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Big Brother Canada Rankdown (#4 POSTED)


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Because we had such a small pool of houseguests to begin with, the final ranking will only consist of 15 houseguests, which means we have 2 more rounds to go before the final ranking.


The first round is the final nominations round. No twists, no restrictions. When it is your turn, you will nominate 6 houseguests and the other 3 rankers will cut 1 and save 1 houseguest each. Because there are only 31 houseguests left, those that are saved do not get immunity for the next round and are fair game for the next ranker to nominate.






1. When it is your turn, you will nominate 6 houseguests.

2. On a first come, first serve basis, the other rankers will each cut 1 houseguest and save 1 houseguest.

3. You have 30 minutes from the time of your initial cut/save post to produce a 100-word write-up for your cut to be valid.

4. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EDITING OF YOUR INITIAL CUT/SAVE POST WHATSOEVER. Please quote it in a new post if you need to make changes.

5. You have 24 hours to make your cuts. Please ask for an extension if needed. If 24 hours passes and no extension is asked for, any other ranker can jump in and make the cut instead.







1. @Alex95

2. @Steven_

3. @*Chris

4. @Solaris


Alex is up first and can post his nominations whenever he's ready!

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  • *Amanda changed the title to Big Brother Canada Rankdown (Cycle 8 Rules & Info Posted)
43 minutes ago, Solaris said:

Oh fun a Top 15!



It makes sense with only 9 seasons plus it works out with only 4 rankers and the rounds I had planned.


25 minutes ago, *Chris said:

I was hoping for a buyback :giggle: 

A buyback would've happened earlier in the rankdown if I had included it but I decided to not include one and be different than most rankdowns.

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Oof first. Tbf the randomizer has been pretty kind to me this game, but this is not the round you want to go first :haha:


A top 15 is definitely fair considering the low number of starting houseguests we have :yes:. The BBCAN casts have also had 15 houseguests 3/9 times anyway.

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  • *Amanda changed the title to Big Brother Canada Rankdown (Cycle 8: Alex's Nominations Posted!)

LaToya Anderson


Latoya Anderson (@LatoyaBBCAN9) / Twitter


LaToya really left an impact on the last season of Big Brother Canada.  She was part of Team Defenders in the first week.  They were all nominated week 1.  She formed a close relationship with Jedson and Tychon initially.  The problem is she pissed off the wrong person and Victoria came for her in week 3.  She won head of household and threw Latoya up next to Kiefer.  After they remained on the block Latoya was evicted in a 6 to 3 vote.  She had heat arguments with Rohan and Kyle in week 2 or 3.  I didn't really want her to go when she did, but I also wanted Victoria to get her way.  So it was a tough place to be.  She might be one of the most memorable pre-jurors we've had, and she did an excellent job almost making the Top 30 in this game! That said, she did only last a couple of weeks, and we cannot justify keeping her amongst the set of nominations. Also we stan no problematic LGBT contestants.


Save: Damien Ketlo

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When the cast of Big Brother Canada 4th season was announced, Loveita Adams quickly became a pre-season favourite of many - including myself - as it was obvious that she was ready to play the game and unapologetic about it.  As the season premiere, Loveita proved to be a force to be reckoned with, when she became the first HOH of the season - this gave her the opportunity to create close bonds with a few houseguests, notably Sharry, Joel and Dallas.  And she saw from a mile away that it was necessary to break the showmance as quick as possible hence why Kelsey became her first target. However, instead, Paige aka the forgettable pawn went home & just like that, Loveita had a target on her back from that alliance. 

The following week, Loveita was unable to play in the HOH which meant that her alliance needed to win, but unfortunately they were unable to win. Instead, Jared aka the one in a showmance with Kelsey won the HOH & it was obvious from there that she was going to be the target for that eviction. She would find herself nominated against her ally, Sharry, and being the main target of the week. However, she put on her player hat on & started to campaign to stay in the hosue whether by herself or manipulating other people to campaign for her. In the end, it ended up working out for her as she was able to convince the majority of the house to safe her instead of Sharry - she was saved by a vote of 11 to 1, and essentially Sharry became evicted as they thought she could become a target in the long run, despite never won any competiton.

