their celeb's total score if they're worried about being eliminated that week (it has to be redeemed by the fourth show).  



Vadim Garbuzov & Mariia Maksina

Ekaterina Leonova & Paul Lorenz

Mika Tatarkin & Kathrin Menzinger

Malika Dzumaev & Fabian Täschner

Valentin Lusin & Massimo Sinató

Zsolt Sándor Cseke & Marta Arndt

Andrzej Cibis & Adeline Kastalian

Evgeny Vinokurov & Anastasia Stan

Alexandru Ionel & Patricija Ionel (they were the only pre-determined pairing due to Patricija's pregnancy)


So all the current pros are participating plus two past pros (Andrzej and Evgeny) and two outside dancers (Fabian and Adeline).  The pairings that have won the Pro Challenge in the past are Ekaterina & Massimo, past pros Christina & Christian, Renata (past pro and Valentin's wife) & Valentin, Renata & Christian and Malika & Zsolt.  Kathrin and Vadim have gotten very close to winning both together and with different partners so they're contenders as well.  

This looks like a good set of dances for the final. It should be a strong night of dances, so looking forward to these whenever I can. 


I will also predict the following:


3rd: Detlef & Ekaterina

2nd: Jana & Vadim

1st: Gabriel & Malika


I feel like I've been predicting Gabriel to win since like Week 1 or so. :dead:  A part of me would love to be right and the other part would love to see a surprise, though moreso the former. I feel it could be a toss-up between Jana and Detlef. But I think Jana has been stronger in public votes, so I'll give her the edge there.

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Week 11 (Semi-Final) Thoughts


Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Paso Doble: Gosh, it's just so insane to think of how Ann-Kathrin has made it to the semi-final. Just wowzers. :dead: She tried but sadly I didn't think this was semi-final level. A lot of the side by side dancing was lacking and I did notice she made a few mistakes and lost her footing. I feel like she lacks the passion and the intent with her movements. She does the moves but I don't get the feeling, which I've noticed with these dances that require a lot of acting. The partnering was probably the best parts of the dance. Ooh then some of the dancing they did was like some Cha-Cha stuff? Interesting. The 20 was fair, with the mix of 6 and 7s, though I did think this was worse than some of her recent dances from the last few weeks.

Detlef & Ekaterina - Slowfox: This was a smooth and charming dancing. I liked how they got into the Foxtrot hold right away. Detlef was very attentive with his frame/hold and his lines. He looked more comfortable there than in past dances. He did shine most and have a lot of fun on the side by side section. The big lift was a nice and big moment. Sweet dance. The 29 felt deserved.

Gabriel & Malika - Waltz: Oooh "At this Moment" is such a great classic Waltz song. This was a very charming, sweet and elegant dance. There was also a great romantic feel to the dance too. The dancing in hold was smooth and elegant. Gabriel led and partnered Malika really well. The lifts were lovely. I thought he had nice lines too but do think he kinda threw his lines and was a bit forceful with them at times. OMG that ending that he lip synced at the big part of the song was so dramatic. But the whole dance was lovely to watch. The 29 was fair here. 

Jana & Vadim - Paso Doble:  I got pirate vibes from seeing their outfits, so I was expecting a PotC themed dance, at least with the theme song but okay not the case. I am so glad they had a traditional song though. Ooh wow, there was a lot of attack and intensity with this dance. And it was so fast too. Jana had a lot of wonderful partnering with Vadim here. She also had lovely and expressive Spanish lines here. I love how the dance still managed to build up despite it being so intense and fast paced throughout. :omg: Also love how Jana shone while she was doing her side by side parts  at Vadim and lots of impressive lifts. This dance was quite a ride and experience to watch but loved it and she slayed it! I think a 30 would have been deserved for her but I'll take the 29 too.

Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Waltz: "Against All Odds" is a good classic choice for a Waltz. Okay thankfully this was a much better dance from Ann-Kathrin. She moved and danced in a lovely way when she got in hold. Valentin led her well and she followed in a nice and graceful way. The big lift was nice. And yeah the dance as a whole was really nice and (probably) her best dance. :yes: Her dress was very beautiful too. I feel like it took forever for Ann-Kathrin to have this good moment but she did so yay for that! Nicee at the 23 (with a mix of 8s and a 7), good scores - though I'd up it to straight 8s. 

Detlef & Ekaterina - Jive: OMG another Jive to "Livin' La Vida Loca." Lol I feel I got to get used and adjusted to this song for Jives now, which is still weird to me. :haha: Detlef is such a star performer. He's so fun and effortless with high energetic dances like this. He had great energy, kicks & flicks and partnering work thrhoughout. :bobo: He also nailed all of the side by side content too. LOL it looks like Detlef was doing some fun hip-hop freestyle moves at the end of this? :lmao: I don't know but this dance was so exciting and fun to watch! Yayy for another 29 for Detlef. But ooo kinda shocked the 9 comes from Motsi. 😮

Jana & Vadim - Viennese Waltz: Oooh I like the rose inclusion in their dance. Ooh and this dance was really beautiful  and lovely. Jana danced so well and was so lovely in hold. She danced with so much grace, elegance and made this look effortless. Ooh and also love me a good flecklr, which this dance had. This dance had a great romantic quality to it. I also love how they saved the big lift at the end to make it a big dramatic closing. Another dance that Jana nailed here. :yes: Yay for another well deserved 29!

Gabriel & Malika - Charleston: OMG another "Do Your Thing" Charleston? LOL I feel like we have gotten so many of these over the last year - on Strictly, DWTS Ireland and now Let's Dance. But this was another effortless and outstanding dance from Gabriel! He performed and showed that he had a lot of fun performing this and was so fun and exciting to watch. He handled all of the partnering work really well. But also not only that, his footwork with his swivels and leg work was so good and on point! :LOL I loved all of the fun, silly and comedic parts that they put in the dance too. This dance had a lot of high energy. Whenever I thought Gabriel would lose steam, he managed to pick up the enrgy even more and go an extra 100 with it! This was so fun, cute and exciting to watch! :bobo: I also loved Malika's golden flapper girl look! Yayy for this getting a perfect 30! LOL that last judge bringing up all of the judges paddles for his score. :lmao:


Gabriel & Malika - Rumba & Samba Improv Dance: lol I wonder why Gabriel closed the last round only to go first for the improv dance round? Doesn't sound very fair to me though I am sure Gabriel can cope with the very little time between dances. The Rumba & Samba is a very interesting dance combo. Gabriel was smooth and elegant on the Rumba sections. He showcased some lovely lines. Then it was fun seeing him let loose and have fun with the Samba section. He had good rhythm, hip action and the Samba flair down well for this part of the dance. Fun dance!


Jana & Vadim - Cha-Cha-Cha & Tango Improv Dance: The Tango section from Jana looked good. She had good partnering and footwork though it did look like a Cha-Cha to me at times. Jana danced and performed that part of the dance well though it did seem like there was a moment where she looked unsure. The Cha-Cha was fun and flirty.  She did well but there did seem to be a few little iffy/unsure moments in there. But she had good hip and leg action. Aww at her getting a 24 after two 29s. The 9-8-7 was interesting for sure. I can get that and think it was maybe a fair score.

Ann-Kathrin & Valentin -  Rumba & Tango Improv Dance: Oooh dangg, Ann-Kathrin's got such a good song choice in "Whatever Lola Wants." The Rumba was decent and better from her than the last time she did a Rumba. But ugh, the hip action is a little jerky and she just throws/flings her lines about. The Tango section was better. She had a good frame/hold dand moved well across the stage. I still want more heat and passion in her character but it was good from her. I can't fault the two 8s and 7, which seems fair. 

