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  1. This season is really good, it just had a rough start, the lives are looking to be stacked asf
  2. This season is going uphill, tbh this might be one of the most enjoyable and most stacked spring seasons in a while. Considering how weak the Blinds where Lol
  3. Okay, But Dan and Shay are really good coaches! Definitely wise and know what to do, they shocked me this season and I hope they keep up the good decisions! Their team is my favorite right now!
  4. Okay, but Dan and Shay are such good coaches I’m loving them more then Chance this season Loll!
  5. Hey Y’all! Just wanted to say hello! and have been a big fan of The Voice! Just wanted to speak on this season alone as of right now… This season started off rough and was not the best, but as soon as the last week of Blinds it started hitting off strong and now it’s going really solid with the battles! I’m loving the battle rounds this season! For my favorites… they are Madison, AJ, Frank, L, Bryan, Gene, Olivia, Val, Serenity, Asher, Dani, Maddi, and Nadaje!
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