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About DiFan

  • Birthday 11/08/1989

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    Las Vegas, NV

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  1. Democrats in Trump's America. Not really hard for voters to understand.
  2. I'm sure you said the same about Barack Obama and all of the times he went out golfing. All the comments he had on the right leaning media, too.
  3. Hopefully this virus puts things in perspective for the "open border" supporters on the left. With people crossing borders illegally that have various diseases and unvaccinated migrants. Maybe the money and resources that are wasted can go to the homeless in various countries instead. I won't hold my breath though.
  4. Not when you're taking choice away from the American people, Medicare For All is a great example of that as well. What happens to the students that took responsibility and paid off or are close to paying off their student loans? They get screwed. I don't see how or why people who don't go to college are somehow responsible for other students loans and debt.
  5. Tulsi is the only one I like out the Democrats. If Bernie wins the nomination the best thing he could do (IMO of course) is choose her as VP. Because there are Trump supporters that actually like her.
  6. We aren't Europe though. There's also a difference between giving to a go fund me page by choice and being forced to pay for "free" healthcare and "free" college with higher taxes. The tax cuts helped a lot of Americans too, despite what people on the left say.
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