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top 5 rankings fave to least ~ ~ ~ 


1. bayleigh - she's utilized the most common sense and had the hardest journey to get here. I need her to cut anthony and take this thing. she'd be such a fun addition to the winners circle. 

2. victoria - i kinda wish she woulda came on this season with someone else or even alone. her undying loyalty to anthony bc of their friendship has kind of put a huge damper on the season, though no denying she's amazing tv and completely unhinged.

3. todd - he's wtv. prob going to win CFP. I'd respect his win if he's able to get both the vets out. 

4. lexus - girl wyd? 

5. anthony - crazy egotistical but like not even in a fun villain way. throws tantrums and pouts everytime he doesn't get his way, but then when he does get his way he's "the best player in history and these people are all idiots" 


Caught up on the latest episode: 


- It still cracks me up how Victoria was throwing this HoH and still ended up winning it. :haha:
- LOL I loved seeing the difference reactions from Victoria/Bayleigh/Todd celebrating and being happy vs. Anthony/Lexus/Tola's sad reaction with how this double eviction went. It's crazy how the tides and tables change and swift back and forth in the game like this. :haha:
- Ugh Anthony is such a baby about Tola going. :rolleyes: Victoria had to lose some of her allies and even turn on them.... and she's still loyal to him. He should still be loyal to her though deep down, I don't think he will be.
- lol Victoria is so messy with playing both sides. It's so messy but I'm entertained and loving watching this balancing act with her game. :dead: Stuff with voting Bayleigh out over Avery and then putting Lexus up over Todd for her HoH. :haha:
- LOL Victoria's "I got into a fight with Lexus" when she didn't even say anything, omggg. :dead: Then Lexus' silence when she as moving her stuff out from another room. And then this leads to Victoria saying she should go next. She is SO impulsive. :dead:
- lmaoo Victoria's nerves before the HoH and explaining how people are mad at her or siding against her. I lowkey am a bit worried for her.
- Lol this baby voice speeches HoH was funny and cute, lol.
- Ugh Bayleigh was doing SO good with this HoH. Then that dangg last question she got wrong, Anthony got right. 😢 Ugh Anthony winning that tiebreaker answer.... ugh ugh ugh. 😢 Insane how Anthony answered 196 when the answer was 198. Ugh I don't trust Anthony with power... but hopefully Todd can go on his HoH? 
- Ugh dannngggg.... Anthony really considering backdooring Victoria and trying to turn her closest allies against her. Dang dang dang.... I KNEW he would be set up for this. Ugh now he's gonna have a week of lies to set her up. :/
- lmaooo Dangg, this Bayleigh and Anthony convo was intense. I love how Bayleigh was giving it to him and not letting him go easy with the thought of putting her up on the block.
- Wow Anthony taking Victoria to Wendys as a way to set her up to open up about her allies and use this info against her. Dangg, he's such a good backstabber and manipulator, ugh.
- Dang Victoria so excited and happy with Anthony and them heading to the Final 2 together... just breaks my heart. She's really all in about this while he is certainly not. :broken:
- Ugh Anthony telling Todd that Victoria wants Todd to go next. 😐 And this leading to even Bayleigh and Todd turning on Victoria. Gahh I knew her aligning with so many people and trying to keep all of her alliances tight and close would backfire on her... ugh. :broken:
- Ooh wow now Anthony even thinking of putting Lexus up on the block, them plotting this together as a way to turn on and get Victoria out. Ughh this week is gonna be SOO ugly. 😐
- Wow Anthony putting the emotions on and not even gonna put Bayleigh on the block now. The way he has worked around this to make her gain her trust with him... and to turn on Victoria, is simply insane. Wow I can not believe he got Bayleigh to turn on Victoria like this.... but I can believe it.
- NOT liking this convo of Bayleigh, Lexus and Todd plotting and turning on Victoria now. 😢 Ugh Victoria is in such a terrible spot now, ugh.
- Lexus and Todd were expected noms considering how this episode played out. I am just hoping and rooting for Victoria to win that veto. But she's probably playing and thinking she's so comfortably safe under Anthony's HoH that she may not play hard for the veto. >.< This season is really going down the drain though it always has been.


