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Posts posted by Cookie73

  1. 4 hours ago, Misirlou said:

    I did have hope he'd pull through, but at the same time figured it was a longshot after he didnt get PV with the performance he gave on Monday.


    I do find it imprssive that, considering his stats throughout the season, he never hit the bottom until this week. 

    He definitely seemed to survive through having good performances. But the Semis is where the less popular contestants tend to get eliminated, regardless of performance quality. There are many contestants that I’ve liked, but knew weren’t that popular their season despite never hitting the bottom and the low stats finally caught up to them in the Semis.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, FloorWax said:


    MTE :rofl:


    You can't use horrible song choices as an excuse for terrible pitch. Bella was one of my favorites pre-lives but both of her live performances were just a technical mess any way you look at it. Am I doubting that she could have delivered another great performance down the line? No, even Jim and Sasha had their decent moments, but she fell from grace so hard that I don't know how much she could've picked herself back up.

    Bella fell hard after her audition and battle. All I know is that there is no way she could have made the Semis with her decline. She could have reasonably gotten eliminated in T13, but some artists in the past have also made T10 despite poor Live performances.

  3. Two artists whose runs have some similarities, Hailey Mia and Corey Ward


    -Both made Lives on Team Kelly

    -Both were thrown into the wildcard and won

    -Both sang Arcade and a Lewis Capaldi song at some point during their runs

    -The first audition in both seasons was a Four Chair Turn that picked Kelly, and she brought both to the finale

    -Both technically had a second chance at the competition before their Wildcard (Hailey lost her battle and Corey returned after a no chair audition)


    The main difference between them was that their seasons had different Live formats (one with Team Quotas and one without Team Quotas)

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Hsamid said:

    Surprised no one has mentioned Mackenzie Thomas. She doesn't have the power in comparison to a lot mentioned here. But her range is pretty damn good, and I've yet to hear someone on the voice with better agility than her. She used runs so much yet it flowed so effortlessly with the songs and didn't feel misplaced or overdone. At least imo.


    Also for guys gotta nominate Davon Fleming and Patrique Fortson. They didn't deliver lives but their performances before that speak for themselves. Their range is insane, smooth af tones too.

    Davon definitely deserves a mention in here. He has a really impressive range for a man on the show. If you watch his prelives, you can easily make an argument for him to be in the thread. 

    Brooke Simpson also deserves at least one mention in here. She was another one of the best vocalists in Season 13. I mean, making the finale on two popular shows is impressive in itself.

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  5. All of these play a role


    Jordan had amazing pretaped rounds, while Joshua didn’t. A lot of people predicted Joshua as playoff fodder. People knew for a long time that Jordan was going to win the show. 


    Jordan was also the biggest vocalist his season and was able to get more casual appeal because of that. Joshua was in a season with Wendy, Paris and Jershika.


    Jordan is also technically a better vocalist than Joshua, since his performances were more impressive vocally


    I mentioned this in another thread, but Jordan picked songs that were really appealing the the demo as well. He sang a bunch of Christian songs in Lives to further the gap between him and his competitors. They both sang Queen and Broadway and were perfect choices for them, but the timing played a factor for one, since Jordan sang his Queen song in the Semis and Joshua sang his in the Top 11. Even within these, Jordan got the most popular songs, since Somebody to Love is a more popular Queen song than The Show Must Go On and The Sound of Music is a popular musical (and movie) from Minivan’s youth, while Dear Evan Hansen came out five years ago.

    Regardless, I really enjoyed both of their runs.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, AliXRose said:

    Hailey's "Traitor" >>> Hailey's "Jar of Hearts"


    It's wild to me that her PO wasn't enough to put her on the map. Or was WIWYM too much of a vote magnet to overcome ?

    It was probably When I Was Your Man, which was one of Jeremy’s only good song choices on the show. It also doesn’t help that Hailey didn’t have a lot of momentum going into Lives. Didn’t help that she was on the most difficult team that night

  7. 6 hours ago, season1 said:


    Blake didn't fodderize a couple of his KO steals before (S7 Craig and S8 Hannah). He even won with one KO steal in S7 (though CWB  was a "steal back").

    Blake was definitely different with his team pre-season 9. After that, he stuck with his original members almost all the time, with Chloe and Paris being the only two to survive playoffs without needing a wildcard, and both made finale.


