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Star Wars: Return of the Jedi™ - Gamorrean Guard™ Legends in 3-Dimensions  Bust


We first see the Gamorrean species (race? alien?) working as a guard at Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi. An iconic character design. They tend to wield long weapons like axes or halberds. They are never named in that movie. One gets eaten by the Rancor and some others are present when Luke blows up Jabba's ship. Later some Gamorreans are seen in Book of Boba Fett who allegedly used to work for Jabba and then help out Boba once he takes over the territory. They are non-verbal but have a striking appearance and play their part of grunting strongman well. Are the Gamorreans in Book of Boba Fett the same ones from Return of the Jedi? I just watched a Youtube video called "Every Character That Survived Jabba's Barge Explosion" and it turns out that one Gamorrean survived! But there are 2 in Book of Boba? Did more survive or did the one that survived just recruit a buddy who wasn't working for Jabba? No one knows. One source I see says that there were 9 Gamorreans working for Jabba at one point. So maybe one of them got eaten by Rancor, and between 1-7 died on the barge. 


So that's the Gamorrean summary but this is about a SPECIFIC Gamorrean named Thok that I added to the game. As we've discussed previously, pretty much 100% of the background characters in the original trilogy developed some sort of Extended Universe backstory and the Gamorreans are no exception. Two of the guards working for Jabba were later given the names Thok and Gorc. Brothers. They had this unique ability to burp a fireball after drinking a certain alcohol lol. BUT it turns out that Thok was actually also force-sensitive. Before the events of Return of the Jedi (I think) Thok was captured on a mission for Jabba and ended up in a prison. Due to his force potential, he was located and found by my girl Arden Lyn, who was working for Palpatine and recruited Thok for her mission to take out the main rebel alliance members (Luke, Han, Leia, etc. basically the main movie characters and Wedge), which was actually a cover for her true mission to overthrow Palpatine. Thok is a playable character in the fighting video game that fleshes all that out. Honestly, choosing a Gamorrean for a fighting video game was sick. He fit in while still adding something unique from the other characters. But yeah Arden Lyn's little games did not play out thanks to her colleague Mara Jade who sniffed out Arden Lyn's treachery. So Arden Lyn and Thok had to disappear into the night and Thok ended back up at Jabba's place. 


In the end, Palpatine hunted down Arden Lyn and executed her himself, so it's likely that had Thok survived the Barge explosion he would have met a similar fate. But based on the EU canon, Thok did indeed perish in the Barge explosion so that loose end for Palpatine became moot. HOWEVER... this is Disney canon now. Maybe the two Gamorreans who are in Book of Boba Fett are Thok and Gorc! Maybe They will flesh out the characters more, and add elements from other Star Wars EU story! More likely however, Gamorreans will never be seen again in any capacity! Time will tell.


Save Biggs

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According to the wookieepedia, her gender is "feminine programming" and her pronouns are she/her. I'm sorry but which lewser in a galaxy far far away created gender for droids???? Shouldn't they all have bigger issues to worry about than giving a droid feminine programming?! R4-P17 is seen in Episodes 2 & 3. I also vaguely remember her in Lego Star Wars as the alternate R2 droid to R2-D2 who can also do R2-D2 things lol. She worked closely with Obi-Wan until she was destroyed by buzz droids during the Battle of Coruscant. No shade to R4-P17, but when you think of deaths in Episode 3 she does not come to mind. She's fine and all, just doesn't have nearly the personality of R2-D2. I feel like a more modern Star Wars story would've tried to create a cringy relationship between R2 and R4 or something lol.


Save Dexter

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Apologies to Obi-Wan, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut two allies of his who both died in episode three. When I saw the picture at first, I thought it was one of the creatures either Obi-Wan, Anakin, or Padme was riding in Attack of the Clones when they were all imprisoned and then the big battle happened and Jango Fett died. But is appears Boga did not come from the battle as she's not in episode two. Obi-Wan rode her on his way to confront General Grevious. Honestly, she must've really slid under the radar in this game or something. There's a lot of irrelevant characters in this game, but she really might take the cake. And that may be ironic considering my save, but Frog Lady is an ICON. Unfortunately for Boga, she was killed during the infamous Order 66. But once again, not the most heartbreaking death to come from that order.