You've never been humble anyhoi, stop saying that.


The rate with which I dislike him continues to grow every passing episode. 


Truly an annoying hour of television. We could have had an eviction with all that nonsense. We didn't even get a. Eto meeting.

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Well I just watched the episode. I wish I hadn't but had to know what happened and was going on. :/ I wrote down lots of thoughts as usual.



- Ugh Anthony's confessional makes ZERO chance. Yeah she got out plenty of his allies but she's always been loyal to him and always put him first. UGH so not looking forward to how this episode plays out. :/
- Oh dear, watching Victoria so happy and excited about not being on the block was just.... yikes. LOL her celebrating her not being on the block and then Todd comes in and then she stops it right away. :haha:
- lol the awkwardness in the Victoria and Todd conversation sure was something. :haha:
- Ah Bayleigh's DR with talking about her gameplay regarding playing with Victoria.... breaks my heart. :broken: I feel bad for how she feels with this upcoming move.
- Dangg even this Bayleigh and Victoria convo.... feels awkward and doesn't feel right. :broken:
- Ugh nooo Victoria with that "If Todd wins veto, the Bayleigh's out" and her laughing about it. Ughh... this is so painful to watch.
- Well Anthony DOES know that him and Victoria making the Final 2 with him that she does beat him. So I ~get~ him wanting to take her out as she has the better chance of winning over him. But man watching her so strongly firm in this Final 2 while he's working on backdooring her.... it's all so painful to watch. :broken:
- lol Lexus trying to talk with Victoria to downplay her needing to play for the veto. Then Victoria overtakes that convo, omg. Danggg Victoria does WAYYY too much talking, omg. :dead: Talking all of this stuff about Todd & Bayleigh needing to go. YIKES. Then of course Lexus tells this to Todd and then Bayleigh. Dang this is so painful with how Victoria plays. Ugh sad thing about this is.... Lexus isn't even lying with all of that trash talking Victoria has done, ugh. :broken:
- Ugh now Bayleigh (understandably) is against Victoria with what Lexus told her. Danggg.
- Early on this veto, dangg Todd is dominating this veto like crazy. Ugh I need Victoria to do better but I know she won't. Though I'm glad she's not wanting to throw this veto. I wonder if Anthony is throwing this so he doesn't have to save either nominee, which I believe he is doing.
- OK good Todd doesn't win veto.
- Phew, glad Lexus didn't win the veto on her first try.
- Omgg nooo, Todd got there for his second time before Victoria got there? Ugh I bet he's gonna luck out here. 😐 Ooh wow, he doesn't. 😮
- Wow at it taking 1 hour and 36+ minutes for Anthony to do those cubes, lol. Ooh ok, thank goodness he got it wrong on his first try. 
 - UGHHH Why cann't Victoria get this? Todd on his 3rd try and Lexus on her 2nd try? And Victoria wasn't able to manage it there once? :wacko:
- Welp, Todd won his 3rd veto in a row. While he's ~supposedly clueless~, he's becoming a comp beast and big threat. 
- LMAOO Victoria's super fake and phony reactions to Todd winning that veto. :dead: Oh dear, she has no idea what's coming.
- Ugh Anthony's fake acting (of being mad at Todd) around Victoria. I can't with this.
- Dang Victoria getting real ugly about Bayleigh now. >.<
- Anthony's confessional to the camera is so cringe, ugh.
- Well... at least Victoria is becoming wary of Anthony now just an hour before the veto ceremony. Dang, it's too bad she doesn't know or have any heads up on what's to happen.
- OMGG LOL Why does Victoria keep coming in and out of that wintery room to Anthony. :dead: Dang she's becoming too much and too annoying about this. But yeah I get that she's super paranoid and she has every RIGHT to feel that way. Cause phew, this is all so awkward and tense to watch.
- Hmm okay, well it seems like Anthony & Victoria is having a real conversation about what's going on in the game. I like that Victoria is really pleading her case. Thing is, I am sure Anthony knows Victoria is loyal to her but he's acting like she isn't? Or maybe he really thinks she isn't that loyal to him. Cause yeah she has been so truthful to him. Well, at least Anthony is ~trying to let Victoria know she will be the replacement though he's still not 100% legit on it. 
- Love how Victoria is pleading her case so much to Anthony. Wow she is really getting emotional and heartbroken on this. I do feel like she is being really real and genuine with all that she is saying about Anthony. Wow this is all so intense.
- I don't know if this is enough to make Anthony change his mind. And I doubt that it will be. But omg Anthony wanting to talk to Bayleigh now. UGHHH at how the episode ends like this... I knew it. :/ Well, I am sure even with Victoria's truthful and honest plea to Anthony that he will still go through the plan - though he may actually feel a little more heartbroken to go through with this? Or at least I hope so. As much as I would love for Victoria to be spared, then that means Bayleigh is the replacement nom which I also don't want to happen. So I guess I'd just rather the Victoria backdoor happen and move on, which I am expecting to happen.


