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Posted (edited)

Best Blind Audition - 
Best Battle - 
Best Knockout - 
Best Playoff - 
Best Live performance -
Best performance of the season? - 
Most underrated performance/contestant? - 
Best female contestant - 
Best male contestant - 
Best contestant overall - 

Most attractive contestant? - 
Most unique and versatile contestant? - 
Most improved contestant? - 
Most consistent contestant? - 
Most robbed contestant? - 

Best high notes? - 
Best low notes? -
Best vocal moment? -


Best song choice? -
(you can add more if you want)

Edited by allistr

Best Blind Audition - Cameron - The way we were

Best Battle - Austyns/Jose - Lay me down

Best Knockout - Sofronio - you don't have to say you love me

Best Playoff - Austyns - Adore

Best Live performance - Sofronio - If I can Dream

Best performance of the season? - Austyns - Adore


Most underrated performance/contestant? - J. Paul

Best female contestant - Shye

Best male contestant - Sofronio

Best contestant overall - Sofronio

Most attractive contestant? - Beya

Most unique and versatile contestant? - I feel like this should be 2 different questions.. Versatile is probably JanDan lol, but I'd give uniqueness to Shye or Cam

Most improved contestant? - G.G Zabosky

Most consistent contestant? - Sofronio

Most robbed contestant? - Austyns 

Best high notes? - Aliyah
Best low notes? - Shye
Best run? - I'm assuming best run and not vocal agility, right? Sofronio for the former, Cam the latter.


Best song choice? - so many to choose from, but my favorites are


Love and war

Send in the clowns



The way we were


(you can add more if you want)

  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, Hsamid said:

Best run? - I'm assuming best run and not vocal agility, right? Sofronio for the former, Cam the latter.


Oh, I just copied from the last season, now I just changed it into "best vocal moment"

  • Like 1

Best Blind Audition - Cameron Wright, "The Way We Were"

Best Battle - Austyns Stancil v. José Luis, "Lay Me Down"
Best Knockout - Sofronio Vasquez, "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me"
Best Playoff - Adam Bonahan, "Think I'm In Love With You"
Best Live performance - Shye, "Falling"
Best performance of the season? - Shye, "Falling"
Most underrated performance/contestant? - Adam Bonahan 
Best female contestant - Shye
Best male contestant - ... will y'all hate me if i say adam again 
Best contestant overall - Shye

Most attractive contestant? - Austyns Stancil and Camryn Brooks

Most versatile contestant? - Jan Dan
Most unique contestant? - Kay Sibal
Most improved contestant? - Adam Bonahan
Most consistent contestant? - Christina Eagle
Most robbed contestant? - Aliyah Khaylyn

Best high notes? - Cameron Wright, "The Way We Were"
Best low notes? - Edward Preble, "Send in the Clowns" 
Best run? - Shye 


Best song choice? (based on arrangement, unpredictability and general enjoyment...)

Blinds: "Superman (It's Not Easy)"

Battles: "Never Tear Us Apart"

Knockouts: "Colors" (h/m to "Send in the Clowns")

Playoffs: "Dust in the Wind" (h/m to "I Am Not Okay") 

Semifinals: "Pretty Wings" (though the performance wasn't his finest)

Finale: "One of Us"

14 minutes ago, allistr said:


Oh, I just copied from the last season, now I just changed it into "best vocal moment"

Ah, in that case probably Cameron's 19 second note. Hm to Austyns 10 second squal transition to falsetto in adore and Kay's blind audition scatting


For more subtle moments, Shye ended her audition beautifully.

  • Like 1

Best Blind Audition - Austyns
Best Battle - Never Tear Us Apart
Best Knockout - Dance With My Father
Best Playoff - Adore
Best Live performance - Falling
Best performance of the season? - Falling
Most underrated performance/contestant? - Perfect Combination
Best female contestant - Shye
Best male contestant - Austyns
Best contestant overall - Shye

Most attractive contestant? - Georgia
Most unique and versatile contestant? - Shye
Most improved contestant? - Camryn
Most consistent contestant? - Sofronio
Most robbed contestant? - Austyns

Best high notes? - Austyns
Best low notes? - Shye
Best vocal moment? - Austyns "Adore"


Best song choice? - Dance With My Father


Best Blind Audition - Danny

Best Battle - Jose vs Austyns

Best Knockout - Probably Danny

Best Playoff - Jeremy

Best Live performance - Shye

Best performance of the season? - Shye-The Joke

Most underrated performance/contestant? - Tate's BA audition with Hurricane.

