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Posts posted by #jeah

  1. Natalie Pack


    Natalie Pack - Road to Miss USA 2012


    Queen behavior. I was definitely a Natalie fan on her season and found her to be a fun quasi-villain who imo could have even lasted a bit longer. She definitely had that natural model-like quality that not all the girls cast on the show have. She has a natural beauty and a body type perfect for photos and the runway. I mean jeez according to Google Natalie is 6'1. Taller than me!!!! How dare she!!! As for her time on the show...Natalie was on Cycle 12 and made it to 6th place, being the first contestant who made it overseas (this cycle was Brazil) to be eliminated. Natalie wasn't portrayed to be particularly likable...she had an arrogance that many of the other girls thought was offputting and definitely thought she had the competition in the bag. She was pretty consistent in her portfolio imo though definitely did not deserve to win as several girls were consistently stronger than her (the entire top 5 minus Aminat who I still adore). Natalie is also one of the few girls to never receive a makeover because Tyra thought she was ~perfect~ as is. Queue the increased arrogance from Natalie and jealousy from the other girls lol. Tbh I struggle to remember any specific house drama with Natalie but I just remember her being a fun villain. ALSO. Apparently after her elimination she blew up on Tyra and basically told her to f*ck off and that the show was rigged and they were making a huge mistake in letting her go or something. WHY didn't we get to see that! She would have been my all-time favorite contestant if we actually got to see that lmfao. Anyways. Natalie is definitely a lesser favorite of mine, so I'm sad to see her go, but she isn't a devastating loss or anything.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Solaris said:


    I think its a consistency thing, and in Anetras case I think outside of the talent show and the drag heaven infomercials she hasn't stood out.



    Mine overall now would be:


    1. Sasha

    2. Anetra

    3. Mistress

    4. Loosey



    So 2 out of 4 challenges? :haha: 

    Edit wait I can’t count, lol. My point is I don’t see how there’s an obvious top 3 at this point. Sasha seems to be the only obvious front runner rn, objectively speaking. Luxx was terrible in the Snatch Game and Mistress, while one of my favorites, hasn’t won a challenge yet.

  3. Allison Janney


    Oscar winner Allison Janney, 62, shows off her bare boobs in sheer NSFW  gown for racy new red carpet photos | The US Sun


    Okay Miss Thing, looking FIERCE in that picture! I think it's clear at this point that Allison has been a target of mine the last few rounds, and it's not because I don't like her! I think she's fabulous and I really enjoy her presence in whatever she's in. It's more that the group of actresses left is SO strong and she's someone that I was never really passionate about compared to most of the rest of the actresses left, so she kind of just became an easy repeat target for me. Allison Janney has done it all and won a plethora of awards for her work. She's well known for her time in The West Wing where she won four Emmy Awards. She won two Emmys as well for her role in the comedy series Mom so she's a comedy queen AND a dramatic actress. She finally got her well-deserved Oscar for her role in the movie I, Tonya, though I did personally think her role was a bit obvious and Oscar-baity imo. But queen deserved her Oscar so we aren't mad. She's been nominated for Tony's, won at the Golden Globes, BAFTAs, and more. A very impressive career and one that I do enjoy- I've loved her in The Help, Juno, Bombshell, American Beauty, and more. She's done voice acting, Broadway, TV and movies galore. A true talent!

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  4. The 40 minutes per episode runtime is ruining the season for me. :( There are a lot of talented queens here and we really aren't getting to see much of any of them. I completely forgot Robin was even on the season until she was standing on the runway getting critiques and then sashaying away tbh. But whatever I hope Todrick and all 5 of the viewers of his new show are happy.


    My best attempt at ranking the queens at this point:


    1. Mistress Isabelle Brooks - A shining star for me, her charisma is oozing through the screen

    2. Anetra - Maybe I just have a really big crush on him out of drag idk

    3. Loosey Laduca - Seems to be the most polished queen besides Sasha this season, I love what she's bringing to the show

    4. Sasha Colby - Mother. Still don't feel as connected to her as most but I tend to not be the biggest fan of the obvious frontrunners till after the season is over anyways lol

    5. Jax - No way she should have been in the bottom. Ru is sleeping on her. Best lipsync performance of the season so far for me

    6. Marcia Marcia Marcia - I continue to really like Marcia's aesthetic but she is a middle of the road bitch competition wise so far

    7. Luxx Noir London - I think the arrogance would work for her if it wasn't in literally every single soundbyte she gives us. It's a lil exhausting tbh.

