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  1. Happy Birthday, Mike! Hope you have a great day!!
  2. I'm getting a message that the video isn't available anymore.
  3. https://fb.watch/mkKBXMnjKQ/
  4. Yay!! I really like this song and have been playing the FB clip a lot. I can't wait to hear the studio version!
  5. I use the "end" key on my keyboard (near the insert/delete keys) to move to the bottom of the screen, and "page down" should also work.
  6. Welcome Avery!! Congratulations Scotty & Gabi!! You can say goodbye to sleep, but I know you'll be awesome parents!!
  7. Changing browsers works to get additional votes
  8. From Twin Falls County Fair FB comments: Becca Ann Burton Christie A Burton this crowd looks incredible!! Jordan Kaylonni Becca Ann Burton best crowd fair has ever had they announced
  9. There are quite a few songs on this FB account. It was cute when Scotty said he was touched they remembered TTWG. https://www.facebook.com/katie.l.traughber/posts/pfbid0NsbQv5opjwEF8PCoFxfKg9PcssmN2Lr95Wi9LEm9XQr1eBZ3PRBckdqrtat4ZBB8l It broke my heart not to be there tonight. Filer is my home town and my cousin's house is walking distance to the fairgrounds. I just couldn't get free for a trip back home from Illinois.
  10. Finally received the RadioTraks survey for new single today! The survey ends tomorrow morning so I was able to take it in time. Still favoring It Matters to Her as a single out of the three offered.
  11. Thanks! The only thing I found in my spam file was a three song survey from a "new country artist" which ended yesterday morning. All other surveys I've either completed or they've expired. Still, would have given It Matters to Her my vote as a new single.
  12. I favor It Matters To Her as well. I must have received a different RadioTraks email because there here wasn't a chance to review the three Scotty songs IMTH, Home, The Waiter. Was it in a separate email than the regular survey?
  13. I love IMTH but I noticed that in my Spotify album it is faded out and doesn't play and I can't click on it to get it to play. I can do a search and get it to play as a single, but for some reason it is not available on the album. I searched on Google and found that sometimes labels may be reserving the song? It made me think it might be considered as the next single. It has a great hook.
  14. So happy to see the Twin Falls County Fair in Filer, Idaho. It's my hometown! I live in Illinois now but it looks like a good time to take a trip back home for a visit.
  15. She's standing with the opener from Lafayette and the concession stand in the background looks like the one there, so I'm guess it's from the show on October 28th.
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