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Posts posted by hayden98

  1. I know it's relevant to the thread, but holy moly. If someone objects to someone touching them or kissing them, they should confront the person and just say knock it off. If they continue, then that's another story, but folks these days will make mountains out of molehills. I don't like that this culture wants everyone to go away when they've committed the slightest transgression. It's overkill and extremely boring.

    Cancel Culture is the worst.

  2. 01.) Janet Carbin

    02.) Noura Salman

    03.) Kellee Kim

    04.) Karishma Patel

    05.) Dean Kowalski

    06.) Elaine Stott

    07.) Jamal Shipman

    08.) Jason Linden

    09.) Lauren Beck

    10.) Tommy Sheehan

    11.) Vince Moua

    12.) Aaron Meredith

    13.) Missy Byrd

    14.) Molly Byman

    15.) Chelsea Walker

    16.) Jack Nichting

    17.) Tom Laidlaw

    18.) Ronnie Bardah

    19.) Elizabeth Beisel

    20.) Dan Spilo

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