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Big Brother Canada 11


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Oooh I meant to say that I love that no one is getting eliminated tonight. ^_^ I always feel bad for the first evicted houseguest because we only get to see them for 2 episodes, which often times isn't enough to get to know that houseguest.  :( 

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4 hours ago, Qorey said:

I found the cast to be overdressed and kind of stuffy. I hope i change my mind after the first week.


Edit: Don't we have a "rank the houseguests" for this season?

We usually do but it seems like Alex is boycotting this season, I think. :dead: 

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Lol boycott sounds so dramatic. But yeah BBCAN edited shows usually suck (they somehow ruined BBCAN6) and I only watch feeds anyway. So I figured why waste three hours a week to watch something I probably won’t even like since episodes are like 40% comp, 20% sponsored comment, 10% ~quirky games~, and like 30% the actual show. Feel free to @ me if the season’s any good and maybe I’ll catch up.


I guess I can run the ranking thread still if there’s enough people watching though

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25 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Lol boycott sounds so dramatic. But yeah BBCAN edited shows usually suck (they somehow ruined BBCAN6) and I only watch feeds anyway. So I figured why waste three hours a week to watch something I probably won’t even like since episodes are like 40% comp, 20% sponsored comment, 10% ~quirky games~, and like 30% the actual show. Feel free to @ me if the season’s any good and maybe I’ll catch up.


I guess I can run the ranking thread still if there’s enough people watching though

Ah yeah I was just kidding/being extra there. :haha: But these are all understandable comments on your view point. :yes: I'll participate in the ranking thread though.

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I greatly dislike Zach and his bromance as well as his influence over Santina.  Santina has becoming annoying, but I hope she lasts one additional week.  Zach needs to pooch himself immediately.


I am annoyed that JM, one of the only ones besides Claudia who would target the guys is going to leave.

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I have been watching and keeping up with the season. I do still like most of the cast. But yeah Zach is the main one that annoys me. I feel like he's playing too hard, too fast and quite controlling. I don't really see him lasting the long haul or at least I hope not. Even with his bros alliance, it seems like they don't all side with him. Mainly Roberto but hopefully he wins out over him in their potential war. :giggle: 


Aww I do feel bad for John Michael getting backdoored the way he is and how he (understandably) took it. :( 

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Ah I wasn't surprised to see John Michael go as he was the backdoor target and I get that he was a big threat. I did like that he had a lot of fight and fire in him and fought his hardest to try to stay. Sadly, it just didn't work out for him. :( 

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I meant to say.... I kinda hate this season's schedule of episodes being Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Too many shows all in a row (and for me to catch up on all in a row). 😐 I caught up on Tuesday's episode so a few thoughts: 


I thought I would be okay with a Dan HoH but I forgot that he had Zach as his #1 ally. 😐 So this week is essentially another Zach HoH. :yawn: 


I do love that the boys alliance is cracking already and they are having mistrust in each other already. At least it won't be a repeat of S7's Pretty Boys. But ugh... I guess I'll be okay if Roberto goes in a backdoor this week but I was really hoping for him to strike back first at Zach and to get him out first. :/ But I know it's too soon to think/discuss this without seeing the Veto and tonight's episode.

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Oooh last night's episode was kinda fun and intense but a good watch. :giggle:


SLAY at Vanessa blowing up Zach's gameplan about the Veto. :wub: :clap: Wow that argument between Vanessa and Zach was quite intense. It was definitely messed up of him saying she was too emotional to play the game and that she shouldn't. Though nice he apologized for it but still.


Ugh Ty is someone I want to like... and did like very early on. But his tight allegiance to Zach and how cold/distant he is with Claudia on a game level makes it tough to like or root for him. :no: Though I liked him standing up to Zach and saying how he should have thrown the Veto to Hope. I thought Zach was ~so smart~ in this game that if he knew that the plan was to use the Veto, why not let the nominee use it to save themselves so you won't have to have blood on your hands for using the Veto? Though a big part of me wanted Zach to win it just so his downfall can start next week. Also loving how people are continuing to catch onto Zach's game.


I was not expecting that ending of Jonathan getting emotional and having thoughts of throwing his game away for Roberto. 😮 I felt bad for him in that emotional moment of what he was going through. :broken: 


Hmm I knew the episode would end on a cliffhanger. I have no idea what will go on with this episode. I feel like the big backdoor plan could go on to get rid of Roberto. Or maybe they will fade away from it now that it's been thrown out there and out in the open. Though lol Roberto still being quite in disbelief and oblivious to being a target, even with Vanessa and Sanita flat out telling him he's a target. Although I still would love for things to turn for him so he can get Zach out of there but we'll see, I guess.

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8 hours ago, *Wallace said:

Hmm I knew the episode would end on a cliffhanger. I have no idea what will go on with this episode. I feel like the big backdoor plan could go on to get rid of Roberto. Or maybe they will fade away from it now that it's been thrown out there and out in the open. Though lol Roberto still being quite in disbelief and oblivious to being a target, even with Vanessa and Santina flat out telling him he's a target. Although I still would love for things to turn for him so he can get Zach out of there but we'll see, I guess.

No such luck.  It all went through.  Dan went through with backdooring Roberto, and he was evicted by a vote of 7-4.

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AH that was another intense and dramatic episode, so yay at least I'm loving the drama from this week. :giggle: 


I am kinda sad that Roberto and his allies couldn't come up with the numbers completely to keep him, so he could go after Zach. :( It was close and such a toss up though. I also felt bad for Roberto with how he got blindsided. But with him going and how the episodes have been going, hopefully this all paints a target on Zach and people will be coming for him. I think that will happen and I'll be looking forward to some hopeful house changes. :giggle: 

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On 3/24/2023 at 4:20 PM, *Wallace said:

I am kinda sad that Roberto and his allies couldn't come up with the numbers completely to keep him, so he could go after Zach. :( It was close and such a toss up though. I also felt bad for Roberto with how he got blindsided. But with him going and how the episodes have been going, hopefully this all paints a target on Zach and people will be coming for him. I think that will happen and I'll be looking forward to some hopeful house changes. :giggle: 

What I didn't get was why Dan went through with the backdooring, anyway, even after Santina spelled out to him that they were likely being used by Zach.  Is he some kind of idiot or something?

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5 hours ago, Rodney said:

What I didn't get was why Dan went through with the backdooring, anyway, even after Santina spelled out to him that they were likely being used by Zach.  Is he some kind of idiot or something?

Apparently, he is. All beauty no brain.

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