Best female contestant - Shye

Best male contestant - Danny 

Best contestant overall - Shye


Most attractive contestant? - Georgia

Most unique and versatile contestant? - Probably Shye?

Most improved contestant? - Adam

Most consistent contestant? - Danny

Most robbed contestant? - Gail or Jose Luis 


Best high notes? - Austyns

Best low notes? - Edward on his KO

Best vocal moment? - Jeremy's ending on his PO


Best song choice? - Send in the Clowns

3 hours ago, Misirlou said:

Most underrated performance/contestant? - Tate's BA audition with Hurricane.

> tate's blind audition audition 

18 hours ago, allistr said:

Best Blind Audition - Danny
Best Battle - Danny vs Deon
Best Knockout - Jose 
Best Playoff - Austyns 
Best Live performance - Shye- the joke
Best performance of the season? - Danny vs Deon 
Most underrated performance/contestant? -Mary 
Best female contestant - Shye
Best male contestant - Danny
Best contestant overall - Danny

Most attractive contestant? - idc
Most unique and versatile contestant? - Jan
Most improved contestant? - I don’t think improvements ever happen (expect Rachel Mac) just better song choices and trying harder 
Most consistent contestant? - Sofronio I guess  
Most robbed contestant? - Austyns 

Best high notes? - Austyns 
Best low notes? - Jakes audition 
Best vocal moment? - Jeremy’s audition falsetto 


Best song choice? - Danny’s IS relative to his position because it let him soar when he needed to for voted


Posted (edited)

Best Blind Audition - Shye
Best Battle - Frankie vs. Gabrielle
Best Knockout - tie between Sofronio and Austyns
Best Playoff - Jeremy
Best Live performance - Shye's SF and ballad
Best performance of the season? - Falling 
Most underrated performance/contestant? - Cassidy
Best female contestant - Shye
Best male contestant - Sofronio
Best contestant overall - Shye

Most attractive contestant? - Felsmere and Georgia
Most unique and versatile contestant? - Jan Dan for versatility, Shye for uniqueness
Most improved contestant? - G.G
Most consistent contestant? - Shye
Most robbed contestant? - Aliyah and Cassidy

Best high notes? - Austyns
Best low notes? - Shye
Best vocal moment? - Jeremy's ending in PO


Best song choice? - 


in term of audience power, Dance With My Father for Austyns

in term of unpredictability, Dust in the Wind for Jan Dan

in term of newer song choices: Superman (It's Not Easy), Colors, Send In The Clowns, betty, Love and War

Edited by allistr
Posted (edited)

I don't feel like trolling this time.


Best Blind Audition - Shye

Best Battle - Frankie vs Gabrielle

Best Knockout - Sofronio 

Best Playoff - Aliyah

Best Live performance - Shye's "The Joke"

Best performance of the season? - "The Joke"

Most underrated performance/contestant? - Katie O. and all of her performances

Best female contestant - Shye

Best male contestant - Sofronio

Best contestant overall - Shye


Most attractive contestant? - Aliyah overall. But for men?? Eh, i guess Tanner. 

Most unique and versatile contestant? - it bothers me a lot that these are combined in one question when one has nothing to do with the other. But anyway

Unique: Shye 

Versatile: Jan Dan??

Most improved contestant? - Gabrielle

Most consistent contestant? - Austyn for the ones that made it to Top 20. For the finalists, yeah, Sofronio.

Most robbed contestant? - Katie O.


Best high notes? - Austyn

Best low notes? - Shye?? Idk

Best vocal moment? - i can pinpoint an specific moment so let's say that Aliyah's "I Have Nothing" is full of vocal moments that i enjoyed.


Best song choice? - "The Joke" 


Worst coach ever? - Reba, definitely

Edited by Gustavo527

Best Blind Audition - Aliyah

Best Battle - Danny vs. Deion

Best Knockout - Austyns

Best Playoff - Aliyah

Best Live performance - Sofronio - Cryin'

Best performance of the season? - I Have Nothing - Aliyah

Most underrated performance/contestant? - Alison Elena - BA

Best female contestant - Shye

Best male contestant - Sofronio

Best contestant overall - Sofronio


Most attractive contestant? - Aliyah

Most unique and versatile contestant? Shye 

Most improved contestant? - Jaukeem

Most consistent contestant? - Sofronio.

Most robbed contestant? - ???


Best high notes? - Sofronio

Best low notes? - Edward

Best vocal moment? - Aliyah - I Have Nothing or Danny/Deion - Man's World


Best song choice? - Dance With My Father or The Impossible Dream

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