    8. Malaysia Babydoll Foxx - Enjoy her but not learning enough about her

    9. Salina Estitties - Same with Malaysia. I'm still getting Diet Alexis Mateo from her.

    10. Aura Mayari - Same as Malaysia and Salina

    11. Spice - Really not feeling Spice overall. I want to like her (and Sugar) but I haven't connected with what they've given on the show. She was an easy bottom 2 for me this week, I hated her verse and background dancing during their number

    12. Robin Fierce - Who? :( 

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  5. Lisa Jackson


    Lisa Jackson. One of my favorite Lisa who have an amazing succesful career  and portfolio. : r/ANTM


    Quite possibly an unpopular cut here. I almost nominated Lisa during my round but thought it was too early for her to leave, but unfortunately from this list of nominations, a really easy cut for me. Lisa was on one of my personal favorite cycles, C9, and made it to 6th place and was the first overseas contestant to be eliminated. Lisa was easily in the top 3 models that cycle purely by overall portfolio, along with Jenah and Heather. No contest, those three were the top 3 that season. Many people think Lisa was robbed during her cycle and in some ways I agree but overall I didn't really have any problems with her placement. She was a FABULOUS model who took a lot of really good photos, but she seemed kinda whiny and had a bit of a victim complex in my opinion, so I didn't particularly enjoy her presence on the show. Having said that, her gargoyle photo? FIERCE. She had the look of a top model and it really showed. She's also apparently been a VERY successful model after the show which doesn't surprise me either. Anyways, out she goes. I could see someone bringing her back and I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.


    Save: Molly

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  6. Cory Hindorff


    Walking the Blurred Line


    Cory is someone that I like well enough, I think was a good presence on their season, a talented model, but out of this list of nominations I think is a pretty easy cut. (FYI: Cory identifies as nonbinary and uses he/she/they pronouns so I will be consistent and use they pronouns in this write-up) Cory was on Season 20, the first mixed-gender season of ANTM (and alas, not the last). Cory was a breath of fresh air in a season with too much testosterone, too many stupid showmances, and too many unlikable models. Cory was the voice of reason more often than not on their season and kept an extremely likable persona while delivering a pretty strong portfolio throughout the season. Cory made it all the way to the final three and was only beat out by Marvin (wtf?) and Jourdan. I think they would have made a decent top 2 contestant but Jourdan had that season on lockdown imo. Since the show, Cory has been a successful and fairly famous model, has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and just seems like a good noodle in my book. Still, not an iconic contestant by any means so easy cut for me.


    Save: Anya

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  7. Steve Martin


    Steve Martin Was A Mega Heartthrob Back In The Day | Steve martin, Actors,  Celebrities male


    I actually LOVE Steve Martin and only targeted him because there is NO way he is making the top 20. A primarily comedic actor as well as a very talented musician, Steve Martin is a very versatile talent who has really made quite the name for himself. Steve has won five Grammy Awards, and Emmy, and an honorary Academy Award for his work in the entertainment industry. My personal favorite Steve Martin roles are from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Father of the Bride/Father of the Bride 2, Cheaper by the Dozen, and the new Only Murders in the Building. He has a very unique brand of comedy, it's slightly deadpan and ironic but with a little bite to it. Idk how else to explain it lmfao. Experts call it "anti-comedy." Steve Martin is a legend who I really love, but I think this is a fair spot for him and the people have spoken!

  8. Anthony Perkins


    Tomorrow's Stars Yesterday: Anthony Perkins, 1957 | Golden Globes


    I recently saw Psycho for the first time ever just a couple months back and of course Anthony Perkins was amazing in it, so I've kind of left him alone all game. But we're at the point where I am basically a fan of everyone left to some extent so he was an easy name for me to put up. Anthony Perkins was an American actor best known for his role as Norman Bates in Psycho. That turned him into a pop culture phenomenon and he went on to create quite the legacy for himself. He often played characters who weren't incredibly masculine and straddled the line of femininity. This of course played over into his personal life, where rumors about his sexuality swirled his whole life. He was married to a woman but had relationships with men (including Tab Hunter) throughout his life as well. Unfortunately, he died at the age of 60 from AIDS-related complications, one of countless unfair deaths from HIV/AIDS. Anthony was an incredible talent with countless accolades but his time in the rankdown is done.

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