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Posts posted by Theleaguan

  1. On 9/13/2020 at 7:49 PM, David68 said:

    And she picked Kelly lolololol


    I'm still bitter about this lol. Kelly doesn't have a good history with black female singers over 30, like Sandy and Mary-Beth. She knows they wouldn't get her the W and she knows they can be stolen.

    I would have loved to see SandyRedd with Blake. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, Rach88 said:

    I think for us in Aus it's more of an 'out of sight, out of mind' thing. For all the controversy and backlash Chris got earlier this week, I think most people in Australia have already forgotten about it and moved on. 


    Unless Channel 9 want to create more 'drama' in order to stay relevant, I don't think they're planning on releasing results this week. 


    Maybe because you wanted to forget about it.

    I can't believe Chris won lmao, I checked out mentally from The Voice Aus after that, has there ever been a more underwhelming winner? 

  3. 11 hours ago, anonymouskid_35 said:


    It is actually 1 member per team. So only one of Tim and Johnny will be in the finale, our guess is it'd be Johnny, as he had been Guy's favorite all along, and since the coaches will pick their finalist, he'll pick him for sure.


    Oh then I guess it's Chris (although hoping Mark pulls the upset), Johnny, Siala and Stellar. I don't think I like the coach being able to pick down only 1 and then the fans vote lol. But, i guess this guarantees a quality artist. 

  4. I loved the Showdowns! 


    First, Wow! Mark was definitely a shocker pick. I expected Despina or Alex alongside Chris.


    Expected for Johnny and Timothy though. 


    I can see both Johnny and Timothy making to the finals if they pick good song choices.


    Stellar and Jesse were also expected for Delta, Clarissa was awesome though. 


    Team George was so good, it was honestly the first time I took notice of Siala, not my genre but she did good. Masha has a really nice voice and it was a good performance as well. Elyse is so good as well.


    Great top 8.


    My prediction for final 4 is:





  5. On 6/10/2020 at 8:51 PM, Theleaguan said:

    My favorites so far


    1- Adam Ludewig - Team Guy


    2- Stellar Perry - Team Delta


    3- Timothy Bowen - Team Guy


    4- Jesse Teinaki - Team Delta 


    5- Matt Gresham - Team Delta


    6- Masha Mnjoyan - Team Kelly


    7- Alex Weybury -  Team Kelly


    8- Angela Fabian - Team George


    9- Johnny Manuel - Team Guy


    10- Mark Furze - Team Kelly 



    My  absolute top 3: Alex Weybury, Johnny Manuel and Adam Ludewig. Can't pick my 1-3 ranking yet. 



    Well the order changed but glad my top 10 made it. I would say my new top 3 are : Timothy, Mark and Stellar. 

  6. Voice UK is terrible, I haven't been able to watch any season. The coaches seem bland, the interactions are bland, they turn at the last minute, boring boring boring. 


    1- Voice US. As far as entertaining TV show with most genuine LOL moments from me. Kelly, Blake, Nick, Gwen, John..All good chemistry.

    2- Voice Aus. As far as talent, although I would say there is a big gap between top tier talent, and some random talents get 3-4 chairs but they shouldn't even go in. 

    3- Voice Germany Kids. Great talent usually there.

    4- Voice Holland. Another show with usually all talent being really good.

  7. that's honestly the last season I'll watch if Guy is coaching.


    Every week I say he's horrible, but he just keeps getting worse. Wtf are those song choices? Adam and Johnny were handpicked by him beforehand to win, and he still couldn't chose good songs for them to shine. He's shit and horrible. I really hope they never bring him back next season. 

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Rach88 said:

    At the moment it's just rumours however I hope it's true too! But contestants have been posting old photos/videos so photos with Xy might be from the blinds or even just him hanging out with the contestants now that they've come back to Sydney. Sebastian Coe was featured heavily on other contestants' social media but obviously now we know he was eliminated.


