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Everything posted by Carebear1999

  1. I am really hoping they have Cait or NOIVAS as the leak video on next week.
  2. I get it, but honestly don't agree with it. Pop is such a broad term that encompasses so many artists and genres that it's kinda ridiculous to say in this day and age that anyone should "pick" a genre when music is so subjective in the first place Looking at the song choices they gave NOIVAS on this show proves that he can do almost anything, especially after @Someone648saying that he's gotten critical reception every time from the sources. The only thing he needs to win this show is probably a country song at this point.
  3. So everyone can see. He clearly stated Pop/Singer-Songwriter and it seemed to me that he was jokingly saying, "umbrella for I sing whatever I want" I defined what umbrella means from google - A term used to cover a broad category of things rather than a single specific item NOIVAS is a POP artist this photo can be found here btw
  4. And that's what NOIVAS is. He clearly said he was Pop when he responded to Hamza's message.
  5. You can place Kelly Clarkson in the same lane as NOIVAS if we're being honest... I feel as if he can sing anything. His voice fits it all. From Country to current Pop to Classic Pop to Rock to Blues to Folk to Old Soul. That's my opinion though, like you said.
  6. Pop/Singer-Songwriter. We were just talking about this in his Fan Page. His music if you listen to it on Spotify has Michael Jackson-esque sounds especially "Star Gazing" and "Dark Side of Me" is Pop/Rock. "Breathing Underwater" is a soulful ballad with John Legend/Adele undertones. Very good lane as far as I see...
  7. I can name 10 artists that NOIVAS could perform with/open for right now. There's definitely a lane.
  8. Watch there be no montages at all and all the speculation that we made was just that, speculation. Really hope TPTB are LISTENING. NO MONTAGES, PLEASE. Cause I want to see King Neil make love to that microphone the whole time during his battle vs. said microphone lol
  9. Someone mentioned before that NOIVAS did a rock version of Come Together. I think I’m interested in that one just because I’m curious to see how he sounds on it. Will it be Southern Rock style, Soft Rock style, or Heavy Rock style? Very very curious to see the whole aspect of this performance the most.
  10. Now that I REALLY think about it. Someone mentioned he did a very rock version of Come Together. I think I’m interested in that one just because I’m curious to see how he sounds on it. Will it be Southern Rock style or Heavy Rock style? Very very curious to see the whole aspect of this performance the most.
  11. Lol we’re you this same way when Cam Anthony was on the show? I think you’re counting out the Top 8 too early.
  12. Speaking of beautiful moments NOIVAS posted this today. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAwIX1OF_9/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
  13. I just looked it up, and it's a really good song. It's by Marvin Gaye from Motown. I see that James Taylor has a version of the song too which actually fits NOIVAS' style a lot. I think it could actually work for him!
  14. After looking back at the threads and what @Someone648 said about his audition, I really have a feeling that NOIVAS is going to be one of the best contestants that has ever been on The Voice. I saw that his loss on Idol was a major upset for people on both seasons and that this is really his moment to make a comeback. I usually have a good feeling about these things.
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