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Big Brother 24


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On 8/4/2022 at 2:08 AM, *Wallace said:

lmaooo So do I. :dead:  I'll always hold onto my BBCAN6 win with pride as I think that's the only draft I won here. :dead: 

Well at least you won something, well done! :haha: the last time I took a part was in BB22 when I also got the first pick and chose Keesha, and this time was exactly the same with Paloma. :dead: 

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10 hours ago, Erestor said:

Well at least you won something, well done! :haha: the last time I took a part was in BB22 when I also got the first pick and chose Keesha, and this time was exactly the same with Paloma. :dead: 

Ahhh lol thanks. :haha: 


Omg lol yeah I remember choosing Keesha for BB22 too and yeah that didn't go over so well. :haha: I THINK I nearly chose Paloma too but went with Ameerah instead, so at least I lasted.... an extra 2 weeks there, I guess? :dead: 

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22 hours ago, Alex95 said:

I mean Daniel tried taking you out week one and ran around the house screaming about how you’re gonna win the game like a day before this….but okay Michael


and now Michaels thinking about working with the enemy

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17 hours ago, Solaris said:

Taylor and the chip bag alliance. Icons only

Taylor and the Lays chips getting a showmance segment! :wub: A showmance we can all stan! :wub: 


14 hours ago, FunkyFrankie said:

A little early for otev?

and I’m glad Michael didn’t back door monte.  I thought it was too early to go against the alliance and keep someone who wanted him out round 1

Agreed with you on all of this. I think the other side messed that up with having everyone pitching in to keep nominations the same to backdoor Monte. It definitely made it look like he was doing the other side's dirty work. :haha: 

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