I want spicy to stay even more so she can antagonize people for the last week. :haha:


Obviously won't happen, would take genius level gameplay to flip bayleigh and Todd back. It's totally possible but I don't think Spicy sees the avenue to make it happen.

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just like her blindspot for Anthony, she's spent all this time campaigning to him.  He can't vote.  She needs to campaign to Todd and Bayleigh about how she would go after Anthony next round.  ~_~ 


1. Bayleigh - seeing the two jurors now back her.  I hope she is the one that second Anthony out.  I need her to win this season.

2. Todd - the best of the worst.  As long as he is a soldier for Bayleigh and doesn't turn his back on her, he can stay.

3. Lexus - she's not Anthony.

4. Anthony - I pray Bayleigh and Todd are smart enough to vote him out if they win the veto this week.  


What a blaze of glory Spicy went down in! One of the best Big Brother fights in years. The Spicy journey is always a rollercoaster, but one I'm glad I went on. Just reality show gold, get her on next seasons of The Traitors Canada!

  • Like 1

Caught up on the latest episode even though I didn't want to. :/ Some thoughts I jotted down as usual:


- Gahh this Anthony/Victoria continued discussion is just sooo tense. Gah I'm very worried for Victoria's.... she's been so messy. I do think she's truly loyal to Anthony... but also think she wouldn't be mad if any of the newbies had the power to take him out. Though at the same time, I do believe she is most loyal to him.
- Yep, with Todd using the veto on himself, it was obvious Victoria would be going up on the block. Ah I give her credit for fighting so hard at that very last hour to save herself. But sadly, just not enough for her. But also didn't want Bayleigh up there. Ugh, why did Todd have to win that veto? :dead:
- I agree with a lot of Victoria's confessional in that I don't think he really believes all of the negativity she had towards him in the game and that he wants to take that big shot to win. Although Anthony is a hypocrite - with his thinking Victoria is soiling his name in the game, he's been doing that for the last few weeks to get her to become a target. Now it's worked.
- I'm happy to see Victoria and Bayleigh have a heart to heart talk... and it went better than I thought it would.
- Ugh I really feel so bad for Victoria in this chat with Anthony. :broken: Her sad and upset reaction... broke my heart. :(
- Lol this lunch/brunch segment was interesting. It was nice seeing Bayleigh/Todd/Lexus/Anthony all happy but definitely awkward seeing Victoria silent and not really saying/feeling much with it. She's totally fair in how she felt. I liked that Todd was silly enough to make Victoria laugh and get up and dance with the others at least.
- lmao Victoria interrupting the four's trash talking about her. :dead: hahaha I love how she's trolling everyone now. :haha: Give them heck, Spicy!
- Ooh yayy finally jury segment!
- Aww Elijah's reaction and comment of wanting Kayla to win. LOL I love his shock reaction of finding out Avery took Kayla out. I would have reacted the same as him. :dead: Aww I do like their friendship when they were the only two in the jury house.
- Ugh Kayla is so kind and sweet. I was hoping for her to let Avery have it though. :giggle: But I still wanted them to be good friends. And glad Avery regrets her decision with her HoH. 
- lmao well, at least Avery let Tola have it because she was right that they were coming for him and he would go after Avery. :haha: All in all, this was a nice and fun jury segment to watch. Glad that they did seem in high spirits considering what happened to them.
- Ooooh yessss, things are getting spicy! Spicy V is reallly letting Anthony have it in this latest conversation. She's ranting and spilling all of the truth to Anthony. But then OMGGG LOL Lexus and Bayleigh listening to Victoria's truthful comments about her game play. This all just confirms it to them....even though they already know it before that.
- Phew child, now Victoria goes into Anthony's HoH room. OMG her trying to listen to him one more time and then she blew up and stormed out of there smashing some bottle. DANGGG that was insane and intense. :omg: OMGGG then more explosive fireworks!!! Victoria spilling out on their Final 2 deal! And them going back and forth with each other! :dead:
- Lol now Anthony calling Victoria is a compulsive liar about her/his Final 2 deal that they had. Victoria definitely played sides and done a lot of lie, but THAT WAS the truth! 😕 Ugh I hate how he's still not owning up to things that are true and calls it lies to make her look even worse. 😐 I still feel for Victoria for all of this. :broken: 
- Mannnn, you could cut that tension with a knife when Victoria cleaned out the glass she broke in the HoH room.
- lmaooo Victoria trashing, spoiling and tainting Anthony's game with her final plea. Yess at her spilling about the alliances! OMG, she is sooo ruthless... I am loving it. :dead:
- Aww loved Victoria's final interview with Arisa. ❤️ She's so right that Anthony felt threaten that Victoria could beat him if they had gotten to the Final 2 and brought stuff out from his back pocket to use against her. And also yayy Victoria wanting Bayleigh to win it! Loved all of her comments she said about her!
- Okay so now that Victoria is officially gone from the game. :broken: Imma need Bayleigh & Todd to ride it out to the Final 2 and one of them to take out Anthony (better yet for Bayleigh to make that move). It NEEDS to happen. (!) I NEED Anthony to regret this gameplay move he did