Detlef & Ekaterina - Cha-Cha-Cha & Rumba Improv Dance: The Cha-Cha and Rumba is a good combo of styles here. The Cha-Cha was smooth, slick and cool. He had a good sense of sharpness and attack with how he hit those moves. Then he slowed it down and was more graceful with the Rumba parts. He was smooth and showcased Ekaterina beautifully. They had nice and lovely chemistry there too. Oooh nicee at the 29 he got for this!

1.    Jana & Vadim - Paso Doble
2.    Gabriel & Malika - Charleston
3.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Jive
4.    Jana & Vadim - Viennese Waltz
5.    Gabriel & Malika - Rumba & Samba Improv Dance
6.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Cha-Cha-Cha & Rumba Improv Dance
7.    Gabriel & Malika - Waltz
8.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Slowfox
9.    Jana & Vadim - Cha-Cha-Cha & Tango Improv Dance
10.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Waltz
11.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin -  Rumba & Tango Improv Dance
12.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Paso Doble

A strong night of dances and a lot of these rankings were tough to figure out, lol. But okay, I'm good with Ann-Kathrin & Valentin going out on the semi-finals. They should have been out months weeks ago, lol. But Valentin did great work and helped Ann-Kathrin improve from where she is now from back then, at least. I hope to catch up on the finale sometime soon.

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On 5/26/2024 at 1:34 PM, *Wallace said:


1.    Jana & Vadim - Paso Doble
2.    Gabriel & Malika - Charleston
3.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Jive
4.    Jana & Vadim - Viennese Waltz

5.    Gabriel & Malika - Rumba & Samba Improv Dance
6.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Cha-Cha-Cha & Rumba Improv Dance
7.    Gabriel & Malika - Waltz
8.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Slowfox
9.    Jana & Vadim - Cha-Cha-Cha & Tango Improv Dance
10.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Waltz
11.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin -  Rumba & Tango Improv Dance
12.    Ann-Kathrin & Valentin - Paso Doble


i am disgusted love and hip hop atlanta GIF by RealityTVGIFs



Me after seeing Jana's flop Paso being ranked over her stunning VW & Gabriel's amazing Charleston and Detlef's Jive (It was probably one of the better Tamacun Paso's we've had  and  it was much better than Helen's though!)

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Okay finally got around to watching the finale dances. Some thoughts:


Week 12 Thoughts


Detlef & Ekaterina - Waltz: Ooh this is an interesting arrangement of "What a Wonderful World," which sounds more suited for a Foxtrot? The original I think would have worked better for a Waltz. Anywho, I feel like Detlef can be a bit inconsistent with his slower ballroom dances. Sometimes they can be a bit off but sometimes they can be really good. I thought this was a lovely, sweet and romantic dance. He led and partnered well. He had lovely lines and was charming. Not his best dance ever but very solid! The straight 9s seem fair. 

Jana & Vadim - Rumba: Oooh nice I love that we get to see another Jana & Vadim Rumba! Oooh wow, this is a really sensual and sexy Rumba! Jana looked really beautiful in that red dress. ❤️ But she danced this so beautifully too. She had great hip action, leg action and the partnering work was lovely and beautiful. Not to mention, Jana & Vadim had really beautiful and hot chemistry dance. :omg: Wow this dance really got steamy at times and def made me believe they were an actual couple that I should not be watching dance like that. :haha: So beautiful and stunning! ❤️ The 9s were fine but there could have been at least one 10 in there. :kissbye: 

Gabriel & Malika - Samba: Wasn't Gabriel's original Samba one of his lower scoring dances? Curious to see how he tackles this one. Though he showed a lot of promise with his Improv dance. LOL Gabriel cracks me up with some of his facial expressions here. :haha: I love how ambitious and how he goes full force in these dances. But ahhh this was such a good, fun and great traditional Samba. :bobo: Gabriel definitely improved and did a great job with this Samba compared to his last one. He had strong and great partnering work, lots of natural rhythm, lots of hip action, lots of fast precise footwork and everything you'd want to see in a great Samba. He was dancing so fast and a mile a minute here and never missed a beat. :haha: But loved this and thought this was another fantastic dance from Gabriel. :bobo: Not surprised with his perfect 30 here, but it's deserved!