Save Frog Lady

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Yaddle | StarWars.com


Here she is, in all her glory, clearly blazed out of her mind. She is obviously the same species as Yoda and Grogu. But there is no name for the species. I think those 3 are the only members of this species that we are aware of. And all are force sensitive! We see Yaddle in the background in Episode I as part of world building blah blah oh look there are more Yodas and one's a girl blah blah. But she is mysteriously removed from all other prequel movies. I feel like I once read an article explaining that they removed her... okay I found it. Remember when I talked about them removing that long neck guy from the Jedi Council background scenes? They also removed Yaddle at that point. I don't know the exact reason, but she was replaced with Shaak Ti who looks WAY cooler and is still in our game as far as I remember. Maybe they thought Yaddle made Yoda less unique, idk. Before Disney came along Yaddle was given some backstory and had a comic or something that showed her death where she sacrificed herself to save Obi Wan or something like that. Disney made that comic unofficial and brought her back for the 6 episode miniseries Tales of the Jedi. She was in episode 4 and the gets murdered by Count Dooku. Ouch. I guess it's inevitable that all the prequel Jedi have terrible endings but they brought her back just to kill her off smh. And don't get me started on why Count Dooku is the literal worst, that write-up will come later.


Save L3-37

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Is Pateesa a flaky and crispy dessert with wafer like layers that simply melt in your mouth? Not quite...  (it is in North India). But in Huttese language it means 'a friend'. That's a cute name for a male Rancor! I never realized he had an actual name until now lol. He was Jabba's pet used as an execution tool, and was kept in a chamber beneath the throne room in Jabba's palace on Tatooine. He was tamed and cared for by Malakili. We met him in Return of the Jedi, when he ate Jabba's dancer Oola for a snack and wanted to consume Luke Skywalker as a main course, however was eventually killed by the Jedi, who crushed his body with a heavy door. Ouch. Rancors always terrified me when I played Jedi Academy game, so I guess it's only fitting for me to get over my trauma from the past and cut Pateesa.


Supreme Chancellor Valorum

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Migs Mayfield



Migs Mayfeld served as a sharpshooter in the Imperial Army, and then left the Empire to become a mercenary and worked for the criminal Ranzar Malk. Migs was selected by Malk as the leader of a team on a mission to rescue the Twi'lek criminal Qin aboard the Bothan-5. He encountered Din Djarin during that mission and initially worked together however then ended up betraying him. He was sentenced to 50 years of service at the Karthon Chop Fields, but was later recruited onboard Slave I to help Dune, along with Djarin, Boba Fett, and Fennec Shan to locate Moff Gideon's cruiser. After the mission he was freed up as it was believed that he died during the mission.



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Jango Fett


Jango Fett! The Clone Template! For somebody who has such an impact on the Star Wars Skywalker Saga lore, it is hard to think of him as an actual character. It feels like the prequel trilogy knew when making it that Boba Fett was a big deal and thus they needed to explain Boba Fett. They really didn't have to though! The biggest thing the prequel trilogy does to tarnish its reputation is overexplain! Everything from Midichlorians to Boba Fett. It's the like LORE obsessed people that are like "If I don't know every single nook and cranny then it's a plot hole" type people which is why mascot horror exists and has subsequently devolved to 8 hour videos explaining the serial killer backstory of Five Nights at Freddy's.


Anyway, the clone template. He was a Mandalorian bounty hunter. He won a competition and Dooku was like "bro you wanna be the clone template for the Republic Army?" And Jango was like "sure for 20 million credits and also a clone son I can call my own." He then later was involved in the assassination attempts on Padmé. Kidnapped Padmé, Anakin, and Obi Wan. And then Mace Windu came in and chopped his head off. For somebody who was such a main antagonist of a movie, he's a bit of a let down. I think it's fine for him to be cut here.


Saving: REX one of his clones who gets far more character development than Jango does!

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Fifth Brother Inquisitor

Fifth Brother


Boy oh boy, sometimes the transition from Animated to Live Action for some of these characters makes them LESS COOL.


I mean look at this dude. Menacing. Scary. Clearly evil. In Obi-Wan he just looks so wonky!


