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Everything posted by *Diana

  1. it doesn't matter because they will save her over anyone
  2. Ally topping the night again? undeserving so? at-least I get points RT. (!)
  3. Fun ? yes? as good as people are making it out to be? Lol no.
  4. Almost as bad as the judges want it for her Sorry I had to
  5. well I can and should be able to post what I want like he is saying you should be able to?
  6. Give Witney a Emmy. Her contemporary routines >>>>>>>>>>>>>> we agree on something?
  7. THAT WAS PERFECTION Dance of the season tbh
  8. Thank you. Also Wallace what happened to "You should comment and voice your opinion like everyone else." or does that not count for people who are sick of the Ally pimping?
  9. I have to stan for making Alfonso run away to the British version to attempt to stay relevant.
  10. literally Lauren was just as good as Ally's?? how are they justifying their scoring? It's literally gross.
  11. She deserved at least one. but then again she isn't Ally so
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