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Posts posted by tshe.ring

  1. (Adam Lambert?)


    okay, I can’t find India’s version. Could someone post?


    re Amber, agree, not her best. For me, a little too major key, a little too public /perform-y.

    Not dissing Amber...she’s great on did-me-wrong songs, but maybe not for do-me-right songs? Anyway, I don’t believe her. I know it’s a commercial enterprise but Rihanna sings it, when Adam L sings it, you believe the damn words.

    Just me...


    Sorry, I found India and Clinton! Wow, I forgot how good a singer India is, and how beautiful. And Clinton is a good foil for her on this. 

  2. (Not asking in voice of outrage) Why could AI bring Aliana Jester’s father to Hawaii but not Sam Diaz’s grandmother? Does anyone know? (Nothing against Aliana or family at all!) Of course it could be it wasn’t possible from the grandmother’s side...

    Plz add me thank you

  3. On 3/31/2020 at 7:31 AM, Someone648 said:

    So the 4-way knockout:

    Samantha Howell

    Michael Williams

    Nelson Cade III

    Todd Michael Hall


    Who are y'all betting on?

    I’d like to see Nelson, then Samantha.

    I’m not sure Michael needs to show up (no offense to him).

    But in terms of actually winning it, probably TMH.

  4. 7 hours ago, indii said:

    Lmao I accidentally voted Senorita for best performance, ignore that.

    1. Toneisha Harris vs. Jacob Daniel Murphy

    2. Darious Lyles vs. Nelson Cade III

    3. Micah Iverson vs. Gigi Hess

    4. Mandi Castillo vs. CammWess

    5. Cam Spinks vs. Kailey Abel

    6. Tate Brusa vs. Anders Drerup

    Gaw, I was thinking about Mandi Castillo and then did the same. 😇

    Vote me Darius Lyles vs Nelson Cade III


    (Didn’t think I would post on this forum at all this meh season.)

  5. Just to say, that maybe the question phrasing should be, ...resume when it is medically safe to do so...


    because economically, I don’t think we have any idea what that will look like, even in a month. Not being cynical, just wondering, because, will they pay crew, band, stylists, etc., for down time, or lay everyone off and then... how would it work?

  6. Top Top

    Sam Diaz    

    Francisco Martin



    Jovin Webb (although I think his song choice showed his limited vocal range),

    Jonny West (but I think he won’t make the cut to top 10 in favor of Louis. I think Louie may already be tco for vulnerable good-looking hurt singer-songwriter boy)


    What to Say

    Amber Fiedler Amber’s got a great voice, but that was not good 



    Nick Merico

    Camryn Leigh Smith



  7. Unpop:

    Max had one of the top 3 performances of the night.

    Joana's performance was underrated

    I actually enjoyed Katie tonight. :o.


    Came here to say exactly this. :yes:


    Max :wub: Joana :w00t:

    and Katie’s performance was, pristine.



    Didn’t love Gracee’s performance but her performance made me kinda love Gracee (and want to hear more) if that makes sense...



    We’ve heard Myrical before. I would totally swap Marina for her



    Ricky B, just a question: Is he actually pretty good? Am I naive or are there a 1000 of him in Las Vegas bars across the US and Canada?

  8. Actually I started to think that he is Blake's main guy when Blake gave him a song that benefited him more than his opponent (Marina) in the battle round.


    Actually I think Blake was disadvantaging (is that a word?) (disbenefitting) Marina: the tired song, the 1940s euro hair, the presentation. Blake couldn’t deny, imo, how good she was/is, but it gave him a basis for not keeping her.


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