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Posts posted by Zoey

  1. 1


    Head of Household:

    Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Britney Godwin  - [X][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 15 X's, they will win the Head of Household. 

  2. 1-Samuel-Albert.jpg?w=3840&quality=75
    Samuel Albert | Top Chef: All Stars

    Samuel Albert was the winner of the tenth season of Top Chef: France. I haven’t seen the All Stars season so I did the fair thing and cut the first one out. It looks as though Samuel lost the very first elimination where the chef’s were given the ingredients from their finale dishes and asked to recreate their dish with those ingredients. It looks as though Samuel was eliminated during his original season and returned but I can’t find out how. I’m shocked Samuel left during the first episode as he cooked for ten hours solid to win his original season. 

    Save Vanessa.

  3. 5


    Eviction: Britney or Danielle

    Betty Yirsaw - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [Danielle][Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [Danielle][Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [Britney][Britney][Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][] - BRITNEY

    Rachel Reilly - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [Britney][Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]


    Jun - Britney


    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted.  The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.

  4. 4


    Eviction: Britney or Danielle

    Betty Yirsaw - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [Danielle][Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [Britney][Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [Britney][Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]


    Jun - Britney 


    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted.  The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.

  5. 3


    Eviction: Britney or Danielle

    Betty Yirsaw - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [Danielle][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]


    Jun - Britney


    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted.  The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

    Davie Rickenbacker from Survivor, Chanel Ayan from Real Housewives of Dubai, and Tasha Ghouri from Love Island UK are very unconfirmed speculated names. All three have disappeared from social media when usually active. Davie had recently followed Alan Cumming and Dorinda before disappearing. Ayan isn't promoting her new Housewives season. And Tasha last posted on airplane saying she was going to film something lol. But very unconfirmed as reality tv fan hasn't actually heard the latter two names directly.

    Three amazing names. :wub: 

    I’m hoping they just choose to get rid of Dorinda right away.

  7. 2


    Eviction: Britney or Danielle

    Betty Yirsaw - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [Danielle][Danielle][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [Britney][Britney][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [Britney][Britney][Britney][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][]


    Jun - Britney


    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted.  The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.

  8. 1


    Eviction: Britney or Danielle

    Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [][][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [Britney][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][]


    Jun - Britney


    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and write the name of the houseguest in the box. Once a houseguest received a majority of one of the nominee's name, they cast their vote for that nominee to be evicted.  The houseguest with the most votes will be evicted from Best Houseguest Ever.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Solaris said:



    Happy Daniel Bryan GIF by WWE



    @Zoey will be pleased

    I am but I’m extremely excited about the chaos that Mary is going to cause. :wub: She won’t be a traitor because she’s already a loose cannon and will be reading her fellow faithful’s to filth. :ohyeah:

  10. 3


    Power of Veto Ceremony:

    Betty Yirsaw - [X][X][][][][][][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will be the replacement nominee.

  11. 2


    Power of Veto Ceremony:

    Betty Yirsaw - [X][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will be the replacement nominee.

  12. 1



    Power of Veto Ceremony:

    Betty Yirsaw - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [X][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Jun Song - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Rachel Reilly - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Taylor Hale - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will be the replacement nominee.

  13. 5


    Power of Veto:

    Britney Godwin  - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X]

    Danielle Hendricks - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them.  If anyone else wins, there will be another round.

  14. 4


    Power of Veto:

    Britney Godwin  - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][X][X][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them.  If anyone else wins, there will be another round.

  15. 3


    Power of Veto:

    Britney Godwin  - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][X][X][X][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][X][X][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them.  If anyone else wins, there will be another round.

  16. 2


    Power of Veto:

    Britney Godwin  - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][X][X][][][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][X][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them.  If anyone else wins, there will be another round.

  17. 1


    Power of Veto:

    Britney Godwin  - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Cassandra Shahinfar - [X][X][X][][][][][][][][][]

    Danielle Hendricks - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Ika Wong - [][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Janelle Pierzina - [X][][][][][][][][][][][]

    Vanessa Rousso - [][][][][][][][][][][][]




    ROUND RULES (Please copy with your vote): 5 votes per day, 1 hour apart. For each vote, you can vote for 1 houseguest and put an X in their box. Once a houseguest received 12 X's, they will win the Power of Veto. If a nominee wins the Power of Veto, it will automatically be used on them.  If anyone else wins, there will be another round.

  18. 75732289-0-image-m-24_1695393284269.jpg
    Krishnan Guru-Murphy & Lauren Oakley | Strictly Come Dancing

    Krishnan Guru-Murphy took part in last years Strictly Come Dancing and was paired with Lauren Oakley. Krishnan is probably best known for Channel 4 News and presenting many shows across that station throughout the years. It was nice to see the human side of Krishnan as it isn’t something we usually see from a news reader and we saw a ton of personality from him whilst on Strictly. This was Lauren’s first year as a professional and I’d say she got a decent dance partner as the public seemed to enjoy their partnership throughout the series. Their best dances were probably their Couples Choice and Charleston which I enjoyed. I did prefer Krishnan to a few of the other celebrities so I was sad to see him go in eighth place but this is a good spot for them in the rankdown.


    Saving Angela & Kai.

  19. aj-pritchard-courtney-the-challenge-uk-1
    AJ Pritchard | The Challenge UK

    AJ Pritchard was cast for the first season of The Challenge UK which lasted five nights. AJ is probably best known for being a professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing. AJ had a decent season and won two eliminations, earned one win but eventually placed fourth with his partner. I can’t say I was that attached to AJ as he wasn’t the biggest character and how do you become invested with five episodes? AJ seems to have jumped from reality show to reality show since quitting Strictly so it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw him again in a rankdown sometime soon. 

    Saving Sammy.

  20. aj-pritchard-courtney-the-challenge-uk-1
    AJ Pritchard | The Challenge UK

    AJ Pritchard was cast for the first season of The Challenge UK which lasted five nights. AJ is probably best known for being a professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing. AJ had a decent season and won two eliminations, earned one win but eventually placed fourth with his partner. I can’t say I was that attached to AJ as he wasn’t the biggest character and how do you become invested with five episodes? AJ seems to have jumped from reality show to reality show since quitting Strictly so it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw him again in a rankdown sometime soon. 

    Saving Sammy.

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