On 5/1/2024 at 9:43 PM, Solaris said:

This is Kayla 2.0, but info Anthony is spreading this time is true.

That was painful to watch. I can’t believe Avery was so naive to buy those lies.  It’s like she believed a guy’s word over her own girl. 🤦🏼‍♀️it’s just a guy.  Smh 

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Bayleigh winning hoh :wub:


Kuzie roasting the houseguests. :wub:


Todd thinking Kuzie was talking about his dick.  :haha:


The jury know Anthony deserves heat.  Hopefully they vote for whoever is next to him.

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Watched the episode a little earlier, so I'll post some thoughts: 


LMAOO at how heated Anthony was when Victoria spilled out the Hot Chocolate and the other alliances. :dead: hahaha I'm living for how furious she got him feeling. :haha:
- lol I love how Bayleigh is questioning on what the Hot Chocolate alliance is. 
- LOL Anthony trying to protect and say Lexus wasn't apart of the alliance and then he spilled in it that she was in it. Oh Anthony messed up there. :dead: Love how Bayleigh caught him in that lie. :haha: I'm glad she's finding this out so she knws that she isn't exactly Anthony's #1.
- Ugh Lexus is doing too good in this HoH.... she got the first 5 questions right.
- Ah thank goodness Bayleigh got the last question right to tie with Lexus!
- Yesss Bayleigh won that tie breaker! :spaz: She won her first Hoh / the last HoH of the season and secures her spot in the finale! :spaz: Exactly what I wantedd!!! Wowww.... who would have thought that Bayleigh would have made it to the final with how her pre-jury game was (particularly Weeks 2-4)? :omg: I'm thinking about that, feeling soo shook but so happy for her! :omg:
- Aww it's so sweet how Bayleigh's girlfriend, Steph, was the guest to send her the Wendy's meal. ❤️ OMGG Steph saying thinking that she thought Bayleigh was gonna be gone a long time ago. :dead: lol a lot of us thought this. :giggle:
- Lovingg this game talk with Bayleigh & Todd... and I do hope that either of them can take that big shot at Anthony. It's a BIG move but it would be so much better for them.
- LOL Jedson being there for the BBCAN Awards and asking Todd "you don't know who I am, do you?" And Todd's no response. :lmao:
- Oooh yayyy love seeing Kuzie showing up for the BBCAN Awards! :wub: LOL Todd's confused look at not knowing who Kuzie is. :lmao: LMAOO I loved her roast of the Final 4. She was so hilarious. :dead: :lmao:
- omg Todd was too much with the small package comments Kuzie made at him.
- Freakiest moment nominees: LOL Dinis as "Skinis" was reallly creepy. Lol the Jeepers jump scares montage was funny, especially Victoria's reaction. :haha: OK that's good that the Creepers Jump scare won! And lol that person scaring them for the award. :haha:
- Bayleigh vs. Todd for Winners' Winning moment. Both had good excited reactions. Though Todd's Down the Drain win was really over the top and so unexpected from him - so I get him winning that award.
- Best Gross out moment... Yeah the Don't Panic one with all of that gross stuff and worms being spilled on them was gross. LOL Victoria's reactions are the best as always. :lmao: In Crust We Trust also kinda nasty though moreso with people nearly puking. Agreed with the Don't Panic win.
- Lol Best Todd'ism award. Lol Todd flat out sleeping during Elijah's bedtime story. :lmao: Oooh LOL Yesss the Nom'd and Confused moment with Elijah nominating Todd and him just sitting there, looking and not moving to the nomination seat. THAT was freaking hilarious and comedy gold. :dead: That has to be an obvious winner if I've ever seen one. :haha:
- The season/cast montage at the end of the award was touching and sweet to see, as always.
- Ooooh niceee, we get a jury segment this episode! I was not expecting that but yayy. 😮
- Yayy Avery wanting to see Bayleigh win it! ❤️ Booo Tola wanting her out.
- Oooh I was expecting everyone to be shocked and shook seeing Victoria come to the jury house. :haha: Not surprised that Tola is gloating and loving seeing her show up on the jury house.
- I love how Kayla said need to make the jury Q&A ruthless. :devil: They better do so and not let me down!
- Todd & Lexus nominations were expected. Hoping the best for Bayleigh and Todd in this veto. 

Ugh I'm mad at myself as I accidentally spoiled myself on the veto spoiler so I know what happens there so that takes out some excitement in watching the show. But gonna act like I know nothing about it.


Posted (edited)

Legends supporting legends! Pretty much all of the alum are supporting Anthony, which I get he’s their real life friend, so it’s nice to see some alum support for this queen!

Edited by Alex95
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So it looks like bayleigh will win if she's in the final 2.  This jury seems to be leaning towards her sans tola, who will vote Anthony, regardless 


lexus is obviously the jury goat


I'm happy Lexus used the pov, if she had left it and let Anthony get to the end of the season without a nomination I would have been sick.


The pro bayleigh jury. :wub:


She needs to pull out one of the first two parts, and part 3. Pleas bayleigh redeem this season.

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Some more thoughts... on this Final 4 veto episode:


- Lol I don't get why the final 4 is always shocked when Arisa says there is a special eviction coming in an hour or so, lol. She's been doing this for YEARS, lmao.
- Wow it is seriously impressive how Anthony has in 2 seasons and over 130 days of doing this show. :omg: Ugh I hate how easy he makes this looks and does so well here. :haha:
- Yessss Bayleigh wanting Anthony to go this week. That's what I love to hear! :devil:
- Ooh and a random comment I should have made on the last episode's thoughts. I just realized when Bayleigh won her HoH, that Todd & Lexus never won an HoH. Yayyy I love that for her! ❤️
- Oooh this Power of Veto looks reallly fun! 😮 Though it looks too complicated for me to understand it.
- OMGG Bayleigh is such a fun mess/trainwreck in this veto comp. :dead: I love this for entertainment purposes but not for what I need to happen in the game. UGH this is taking forever... and I feel like she will totally not win this. 😢
- Bayleigh's reaction after she finished. :broken: Ugh that was heartbreaking.
- Ooooh Anthony not doing so hot in this competition either? 👀 Okay while he had a bad moment, I bet he still did better than Bayleigh, sadly. I am shook to see Anthony become real humble real quick after his performance in that veto. 😮
- Ugh the fact I have to rely on Todd to win this veto.... 😐 I am not too hopeful of his chances here. Ooh... Todd did kinda good on that part about the houseguests?
- Slowtimes 1 hour and 23 minutes vs. the fastest time in under 37 minutes. lol Bayleigh's hgge reaction makes me think she definitely did not win it.
- DANGG IT, Lexus wins this veto? :/  Congrats to Lexus on securing her spot into the final 3 there but not happy. Though sadly I was spoiled and knew of this result sooo ugh. :broken: UGH the one time I needed Todd to win a veto, he does not do so.... ugh. :/
- Ugh no surprises with this Lexus and Anthony convo - of them taking each other to the Final 2, which I more or less expected from them. OMG Anthony running the scenarios. LOL If Lexus leaves noms the same and lets Anthony makes the decision...... 😐 She definitely deserves to lose. Not that I would expect her to do so but Anthony's mist can't be that strong.
- lmaoo another Anthony & Bayleigh convo where Bayleigh catches Anthony in yet another lie! :wub:
- Aww Todd's plea to Lexus to keep him safe. Not a bad pitch he made for someone that doesn't know the game. I don't think what he said would be enough. I do appreciate Lexus being as honest as she could do Todd - but yeah that writing is on the wall.
- Wow I did not expect such a heartfelt and emotional convo and even hug with Todd & Anthony but that was kinda sweet to see. 😮 :(
- Okay now this Bayleigh & Todd convo was really sweet, touching and it did warm/break my heart. 😢 I've grown to really like their friendship and bond. Ugh I can't believe how after Victoria goes, I was rooting for Todd to make the Final 2.... and of course he falls short with it. :(
