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Posts posted by searomordep

  1. well, now it's available the tickets for all the rounds after the Blinds, and yeah they are keeping the exact same format from last year :( 


    The dates they are shooting the show are:


    May 13 - Callback 1

    May 14 - Callback 2

    May 25 - Ultimate Callback

    Jun 04 - Battle 1

    Jun 05 - Battle 2

    Jun 15 - Semifinal

    Jun 22 - Grand Final


    At least, with 3 days of shootings for the callbacks, it can mean that they are doing something bigger than one episode with everyone compiled all at once. It will probably be something like the knockouts used to be on channel 9.


    If they are really going to promote the season only after everything is recorded, we have an estimated date. The show is probably going to start on July or August.


    • Like 1
  2. Hey everyone, I forgot that I could look at the ticket registrations to see updates about the phases on the new season. 

    I just looked at it now and I saw that next May 13th they are recording a phase called “The voice Callback 1”. I guess that’s bad news, cause it could means that they’re keeping the awful format from last year with those callbacks cutting half the cast right after the Blinds.


    For a second I thought that maybe they already recorded another phase between those, since they recorded the Blinds like a month before those callbacks and I didn’t looked at the tickets registration before. But I guess I’m being too positive, right? I think we would’ve seen some images of the 

    shootings if that was the case :(


  3. One of the first sneak peeks of Season 10, was with the voice of Arlo Sim singing Somewhere Only We Know which happend only on The Semifinals

    One of the first sneak peeks of Season 11, was with the voice of Thando Sikwila singing Rise Up which happend only on Grand Finale


    So following Channel 7 pattern, they will only promote the new season, once the WHOLE show is recorded.

    That also means the new season will take a long time to start airing. I would guess we won't see it on May, and maybe not even on June.

    • Like 4
  4. Before the first eliminations, I'll do my unpopular ranking for the top 12

    *I didn't watch the top 12 performances yet, so I'm based on their journey


    1. & 2. Noora H & Josh Hannan (Every time I watch I change my mind about who I prefer)

    3. Phoebe Stewart

    4. Angelina Curtis 

    5. Amali Dimond

    6. Harry Hayden

    7. Ben Sheehy

    8. Maya Weiss

    9. Royston Sagigi-Baira

    10. Jasey Fox

    11. Anya Hynninen

    12. Sash Seabourne

  5. 1 hour ago, MateusSa said:

    Is my first season watching the whole season of Australian Idol, is hard to see something here in Brazil about but thanks this thread I was able to see

    there's a reddit forum where they post the episodes right after it airs

    I'm also from Brazil, and that is how I watch it

  6. 14 hours ago, thevoiceisthetop said:

    i'm rooting for Josh, Angelina, Noora, Peter

    Considering tonight's performances, Angelina definitely deserved more than Sara to me.

    I'm really happy with all the choices, and surprised about the quality on Australian Idol, the top 12 is incomparable.

    I think they could do endless live shows without eliminating anyone and I would watch it forever lol


    I miss Emilie Sutter though, I think she would be a great add to that top 12

  7. till now I'm really happy with the choices, I completely agreed with all the decisions and my personal favorites are going through.

    Tomorrow though is going to be a blood bath, I love everyone left to perform. I would go with Noora, Sara, Josh and Jasey but I'll be really sad to see Angelina and Peter go.

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