Detlef & Ekaterina - Samba: Oooh I love how Detlef reprises his Samba. I remember this being one of my favorites,  if not his actual favorite dance of his. I'm notsure but this was up there as one of my favorites of his. This Samba was so fun and infectious. Detlef really shines in these fast Latin dances and especially the party dances. This was so good. So fun and entertaining. He had great natural rhythm and hip action and all of the partnering work was great here too! OH and forget what I said about Gabriel's facial expressions, Detlef's are something else. He's so extra and animated here, omg. :dead: Yayy a 29 is gtreat for this! Awww at the disappointment for that 9 but I get it as Detlef really threw everything into thi s dance.

Jana & Vadim - Quickstep: I'm not surprised Jana & Vadim did their reprise to their Quickstep. This was a big dance moment for Jana... and maybe was it her breakthrough? My memory isn't the best with this series but I know she scored really high with this dance. This was a really cute, fun and exciting Quickstep.The storytelling they did before the dance was fujn. Then the actual Quickstep was smooth, elegant but still quick. She had a good frame and good footwork throughout the dance. I loved the energy and performance quality they had with this dance as it was so much fun! :bobo: I'm kinda surprised this only got a 29 and not a 30, like it did last time. What gives?  Were they making sure no one took the win from Gabriel? lmao. 

Gabriel & Malika - Tango: Oooh yes, I forgot they had  their Tango to "Nothing Really Matters," which is such an odd song choice for a Tango, lmao. Though this arrangement really works for it. This was a powerful, lovely and stunning Tango. I thought theyh had fantastic chemistry and lovely partnering work here. I also loved the Argentine Tango flair/feel to this dance. Gabriel's footwork was strong and sharp and loved the big lift they did towards the end of this. Another great dance for him and yayy for another perfect score too though I may have been less attached to this dance than Detlef's Samba and Jana's Quickstep, oops. But still, a flawless dance! 


Detlef & Ekaterina - Freestyle: Omgg haha I love "Men in Black," so I am totally HERE for Detlef's Freestyle to this song! Ooh okay, Detlef was definitely in his element and killing it with the backup dancers with him front and center. :bobo: I believe he's the one with a hip-hop background and I'm glad he got to showcase that here. He was so natural, smooth and danced the choreography so well and effortlessly. :bobo: LOL I kept asking where was Ekaterina in this dance? She finally showed up a minute into the dance where they danced to...... "Who Let the Dogs Out"? LOL WHAT NOW? :dead: How does these two songs make sense with each other? :lmao: But I loved and was here for the Salsa content they danced. This part of the dance was humorous and fun but had great and fun Salsa content here. This was fun. Oooh "Back in Time" too? 😮 LOL is this Ekaterina here? I am so confused. :dead: Okay I don't think it is. But that section of the dance was fun too. Oooh wow, now "I Will Survive." Dangg, SO much is going on with this dance omgg. :dead: And wow over 3 minutes long too. This was a cute and fun Disco section of the dance. So much was going on with this dance...... dangg at this being nearly 4 minutes long. :omg: But it was all so fun and entertaining. Yayy he got his deseved perfect 30 here! 