    Side note: Xy Latu didn't make this but he did repost it onto his IG page - I'm sure he felt this way too! 😅





    lmao I'm so happy people aren't afraid to call out Guy's crap. He screwed Elyse over as well and he knows it. 

  9. 1 hour ago, anonymouskid_35 said:

    Yeah, I got the chance to talk to Mason, and he told all of the happenings that were showed in the tv, is what really happened in the show. He said that he just wanted to explain that he can be what they want him to be, and others took it just bad and made him sound like rude, when in fact, Guy's should be the one to blame.


    I am reading the comments on FB, and I gotta say, Guy's a favorite of them, they're defending him continuously 😂


    What the f?

    Anyone with two functioning brain cells could tell Mason wasn't rude but Guy just wanted attention and was rude. Horrible coach. Cheater. Arrogant and terrible arrangements and song choices for his artists. 

    • Like 5

    No one should sing a Michael Jackson song on the voice anymore. This guy blew everyone's minds.




    Max Boyle put that song to rest and no one will come close to doing any Billie Eilish as good as he did here. What a breakout moment

    He released his studio version recently




    This is from TVSA and been watching this performance over and over....





    Does anyone how she's able to do that vocally? Holy shit that's impressive. 




    Not sure her best one though. This was impressive as hell ^



    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, B-B said:

    Bukhu was robbed ugh. I hate Guy


    He's also quite rude, I didn't like what he said to Mason Lloyde. What an arrogant mess of a coach. I hope Johnny gets stolen before the lives cause i see Guy not making the finals again. 



  12. My favorites so far


    1- Adam Ludewig - Team Guy


    2- Stellar Perry - Team Delta


    3- Timothy Bowen - Team Guy


    4- Jesse Teinaki - Team Delta 


    5- Matt Gresham - Team Delta


    6- Masha Mnjoyan - Team Kelly


    7- Alex Weybury -  Team Kelly


    8- Angela Fabian - Team George


    9- Johnny Manuel - Team Guy


    10- Mark Furze - Team Kelly 



    My  absolute top 3: Alex Weybury, Johnny Manuel and Adam Ludewig. Can't pick my 1-3 ranking yet. 


    lol reading all about the potential drama concerning Guy is interesting. Why does TV Aus always bend the rules? Delta's been mostly guilty of this, now Guy. I someties hope a lot of stuff is scripted into the show by TPTB and the coaches aren't being stupid.


    Like getting upset over someone calling her "beautiful" was cringe. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Randompersonhere said:


    Max really slayed that song. He won that KO vs Katie IMO. Arguably the biggest break-out performance in The Voice history.


    he went from a 6 to a 9 real quick. 


    Kennedy recently released this, not sure if I saw it here, but loved it. 



    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Dalton Eduardo said:


    The Live Playoffs was the only round he performed last. If there's someone who was pimped real hard this season, that is Thunderstorm. From the pre-taped rounds, he usually performed on pimped spots. Todd was never pimped except during the playoffs and he ended first during the finals. I think we should stop thinking that he is pimped so much by TPTB because Thunderstorm was the clear TCO from the very beginning yet he failed to win (he even closed the finale night). Todd was never leaked while Thunderstorm was leaked at least twice.


    He wasn't as pimped as Thunderstorm, but closing the playoffs when he's the clear favorite on Blake's team, the good home production he had and his original song. If you're on team blake and get all that. I mean the top 9 with his family next to him sealed the deal. Toneisha had her instant save, closing multiple times, and big pitches from all coaches. 


    For Thunderstorn: He would have done better in a longer season consistently delivering and being the best, like he always was. Nick could have pitched for him more. 


    Wana talk about ZERO pimp? Micah. 

  15. 27 minutes ago, Archanium said:


    Katie was more polarizing, but she was more popular. She always got the most views on FB iirc, while Tstorm was always behind Todd and Toneisha in views (not counting his leaked performances). 


    No not on youtube, maybe FB they got more views, Tstorm always had them beat except in the finale night for some reason. And it wasn't really close in playoffs and top 9. 

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