    On that note, another worst strategic move was Miley trying to win with a female country singer, and pushing Ashland through over better performances (she picked her over Chloe’s Landslide performance, and then over Moriah, who everyone including Miley’s mother wanted in Miley’s T3). Ashland ended up getting eliminated in the T10 and left Miley with only one Semifinalist, when she had such a strong team post-blinds

    • Like 7
  8. 1 minute ago, Teraginn said:


    I'm sorry, but this is very inaccurate. TPTB was the one who came up with the idea of featuring his kids in his Semis performance. Todd didn't even know his family provided production with family photos to use for the video. 

    Thanks for the info, but I was really thinking more along the lines of Todd singing in front of his children in the video. 

  9. 5 hours ago, VintageVoice said:

    I thought I was the only one 😅

    Nope. I thought that was honestly more popular on here. Though that performance could have possibly been a factor in her winning the save (of course she needed to deliver in the save, but it helped that she had a good performance the night before that was still fresh in the viewers’ minds)

  10. 2 hours ago, Discovolcano said:

    I’ll just say from this season 


    top 3 best 

    1 Kelly steeling Hailey: (Kelly new that she’ll get a s*** tone of votes and she new exactly how to promote her. “ShEs OnlY 14”

    2 Jershika’s semis instant save song it is one of the only dare I say the only song that would get her more votes than Joshua) 

    3 Blake steeling Paris: (Paris gained a lot of momentum and a front runner status)


    top 3 worst

    1. Ari dropping Hailey: (even though the song first Raquel more, Hailey is pure voting material)

    2 John picking Shadale over Samuel: (I don’t know what John was thinking voting wise but Samuel would have been top 10-semis 

    3 Holly singing last dance: (As Ari’s only change for the final, bussing her was stupid)

    For once, Blake didn’t treat his Knockout steal like fodder. Though Paris probably had more momentum going into the Lives than most of them (a lot of the ones I liked lost both their battle and knockout). It helped that Blake didn’t have a male country singer in the Lives like in many seasons (including some where he had multiple)

  11. Joshua for sure. He went from being someone I didn’t pay much attention to to one of my favorites in Lives because of his consistency. 


    Hailey as well. I wasn’t a huge fan of her prelives but she had some really good performances in the Lives.

    Jershika as well. Her audition wasn’t her best but she had some really good performances in Battles/Knockouts and Lives. I’m very happy she’s in the finale.


    Lana was a contestant I didn’t really like at first, but then I liked some of her performances in the Lives


    I didn’t really care for Katie in the beginning, but I enjoyed her battle and knockout more, and she ended up getting eliminated because she moved to a stronger team.


    Paris is another contestant that I didn’t care for in the auditions, but I really liked him afterwards.


    I though I would lose interest in Gymani going into Lives but she had some really good performances in Lives and thought she deserved to last a bit longer.


    • Like 2
  12. Something else I just realized


    All 5 finalists were in a battle that resulted in a save or steal (3 won and 2 got stolen). This includes all 4 steals.


    Jonathan Mouton also went against both of Blake’s finalists in Battles and Knockouts



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  13. Jordan Smith doing Christian songs throughout the Lives was also very strategic because it really helped sell him to the audience and caused him to dominate as much as he did.


    On top of that, Somebody to Love was the performance that sealed the deal. It’s a song by Queen, which is one of the most difficult artists to cover, and their most gospel song. The producers also gave him a whole gospel choir in the background. Jordan also nailed that vocal, and it caused Adam to drop the mic on stage and it made him speechless. You could tell that he knew Jordan was going to win.

    • Like 3
  14. Jake Hoot “Desperado”- He was a frontrunner before this but this performance probably locked in the win. It’s a well known song and it also has appeal from people that aren’t country fans. Not to mention it was his best vocal performance in the Live Shows.


    Gyth Rigdon “God Bless the USA”- Possibly the most infamous strategic move. He knew that this song was going to get him a PV, regardless of the performance quality. Probably the biggest pander to the audience. It may have ended up slightly backfiring at the very end because his vocal could have cost him the win


    Todd Tilghman “Love Me”- This performance benefit from a remote setting, since Todd was able to feature his kids on the screen during the whole performance. He took advantage of Minivan’s obsession with children and the COVID setting in this performance. 


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  15. For Girl Named Tom, The Chain and Blowing in the Wind would be an ideal combination. Burning House would be another good choice for ballad.


    For Jershika Maple, Unbreak My Heart would be a great choice for her, since it really fits her voice.


    For Paris Winningham, Try a Little Tenderness would be great because of his rasp and energy. A lot of ballads could work for him though.


    I can’t really think of songs for Hailey and Wendy

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