Anyway, his original design is from Rebels in which he serves as one of the Inquisitors. Rebels probably isn't as necessary for Star Wars lore and story as Clone Wars is, but it's a very good animated show. And the episodes are only 22 minutes long. If you can get past the conceit of like teenagers running things, it's worth it to give it a shot. Chronologically in the timeline he is fleshed out in Obi Wan (again, another Star Wars series too focused on fleshing things out than expanding the universe. Anyway, he is an Inquisitor. His role is to hunt down Force-sensitive survivors. He eventually ends up being killed by Maul.


Saving: Jagged Fel

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On 6/17/2024 at 6:56 PM, Alex95 said:

I'm sorry but which lewser in a galaxy far far away created gender for droids???? Shouldn't they all have bigger issues to worry about than giving a droid feminine programming?!

can't believe they didn't give her boobs. like the female transformers.

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Jodo Kast

Jodo Kast (Character) - Comic Vine


Jodo is one of the ones I added to the game. And admittedly Jodo was a lot cooler back when I was in grade school before the prequels and clone wars stuff and there weren't 1 million people running around in Mando armor like there are now. Jodo actually wasn't a Mandalorian, but was a bounty hunter like Boba and others. So he wore the armor to get a better reputation and earn more money on his jobs. And if anyone ever mistook him for Boba he wouldn't correct them. Jodo considered himself to be Boba's rival, and in video games played that role as well. But Boba didn't really care much about him beyond being offended that he wore armor as a non-Mandalorian. When Boba ended up in the Sarlaac Jodo was happy to take Boba's place and impersonate him. And Boba wasn't happy about that when he emerged. Boba set up a fake bounty to trick Jodo and he killed him. Jodo is an EU character and doesn't exist in any official canon to my knowledge.


Save Holdo I guess

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Jan Dodonna

Cannot Get Your Ship Out: the speed zero maneuver: Know Your  Enemy/Commander's Corner: Jan Dodonna


Continuing to make our way through the non-jedi human white males in authoritative roles in both them empire/new order and the rebel alliance. They serve a purpose in the plot to make the respective organizations seem official and add give the more interesting main characters something to bounce off of... and that's about it. And sure they all have extensive backstories as do all Star Wars characters, they tend to be really boring military biographies and I'm here for the robots and swords and space wizards and not tactical stuff yawn. HOWEVER all that being said Jan gets 1 million bonus points for being part of Rogue One. We first meet him in the original Episode IV played by Alex McCrindle, but the character comes back in Rogue One played by Ian McElhinney. The character is killed off in a canon comic book as a way to explain why the main characters became high ranking officers so quickly lol.


save Quinlan Vos

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Morgan Elsbeth



Morgan was born as a Nightsister on Dathomir, however she lost her clan in a Separatist invasion. On the planet Corvus, she managed to ascend the position of the Magistrate of Calodan, where she allied herself with Thrawn and the Empire. She was in possession of a spear made of beskar, and offered it as payment to Din Djarin for him to kill Ahsoka Tano. Unfortunately for her, Din and Ahsoka teamed up together and defeated her forces. But at least we got Ahsoka vs. Morgan duel in one of the episodes of The Mandalorian which was quite cool. Ahsoka won and got a hint to map to Thrawn's hidden location, whereas Din Djarin took the spear. Later, Morgan and Ahsoka fought again on Peridea, while Thrawn and his crew escaped. Morgan sacrified herself as she was eventually killed by Ahsoka. He wasn't worth your time, girl! She also made an appearance in the animated series "Tales of the Empire" which I can't remember if I have watched. Morgan could have been a really good character on paper, but other than her duels with Ahsoka, she hasn't done anything interesting, and was killed off quickly. 



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Paz Vizsla



This is a sad round for the Mandalorians/ bounty hunters! Paz Vizsla was as a member of the same tribe of Mandalorian warriors as Din Djarin, with whom Vizsla initially clashes with but later assists in repelling a remnant of the Galactic Empire. They then clash again in "The Book of Boba Fett" over ownership of the Darksaber, a legendary lightsaber forged by Paz's ancestor, Tarre Vizsla. He then appeared again in the third season of The Mandalorian, in which he dies protecting Bo-Katan Kryze. I suppose Paz doesn't stand out as much in comparison to some other characters from The Mandalorian, so I think it's fair to cut him now.



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Cad Bane

Mother Talzin

Pre Vizla

Droopy McCool

Max Rebo
Dexter Jettster
Zam Wesell
Queen Breha Organa
Supreme Leader Snoke

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