After escaping the week that was meant to be her last, there was only one way for Loveita to ensure safety for herself and it is by winning the HOH. And she did just that, and she decided to run her HOH the way she wanted, not being predictable and targeting Cassandra instead of Jared, Kelsey& Raul - she actually made a deal with them which meant that she would target Cassandra for petty reasons. Honestly, that's like the only decision made by Loveita that I did not love as I was a fan of both of them. Anyway, Cassandra remained her target but this ended up not working as Christine ended up going home instead - no love lost there, and honestly Christine gave me Sarah vibe from BBCan 3. 


Another week that she was unable play in the HOH meant that it was another week that she could be a target. But the lucky stars were on her side when Joel & Mitch won the HOH as she formed an alliance with them, earlier during Week 3.  Joel was awarded the HOH, and Loveita became safe from the eviction - together, they decided that their target for the week would be Kelsey and Raul.  Although this was decided as a group, Loveita took all the heat for it and quickly re-became public enemy #1. And much to her luck, this week was a "double eviction" - or a fake double eviction - and she was unable to win the HOH.  She quickly became Maddy's target & would later get backdoored by a vote of 7 to 2 where only Joel & Dallas voted to keep her. 


But as this was a fake double eviction, Loveita was brought into the secret suite alongside Kelsey where they would compete against each other. During this time, Loveita provided plenty of information to Kelsey about Mitch who was in an alliance with her and betrayed her by evicting her. In return, Loveita exposed Mitch's game to Kelsey if she would be the one returning into the game. And that's exactly what happened, and Mitch quickly became a target of Kelsey once she re-entered the game. In other words, Mitch's eviction was orchestrated by Loveita despite being evicted & that's truly iconic. 

I absolutely loved Loveita on Big Brother Canada, and she was such a good competitor who you wanted to root for especially she was one of the few willing to make moves in the house. And honestly, the fact that she went home fairly early and still being able to be one of the most memorable & liked houseguests of the season speaks volume of her game play. 

Super happy that she made it this far, but I think this is a great spot for her especially when you compare her gameplays to houseguests that lasted longer than her.



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Well, this is awkward. I just saved Mitch from elimination, but now I'm forced to choose between Mitch and Adel. Since I like Adel more, Mitch unfortunately has to go this round. Mitch Moffit competed on Big Brother Canada 4. He was playing a strong floater game and was biding his time as the majority alliances were targeting each other. Unfortunately, Kelsey returned to the game in an unforeseen twist and ruined his game. Kelsey and Loveita lived together alone for a week, and Loveita shared with Kelsey all she knew about Mitch's game. After they both compared notes, they figured out Mitch's game. They both were able to spy on the Houseguests with live feeds of their own. Kelsey returned and let everyone know how Mitch was a dangerous player. Raul was very close to Mitch, and he was part of the Third Wheel alliance with Kelsey and Jared. Raul felt very betrayed by Mitch, and he stupidly chose to target Mitch for eviction when he won HoH. Even if Mitch was a threat, taking him out did no favors for Raul. It was just an emotional and petty move on Raul's part. Mitch campaigned hard, even giving a memorable speech about how he wanted to take Jared out of the house. He also managed to BS some Houseguests with statistics. They believed what he was saying even though he was making it all up. Mitch was a very good player and root worthy Houseguest, and it's a shame how his game fell apart the way it did. It would've been interesting to see how Mitch's game would have played out if that twist never happened. Mitch ended up getting evicted 5-3 and became the first member of the jury. If BBCAN ever does a second chance twist, then Mitch should be someone to consider. Kudos to Mitch on lasting this long, but now out he goes from the rankdown.


Saving Adel.

