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IDF scores Dancing with the stars contestants dances and gives them a new average

Luke Kryszewski

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We will be scoring all the dancing with the stars contestants dances on a (1-10) scale bases the highest score they can get is 30 or 40 depending on the season and then after all of their dances we will have their average and I will show you the scores they get from us every week and at the end of the seasons I will show you guys the ranking of all of the dancing with the stars contestants averages so they will be ranked  out of all seasons I will also rank them in their own season as well  I will usually give you guys like 4 days to score each dance maybe 5 if you really need more time . I know this might not sound like a exciting game but I would love to do this we will start with Kelly Manaco’s first dance the waltz tomorrow let me now what you guys think!


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