- Okay, well at least Lexus is smart enough to use the veto on herself and she finally breaks Anthony's off the block flawless record.
- Man how I wish Lexus could have done something shocking for me/for Canada..... but nope. :dead: Of course she evicts Todd, which we all saw coming. Aww wow, I've grown to like and appreciate Todd here. I didn't notice him the first few early weeks. Then I liked him as a fun lolzy character.... but then I came to appreciate and like him as a person/competitior. Definitely really enjoyed his friendship with Bayleigh. And it was fun seeing a novice play and learn the game in the way he did.
- Wow Todd had the shortest interview ever. :dead:  Aww he had some really nice and good goodbye messages. I especially loved Bayleigh's message to him.
- Oooh I wasn't expecting a jury segment with Kevin but yayy for this segment this episode than on the final, haha. Aww I love how pro-Bayleigh the jury is! ❤️
- lmaooo Elijah's happy reaction to Anthony finally being on the block. :dead: That was all of us.
- OMGGG Victoria taking her trash bag out of her dress, OMGG. :dead: At least Victoria was able to take personal feelings aside and gave him props for his game.
- Oh dang, I wasn't expecting Tola to be so bitter towards Anthony. 😮
- LOVE all of Victoria's comments to Bayleigh in the game with her gameplay. ❤️ Wow.... the fact that Tola said nice words
- Ugh not Avery saying Bayleigh was playing Todd like a fiddle. :/
- OMG Victoria's "who?" comment at Lexus. And OMGGG her cuddling up to Matthew and then cuddling up to Anthony in the game. DANNGGG, that was a mess. :dead:
- Okay lol Why are Victoria, Tola and to a lesser extent Elijah answering everything? While Kayla barely gets to say anything. But ooooo she's grilling Lexus on her comments on her. TELL HA! 

I know I'm probably a little late in saying this but wow, Bayleigh really got a great chance at winning this! :omg: I know that the jury has been singing her praises (and deservingly so), but it seems she is winning more of them more and more each time someone goes. Heck, even Tola seems more positive about Bayleigh than Anthony, which is insane as I never would have thought this 3 or so weeks ago. :dead: 

Ugh I reallly hope she can pull out the final HoH win. If she does, she can beat Anthony or Lexus - 100% beats Lexus and a really strong/good shot at beating Anthony. But I'm fully predict and expect she goes out 3rd with Anthony taking her out at the final HoH.  :broken: Then I guess Anthony wins over Lexus. But hoping for the opposite of Bayleigh winning the final HoH, votes Anthony out and beats Lexus in the Final 2!

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