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SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US10) (Winner Posted)


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20. Gianne Abott & Timomatic Omaji - "Zoolookologie" - (Hip-Hop by Supple)


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@kritaaay - 6

@JC - 9

@Zoey - 10

@FrogLenzen - 11

@Erestor - 18

@.Rei - 19

@taylorkat - 19

@*Diana - 20

@totes4totes - 20

@*Amanda - 20

@*Wallace - 20

Avg. Score = 15.63






Love a good Supple hip hop and Gianne slayed per usual.





Timomatic is probably the best hip hopper from the Australia series and Gianne proved herself early on the season to be the best girl at hip hop that season and then they got this???? I don't get what Supple was trying to convey here but it didn't work at all and it was just a waste of talent from two beasts of that season.




It's fine to admit that we all put this routine through because it was a Gianne and Timomatic routine done by Supple and didn't watch it. Again. This is a concept killing what should have been a killer routine on paper. It just feels like they were hindered by it all.




LOL the way I almost cut this routine but decided not to as I didn't think it would make the finals but then it does. :hides: I am Boo Boo the Fool, y'all. Okay I know this dance was from the Easter special though I don't really remember those dances that well. This dance has a cute prom theme to it. They sell their characters well but..... I don't know, it's not really doing it for me. And I don't really get it? I definitely would have preferred having a number of other Gianne and Timomatic dances  here.



19. Talia Fowler & Ben Veitch - "It Had Better Be Tonight" - (Quickstep/Samba by Natalie Lowe)


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Wallace - 8

Megan - 11

Gigi - 12

Diana - 13

Patrick - 14

Amanda - 14

Zoey - 16

Rei - 17

Kriti - 18

JC - 19

Derek - 20

Avg. Score = 14.73






Okay so I'm not really expecting this to rank high or do too well here but I've always had a strong love for Talia & Ben's Quickstep/Samba! First off, I really love the fusion of the Quickstep and Samba here and I think that was the first time I've seen something like this (before it was ever done on DWTS). I was so intrigued by this. I also love the song choice, which is so fun and perfect for both styles. Most importantly, I love how Talia and Ben danced, performed and sold this routine. They were both having such a blast with this dance. Like I said with Ben's Rumba, I feel he does a great job leading his partners in Ballroom/Latin dances. I thought they danced the Quickstep sections well (despite the big gapping I've noticed but I don't care), but the Samba sections are so fun, spicy and hot! :bobo: I thought they handled the fusion of both styles extremely well. ❤️





You all (okay not all but I'm not gonna be specific) were like "let's cut Valerie but let's have this completely unhinged routine mash-up make the Top 20." Not saying I don't like this routine which I described in my own Talia rankings as "the result is a routine that's unexpectedly kind of awesome." I also think now is a good time to point out that Ben made this list three times and all three times were in ballroom routines. He's a contemporary dancer. I think it just kind of goes to show how Ben is like the platonic ideal of a male partner in this series.




Ben's two ballroom routines with Talia suffer from the same stuff, Ben's terrible frame and facials expression. Talia is actually doing great here but Ben just drag this down for me big time. With a different partner this could be much much better.




IDK which of these Taliban routines is worse and I am not rewatching them so just randomly deciding the order. Yes their combined name is fitting because they are terrorizing me with their unnecessary existence in this top 20.




18. Talia Fowler - "Second Bad Vilbel" - (Ballet)


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Patrick - 4

Megan - 5

Amanda - 6

Derek - 8

Rei - 15

Wallace - 16

JC - 17

Diana - 19

Gigi - 20

Zoey - 20

Kriti - 20

Avg. Score = 13.64






I sacrificed "Valerie" to move this on and you know what? HASHTAG NO REGERTS. Landing in the bottom at Top 16 was the best thing to happen to Talia's run on the competition because she got to split from the perfectly fine EMan and showcase this solo. I follow Talia on IG and through her reels she still shows that she's one of the most inventive lyrical soloists that has been on this show.




It's a great solo but no one that I would consider a legendary solo and not Top 20 worthy.I assume that it made a big impact cause up until them Talia had only done crappy routines and then people were like: Oh she can actually dance!




I feel like this was Talia's groundbreaking solo that showed she had the potential to be a dark horse/frontrunner of this competition, because her earlier dances with Emmanuel were not it. But she did shine well on her own here. This was a dark, intriguing and fascinating solo. She danced and showed off such beautiful technique. But with it being a solo, I don't really connect or watch them much so I could have done without this being here. 🙈 Love you, Talia.




This was a waste of a top 20 spot.



17. Kat Risteka & BJ Rorke - "The Godfather Waltz" - (Foxtrot by Leanne Bampton)



 Watch Here 



Rei - 7

Derek - 7

Megan - 7

Zoey - 9

JC - 10

Diana - 11

Wallace - 14

Patrick - 16

Kriti - 17

Gigi - 18

Amanda - 18

Avg. Score = 12.18






Somehow I thought that this was more loved, so I'm very dissappointed that it's showing up on the first set. I think this is lovely, with a great styling and such clever choreography and concept for Leanne Bampton who proves the Australia series always found a way to make the standard ballroom routines very accessible to the audience, not enough for the IDF darlings though.




Just goes to show that even without Jason Gilkison choreographing, Australia has the grip on very fun/interesting/good ballroom and Latin routines. The US hasn't had a foxtrot this entertaining in maybe ever.




This was aight.





I thought this was such a unique and different kind of Foxtrot. This was a really heartbreaking and depressing kind of Foxtrot, but it was also really beautiful too. Kat & BJ showed great maturity in how they performed and sold the dance. I thought they did well with the partnering and footwork, though I did think some of the technique was a bit off. Namely BJ did seem a little slouchy in hold. But Kat & BJ had beautiful and lovely chemistry and sold it.


Edited by .Rei
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36 minutes ago, FrogLenzen said:

Talia's solo is legendary thank you very much. One of the only solos that I regularly revisit. Allie's red shoe solo also deserved


Godfather waltz robbed

this solo, Amanda's CA3 solo with the bike reflectors, anna from PO4 where she drinks the judge's water. jeanine's solos. Basically the only solos i regularly go back to.

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- Well I am glad that Gianne & Timoatic Hip-Hop came in last... and yay all of those #20s. And also totally agree with Rei's and Megan's comment. This was really such a waste to being here and yeah wish I had cut this. :ph34rwave:

- Gross that Talia/Ben's Quickstep/Samba came in so low at 19th. This deserved better. (!) Though I wish I could have also ranked it higher but it was tough with so many amazing routines. But still. :broken: And I can't with JC and his biasedness there. 🙂

- Good spot for Talia's solo here.

- Like Rei said, I thought Kat & BJ's Foxtrot would have done better than this as I thought it was more loved amongst people. But I'm alright with this ranking.

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Megan’s comment on that hip hop is a drag and a not untrue one


the solo is good I just still don’t know if I can judge routines alongside solos and so they tend to go to the bottom automatically (group routines too, which will screw me when we get to US11 and I have to admit the finale routine with the all stars made me sob like a baby and is 100% my fave of that season)

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