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Posts posted by indii

  1. 1 minute ago, movieguy40 said:

    And what about Hollywood Anderson, Chloe Channel, and Layla Spring? If Nick Merico didn’t make it, I wonder where and how he messed up in Hollywood Week.

    Once again, take with a grain of salt, but none of these three have indicated to make Top 40.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Someone648 said:

    I'll look in more detail through those later tonight. Thanks for the info!

    I looked through Jakeob but I'm not seeing anywhere where that's actually his name? He's just luvjdm everywhere lol. Regardless, I do agree that he seems the most likely to be in with his recent post from Universal. Although he appears to be a SoCal native with all his Disney pictures too. 

    Looked through his tagged posts, saw a video he did background vocals in, checked the description on youtube, and his name came up. Looked up his name on youtube, and it matched up with 2 other videos with him in it. Although he may still go by luv,jdm; but I'm not entirely sure.

  3. 3 minutes ago, TeamAudra said:

    Even though there’s no smoking gun, I’m pretty sure this dude is still in. He was on Songland and write a song for Hello Sunday. 

    He probably needs this for tomorrow’s KO taping. 


    He's very likely still in. A few days ago he had a story that said "I'm so grateful for what I'm doing right now but I miss Atlanta." In addition to one or two stories I remember seeing with a little bit of the hotel headboard in them.

  4. 3 hours ago, Someone648 said:

    If I remember correctly, Zach Day had a show a day or two before battles, which would've kept him out.


    Thank you for the tip on Megan Danielle! Other than the follows and her most recent photo appearing to be outside of a hotel (not necessarily the contestant's hotel), there's nothing that I can tell that points to her being either in or out, but she's definitely a great catch. 🙂

    Megan Danielle Instagram | Youtube

    That's what I was going by. Might not be the most reliable spoiler, but I've seen two views of the hotel on the outside, one from Cedrice's story a week or two back, and another from La'mon Junior's post from back in October. Both seemed to match up.


    Anyways, one more name I thought had a pretty good chance of being in is Chelle Sue.


    EDIT: I have a few new names, one of which, for reasons I can't specify, I am fairly confident in being in. This name is Jakeob Burlingame.

    Other names I had on my list were Roderick Chambers, Danelis Giselle, and Joey Busse.

  5. 2 hours ago, Someone648 said:

    Yes, Gigi would have to had lost her battle since she's been posting from home (although granted, if there's a mistake on the list of chair turners in the first place - Gigi's the most likely one since we only have one photo of her as proof).

    I know Paris Simone has been posting from home so I'd assumed she was out, but I don't recall anything from her before the battles so she'll be one that's gonna have to wait until she shows up in a promo or doesn't reveal on reveal day.

    I have more proof than the picture that Gigi's made it to the battles. By stories I'm pretty sure she was eliminated during the battles, though.

  6. Kailey Abel just posted from the hotel, she's in.


    Think that makes the list of likely chair turners

    - Arei Moon

    - Brandin Jay

    - Cedrice Webster

    - Jamal Corrie

    - Joanna Serenko

    - Joei Fulco

    - Kailey Abel

    - Micah Iverson

    - Michael Williams

    - Samantha Howell

    - Tate Brusa

    - Todd Michael Hall

    - Todd Tilghman

    - Toneisha Harris

  7. Just bumping this for that last half:

    If the whole 5 people out for a late breakfast thing isn't a ruse, then we can count in:

    Joei Fulco

    Jon Mullins

    Toneisha Harris

    Todd Michael Hall

    Todd Tilghman


    -They would've all had to have had their battles on day 1 if they could make it to Denny's in the middle of the second day of battles taping

    -Not sure about Joei's age exactly, but at least the other 4 seem to be among the older (30s and up) crowd, so it's plausible they're all hanging out.

    Happy to see TMH in!

  8. Jamal Corrie posted from the hotel room this morning. Both photos from the story are definitely in there. Probably a day 2 battle if he's not at the lot?

    He posted something saying he has something very important tomorrow and that people should pray for him. Probably has his battle tomorrow, then.

  9. -Arei Moon seems to be in as well based off her headboard.

    She had something yesterday on her story that had me thinking she was in (can't remember what it was) but now with the headboard in her story, it seems likely that she's in.


    -Brandin Jay's story has a part in his story where he's pointing at the TV/something about cartoons. The TV stand looks like the hotel rooms. I was gonna compare it to Cedrice's story from yesterday, but sadly the part where she showed it is expired. Strongly leaning towards Brandin being in, but I want to compare it to the furniture in another photo first.

    I compared the stories at the time it was posted, and yes, they’re the same rooms.

  10. Based on posts/stories

    - Todd Tilghman is very likely in (has said he’s leaving town for “personal matters”, hotel headboard matches up)

    - Micah Iverson may also be in (hotel headboard matches up)

    - Gigi Hess also is most likely in, headboard matches up her story and recently followed by Micah Iverson

    - Arei Moon may also be in (hotel headbord matches up)

    - Cedrice Webster is basically 100% in. Very clearly in the hotel.

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