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Big Brother Canada Rankdown (#4 POSTED)


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It's time for another Rankdown Classic round - The Battles! 


You know the drill. 2 houseguests face off, the one with the least amount of votes to save gets eliminated.


However, because there are only 4 of you, you will be doing 2 battles each when it is your turn.



1. When it is your turn to nominate, you will post both of your battles in the thread.

2. The remaining 3 rankers will publicly cast their votes to save.

3. The houseguest with the most votes to save in each battle will be saved.

4. You cannot nominate any houseguests that were nominated in the round immediately prior to yours.

5. Rankers are responsible for both write-ups for the houseguests eliminated during their battle nominations.





1. @*Chris

2. @Solaris

3. @Steven_

4. @Alex95


Chris cannot nominate: 


Nikki Grahame

Neda Kalantar

Emmett Blois

Topaz Brady

Suzette Amaya

Merron Haile

Damien Ketlo

Demetres Giannitsos

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  • *Amanda changed the title to Big Brother Canada Rankdown (Cycle 6: The Battles)

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