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Posts posted by gingerbread

  1. 2 hours ago, Misirlou said:

    Could be, but many of them are begging for a Kelly-Ariana duet so it´s less possible. John might get a pass because he dueted with her and is R&B. Blake will get the hate solely because he´s a male country singer. 


    I've already seen some Arianators ridiculing Kelly for even having stans at her age and calling her irrelevant. They only play nice when they don't think the other person's a threat. Once a Kelly stan says something or if Kelly says something on the show that they deem as a negative to their fav, they're not gonna hold back. 

  2. I gotta say, as someone who knows mandarin, that girl was pretty horrible at speaking it lmao. I forgot which Madison it was but one of them was talking about translating her songs from english to mandarin and being invited to sing in China or somethin but that sentence that came out of her mouth literally made no sense. The second hand embarassment I was feeling... 😂


    She basically said "Kelly likes to sing, and I like to sing, so I hope that together we can do very good sing song


    I guess no one on the production staff thought to double check what she said lol. Anyway it made me wonder how much of the stuff they say in the pre-packages are completely true. Cause if she couldn't even string together a basic sentence like that in mandarin, how the hell does she translate songs 😂

  3. 5 minutes ago, French20 said:


    and I am honored that you took the time to create an account just for me and on top of that you read my posts before creating an account, you became my first fan and on top of that thanks to me , the site now has one more member


    I will sign you an autograph when I have the time, there for the moment I have no more time to grant you, continue to be my first fan to read all my posts, kisses 🙂


    Well I guess in return for that promise of an autograph, the least I could do is to keep you in check whenever you try to pass off some falsehood as fact in order to suit your coach biases 😊 

  4. 1 hour ago, French20 said:

    the guy who quoted me, said he's been there for a long time = account created today, 1 post 🙂


    next time talk with your real account instead of hiding 🙂


    however, the next season starts tomorrow, FINALLY


    Reread my post with your 2 eyes 😀. I said I've been lurking here a long time (=no previous account), so YES I created an account just to quote you, you can feel honoured 😘. In return, I shall feel honoured that you went to see my profile 🥰.


    Also, in your long rant in the previous post you haven't actually replied to my main point which is that you falsely claim that S18 ratings went up because of Nick, which it did not. Seeing as you didn't reply to that, I guess that ends the discussion. Cheers 😚

  5. 16 hours ago, French20 said:


    the voice is a show that will never be exhausted for good, you just need to change one or two coaches every year and there will be fans of this new coach who will come and watch (like what happened with Nick for his first season, when Gwen replaced Adam the audiences went down, and when Nick replaced Gwen, the ratings went up super high)


    I've been lurking here long enough to know that you're the guy that likes to hate on Gwen for no reason and find any opportunity to throw shade her way and put her down so I usually just ignore your posts about her. But when you try to repeatedly tout this falsehood as fact, that's when I come in. I've seen you say this in almost every thread with Nick or Gwen and you think that Nick Jonas is some kind of God that draws in many millions of extra viewers but one simple wikipedia check will prove you wrong. 


    Season 17 Ratings Ep1 - Ep3: 1.7, 1.6, 1.5

    Season 18 Ratings Ep1 - Ep3: 1.5, 1.4, 1.5


    Ratings actually went DOWN from S17 to S18. While you're swimming in your pool of Gwen hate, don't forget that some of us know how to check for facts and are not afraid to call you out on it. 

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