Jana & Vadim - Freestyle: Oooh of course I am absolutely here for a Beyonce Freestyle! :wub: Okay Miss Jana, let's see what you can do here! Lovee how this starts off with "Run the World (Girls)." It's great seeing this fun and firey side of Jana and how she was dancing alongside the rest of the girls here. I did feel she was maybe dancing a little ahead of them at certain spots. OOOH LOL Loving how Vadim got to do his little Michael Jackson solo in here. :haha: Oooh yesss, totally HERE for "Crazy in Love." They did some Cha-Cha and Quickstep to CIL. This was really fun and entertaining! :bobo: And a Quickstep to the original CIL? Now that's original and lovee seeing that! Oooh wow they did some Tango to it too - with a different arrangement? 😮 That section was powerful and good too. OMG I was not expecting "Halo" after all of those high level energy songs. It's kinda weird seeing them dancing so beautifully with those outfits. But this was a really beautiful Contemporary/Freestyle section of the dance. Oooh loll Vadim with is hip hop solo section and the aww Jana going up in the sky. That was a beautiful ending there. 😮 This was a really great dance. Dangg, they really go massive for their Freestyles.... I love it! :haha: Yayy Jana gets her perfect 30 here too! 😄 

Gabriel & Malika - Freestyle: Oooh wow, Gabriel's dance already starts off so powerful and agressive. 😮 I'm getting a Romeo & Juliet vibe of this dance, which I think was what their Freestyle was based off? Aww the section where Gabriel & Malika first dance was so beautiful and lovely. Malika looked like an angel there. ❤️ Ooooh yayy I love "Lovefool." This was a really cute and fun Cha-Cha section of the dance. Love how fast, precise and sharp Gabriel's Cha-Cha dancing was here. He hit the moves so sharp and smoothly. Oooh I had a feeling that the "Kissing You" Waltz section was coming. Ooh, it's not just a Waltz but also has some Contemporary elements. Wow the Waltzing here was so lovely and breathtaking. Loved their dancing in hold and then all of the drama they brought afterwards. Which leads to the very dramatic part of the dance. Not sure what song they were dancing to here but I loved the intensity and power that they brought to the Paso Doble section of the dance. They danced with sharpness and attack there! :omg: Awww noooo at the ending where Juliet dies (though not really) and then Romeo dies. 😢 I love how their dance reallly told a story of romance. There was a beautiful and cohesive story in the dance. I got the Romeo & Juliet story they told and they sold is so beautifully. ❤️ 

1.    Gabriel & Malika - Freestyle
2.    Gabriel & Malika - Samba
3.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Freestyle
4.    Jana & Vadim - Freestyle
5.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Samba
6.    Jana & Vadim - Quickstep
7.    Jana & Vadim - Rumba
8.    Gabriel & Malika - Tango
9.    Detlef & Ekaterina - Waltz

I don't even know how to rank these dances anymore. :dead: All of the Freestyles were so different but very entertaining and fun to watch! They really went alll out here! 

And yayyy I did call the results right before the final happened! I predicted that Detlef & Ekaterina would come in 3rd, Jana & Vadim would come in 2nd and that Gabriel & Malika would win! :bobo: I got no issues with the results and the order seemed fair to me. While Detlef and Jana were great all season, I always felt like Gabriel was running away with this competition and that it was his to lose. He's a fantastic dancer and deserving winner! :yes: 

This was a fun season overall! My main favorites were: Gabriel & Malika, Detlef & Ekaterina - Freestyle, Jana & Vadim and Lulu & Massimo. I think Gabriel & Malika were my #1 favorite and then the other 3 alternated each week. I'll call them all a joint tie for 2nd. So it's a bummer how they were almost the Top 4 of the season as that would have been perfect. I think Tony & Anastasia were probably my #5. I really enjoyed him too. Then I don't know how to rank the rest. :dead: But it was a fun season and glad I watched it. 

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On 5/28/2024 at 6:36 PM, Abe1818 said:

i am disgusted love and hip hop atlanta GIF by RealityTVGIFs



Me after seeing Jana's flop Paso being ranked over her stunning VW & Gabriel's amazing Charleston and Detlef's Jive (It was probably one of the better Tamacun Paso's we've had  and  it was much better than Helen's though!)

Jana's Paso wasn't a flop to me! :kissbye: 


But lol that was how I felt in the moment. All of those dances were really close to me and could be changed around if I were to watch them again. :haha: But yess of course Jana's Tamacun Paso was better than Helen's. At least we can agree to that. :haha: 

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