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  • *Amanda changed the title to Big Brother Canada Rankdown (Cycle 8: Steven Nominates Next)
  • *Amanda changed the title to Big Brother Canada Rankdown (Cycle 8: Steven's Nominations Posted)

Paras Atashnak


Absolutely not the cut I want to be making right now. Frankly there's five houseguests I really love and one who I absolutely think should be going right now, but unfortunately cutting him isn't worth the repercussions. So with the five remaining houseguests I'm afraid I have to cut Paras. Paras has aged extremely well for me. While I always liked Paras throughout BBCAN6, I was upset with her victory as a Kaela stan. However, it's been years and I can look back on the BBCAN6 final two fondly because both women are icons. I guess the biggest negatives with Paras are her gameplay and the Will/Maddy/Paras trio. While Paras played a good game, I think it's looked back on much more fondly since she won. I don't want to take anything away from her victory, but at times she just stumbled backwards into it. Paras, Maddy, and Will kinda sat around thinking they were doing That while there was a whole Johnny vs. Kaela war going on that was really the driving force behind the game. And look, Paras' whole trio made final five, outlasting Johnny's entire alliance, and Paras won the game. So I suppose you can argue what she was doing working. But she was constantly out of the loop and constantly tried tanking her game, but no one really cared because they didn't care about Paras :giggle:. While I support Paras winning as I believe the jury is always right, I can't say I would've made the same decision if I was a juror.

But I don't just watch Big Brother for gameplay. Paras was a Messy Bitch and that's why I love her. Paras lived for drama and was constantly doing The Most in that house. Paras would scheme and whisper and run around the house trying to stir the pot whenever she could. Paras' plans never really amounted to much, but dammit it was fun to watch. The Paras/Maddy/Will trio is truly such a trainwreck grouping. Paras' messiness was out in full force at the final five where she completely gaslit Maddy into taking the blame for ruining her entire game even though Maddy did nothing lol. It was kiiiiiinda infuriating, but I live for the drama so looking back on it I kinda love it oop. Paras was so dramatic :wub:. My favorite Paras moment though is her fight with Kaela during Johnny's HOH. Paras & Kaela started off as bffs but slowly began to turn on each other. A bit of a cold war was brewing between the two, and it finally culminated when Johnny won HOH and the only options were Paras' alliance vs. Kaela's alliance. So this happened:


Iconic :wub:. Both Kaela and Paras were truly delivering at their peak entertainment level in this fight. The flashbacks were a lie and that still infuriates me but whatevs, the edit was always #TeamParas for some reason. But how do we make this fight and relationship even better? By giving us a Jun & Ali final two where the two women mutually respect each other, think each other is their best chance at winning, and wanna see some scrappy girls succeed in this game. Paras gives us the iconic all female final two we all deserved with Kaela and then screams at the jury to give her the win...and they do lol. That finale was such a trainwreck :dead:. Paras is someone I truly do love and continues to age so well for me. Unfortunately she's in the amazing BBCAN6 cast so there's like 4 or 5 people I love even more.


Save Sabrina

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Dre Gwenaelle


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Dre was a contestant on Big Brother Canada Season 5.  She was a very likable contestant early on in the season.  She was on the newbies side of the house.  She well liked by most of the cast, but found her closest allegiances to Ika and William throughout the season.  There was one point in the season when the new players were dominating that Ithought Dre was poised to win the entire season.  As the season went on though, Ika played more of the middle and eventually was able to pit people against one another.  This caused Dre to lose a lot of her power and eventually turn on Ika.  The week before Dre was eliminated, there was an attempt to remove Ika and that was done by throwing Demetres up next to her.  After Jackie was nominated in his place though, Ika made a huge speech at the eviction ceremony and had gotten the votes to stay.   Then it was time for another triple elimination and Demika were able to win the head of household and take out both Dre and her bestie William in one fell swoop.  Dre was a great player and she was enjoy to watch on her season.  Unfortunately with the remaining 4 nom's I can't justify keeping her over Tim or the Ding Dongs.  She is however someone I would to see play again in the future.  She loved the game and I really thought her social game was killer.


Save: Tim Dormer

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