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14 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

This season went downhill so fast with Izzy gone and Cirie likely gone soon. But I’m glad Reddit and Twitter got their alliance of pretty young people running the game like they do every season :yawn:

As much as I love her and will always love her, this is on Cirie.  She turned on Hisam when she probably shouldn't have, and that started the domino effect of the other "older" houseguests falling.  Red, then Izzy.  And Cirie will likely go home after Jared (who's being targeted for eviction in the Double Eviction episode).


Though even turning on Hisam was a survivable mistake.  It was sparing Cameron for as long as she did that really screwed her, as he wouldn't have been able to blow up her game had he just been gone in week two.

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12 minutes ago, Rodney said:

As much as I love her and will always love her, this is on Cirie.  She turned on Hisam when she probably shouldn't have, and that started the domino effect of the other "older" houseguests falling.  Red, then Izzy.  And Cirie will likely go home after Jared (who's being targeted for eviction in the Double Eviction episode).


Though even turning on Hisam was a survivable mistake.  It was sparing Cameron for as long as she did that really screwed her, as he wouldn't have been able to blow up her game had he just been gone in week two.

Ok? Doesn’t change the fact that the season is getting boring 

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America- Cirie is like “Cam looks so disgusting right now with his shirt off, like eww, that’s gross.” Jag- Why are you talking about other people’s bodies like that? What right do you have? #BB25


This woman is beyond vile. Yet again let's flip this around and imagine Cam said that Cirie looks disgusting and gross in a bikini... I can already see the accusations of him being misogynistic, a woman hater, racist, body shamer etc. It's truly awful how much she gets away with. There's a reason she's been on Survivor 37293849 times and still never won. She won't win BB either. She's absolutely obsessed with Cam's hair and we can add his body to the list now as well. It's shocking how she has ZERO self awareness whatsoever and honestly at this point you can't even blame Jared for being the way he is when he has a mother like this. 

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It appears Cameron won the majority of competitions. So he will have the opportunity Thursday to decide if he wants to compete or not. He can either compete or let Jared compete. If the person who competes wins the competition, they return. If they lose, the other houseguest will return without having to compete.

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Gonna use this space to complain


The design of this season is seriously flawed. Effectively canceling like three evictions (only two people have left since Hisam, no one’s leaving this next week, and the previous double is basically meaningless since Jared and Cam are still lingering) is like taking a sledgehammer to the forward momentum of the season. It makes the weeks lose meaning and blend together (and the fact that it’s saving people like Jag Cam and Jared doesn’t help). Why even bring back the iconic pressure cooker comp only to have it be essentially meaningless in the grand scheme of things? Idk if this was to just suck up airtime because of the strike, but in that case I would’ve rather had two shorter seasons. Like it’s Day 51 and we won’t be even starting jury until like Day 70 or something - aka around the time older seasons were ending. Sometimes less is more

Edited by PandorasBox
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Omgg Week 9.... with 11 people still in the game. 😐 


They should have just kept it simple with a pre-jury buyback competition and some jury buyback competition or something, if they want to bring people back. These comeback twists this season have been entirely unnecessary. :wacko:

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