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Pia Renee Fan Thread

Dalton Eduardo

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Pia Renee is a vocalist and bassist who coined herself as a servant of Love.


Born and raised on the Westside of Chicago, Pia discovered her musical abilities at the age of six, when her amazing vocal talents were as pristine as the classic Disney scores that she belted out with beauty and strength.


Without guidance and support, her talent was buried under the issues of a turbulent adolescence. It wasn’t until her early twenties that she began to pursue her passion of becoming a professional musician.


At the age of 23, Pia enrolled in the music program at Harold Washington College and received the training that made up for the lost time throughout her teenage years. It was there that she met her musical partner, Andrew David, an artist/producer that she collaborates with regularly.


After studying the bass guitar for a year, she began playing with a local Reggae Band and begun to sing background for many others.


In 2007, during her time as a bassist and background vocalist, Pia stepped into the spotlight and auditioned for American Idol. As a background singer, her televised audition impressed both Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul. But Simon Cowell’s response was the one that sealed the deal:


“I like you. You’re interesting. You don’t have the demeanor of a backing singer. Some of them come in like whipped donkeys. You’re confident; you’re stylish. I like you. I like you a lot.” – Simon Cowell













1. Dalton Eduardo

2. Misirlou

3. FloorWax

4. David68

5. B-B

6. KimberlyxKyla

7. TheVoiceFan2

8. jamescasaki

9. Persy

10. ArtistOnMars

11. pauwis

12. AliXRose

13. Angeles

14. Daillon

15. VoiceSelf12

16. istersay

17. Bk1234

18. thecarterfilez

19. sydneysam

20. QueenCami

21. Ottoxxx

22. erik g

23. You?




Edited by Dalton Eduardo
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