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Rate the Performances (Top 17)


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I remember seeing threads like this a few seasons ago so I thought I would start them up again for this season. Rate each performance on a scale from 0 to 10 and I'll average the scores for each performance in the OP as people add more ratings.


Current Ratings

Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" 9.18

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" 8.59

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" 8.22

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" 8.15

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" 7.96

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" 7.26

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" 7.18

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" 7.00

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" 7.00

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" 6.39

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" 6.26

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" 5.95

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" 5.38

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" 4.97

Arei Moon - "Finesse" 4.89

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" 4.13

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" 3.32

Edited by steverx
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Joanna easily had the worst song choice, others were meh, but it wasn't too bad. Joanna though girl I just....

Best was Zan's. 


Best performance: Zan

Worst Performance: Mike/Michael 

Edited by QueenMae16
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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" - 10

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" - 10

Arei Moon - "Finesse" - 5

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" - 7

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" - 6

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" - 10

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" - 3

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" - 5

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" - 8

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" - 7

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" - 6

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" - 8

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" - 6

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" - 6

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" - 5

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" - 6

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" - 7

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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" 10

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" 10

Arei Moon - "Finesse" 3

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" 3

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" 4

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" 7

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" 3

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" 5

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" 6

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" 8

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" 2

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" 10

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" 5

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" 7

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" 5

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" 9

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" 10

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1. Thunderstorm (10)

2. Allegra (9.8)

3. Toneisha (9.5)

4. Zan (9.5)

5. Micah (9.2)

6. Megan (8.5)

7. CammWess (8.5)

8. Joanna (8.5)

9. Todd T. (8.2)

10. Joei (8)


11. Cedrice (7)

12. Mandi C. (7)

13. Roderick (6.7)

14. Michael (6.5)


15. Mandi T. (6)

16. Arei (5.5) 

17. Mike (3)

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Tonight's rankings:

  1. Thunderstorm - 10/10
  2. Todd - 10/10
  3. Zan - 8/10
  4. Allegra - 8/10
  5. CammWess - 8/10
  6. Toneisha - 7/10
  7. Micah - 7/10
  8. Joanna - 6/10
  9. Joei - 6/10
  10. Mandi C. - 6/10
  11. Cedrice - 5/10
  12. Michael - 5/10
  13. Megan - 5/10
  14. Roderick - 5/10
  15. Arei - 2/10
  16. Mandi T. - 1/10
  17. Mike - 1/10
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Tier 1 (Amazing)

Zan (10/10)

Thunderstorm (9.5/10)

Allegra (9.5/10)


Tier 2 (Great)

Todd (9/10)

CammWess (8.5/10)

Micah (8.5/10)

Joanna (8.5/10)

Mandi C (8.5/10)


Tier 3 (Decent)

Megan (7.5/10)

Toneisha (7.5/10)

Roderick (7.5/10)

Joei (7/10)


Tier 4 (Flops)

Arei (5/10)

Mandi T (5/10)

Cedrice (4/10)

Mike (4/10)

Michael (3/10)


Edit: OP's looking for numbers so I'll edit I guess.

Edited by FloorWax
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Thunderstorm - 9

Allegra - 9

Arei - 6

Roderick - 7

Michael - 7

Zan - 8

Mike J. - 7

Mandi C. - 9

CammWess - 8

Megan Danielle - 8

Mandi Thomas - 6

Micah - 9

Cedrice - 7

Toneisha - 8

Joei - 7

Joanna - 8

Todd - 10


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1.) Zan 9.5

2.) Allegra 9

3.) Toneisha:8

4.) Cammwess: 8

5.) Megan: 8

6.) Thunderstorm: 7.5

7.) Joanna: 7.5

8.) Mandi C: 7

9.) Arei: 7

10.) Cedrice: 6.5

11.) Todd: 6.5

12.) Michael: 6

13.) Micah: 5

14.) Roderick: 5

15.) Joei: 3

16.) Mike: 2.5

17.) Mandi T: 1.5



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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" - 9.5

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" - 8

Arei Moon - "Finesse" - 4

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" - 5

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" - 6.5

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" - 8

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" - 4

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" - 7

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" - 8.5

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" - 9.5

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" - 4

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" - 7

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" - 6

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" - 7.5

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" - 5.5

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" - 7.5

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" - 10

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1. Thunderstorm Artis (9.5/10)

2. Allegra Miles (9/10)

3. Zan Fiskum (9/10)

4. Todd Tilghman (9/10)

5. CammWess (8.5/10)

6. Micah Iverson (8/10)

7. Toneisha Harris (8/10)

8. Joei Fulco (7.5/10)

9. Joanna Serenko (7/10)

10. Roderick Chambers (7/10)

11. Michael Williams (6.5/10)

12. Mandi Castillo (6/10)

13. Megan Danielle (6/10)

14. Cedrice (5.5/10)

15. Arei Moon (5.5/10)

16. Mike Jerel (4.5/10)

17. Mandi Thomas (4/10)

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1. Zan Fiskum (9.5)

2. Thunderstorm Artis (9.5)

3. Todd Tilghman (9)

4. Allegra Miles (8.5)

5. Micah Iverson (8.5)

6. Mandi Castillo (8.5)

7. Joanna Serenko (8)

8. CammWess (7)

9. Cedrice (7)

10. Megan Danielle (6.5)

11. Joei Fulco (6.5)

12. Roderick Chambers (6.5)

13. Arei Moon (6)

14. Toneisha Harris (6)

15. Mandi Thomas (5.5)

16. Mike Jerel (5.5)

17. Michael Williams (4.5)


Best: Zan and Thunderstorm were  FANTASTIC.


Biggest (Good) Surprises: Allegra was a 50/50 for me because she's had good and bad performances, but she definitely delivered. Micah also did very well with Your Song!


As expected: Todd Tilghman and Mandi Castillo did very well with their songs! Hope to see both of them go through.


Biggest (Bad) Surprises: Expected more from CammWess, Megan, Joei, and Joanna. None of them were given good song choices... Joanna was the best of them however.


Biggest letdowns: Cedrice, Toneisha, Arei, and Mandi were all given the wrong songs. Cedrice I think has a good shot at making it based on how she was trending online, but that's not the performance I wanted from her. She's one of my favorites. Toneisha has a shot as Blake's save (but if she doesn't get it, then she's definitely eliminated.) Arei and Mandi are gone.


As expected: Michael and Mike did about as good as they could. Roderick did as well as I expected him to.




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Great job!

1 - Zan

2 - Thunderstorm

3 - Allegra

4 - CammWess

5 - Megan

6 - Micah


You've had better performances but you weren't too bad

7 - Toneisha

8 - Cedrice

9 - Joanna

10 - Joei

11 - Todd


Good luck with your careers when you get eliminated

12 - Michael

13 - Mandi C

14 - Arei

15 - Mandi T

16 - Roderick

17 - Mike

Edited by MatthewPalermo
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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime"  8.5

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" 7.5

Arei Moon - "Finesse" 5

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" 6

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" 7.5

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" 7

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" 5.5

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" 6

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" 8

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" 9

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" 6.5

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" 8.5

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" 7.5

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" 9

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" 8

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" 7

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" 8.5

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WNTS teasssss 😍


Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime"    8.5
Cedrice - "everything i wanted"    8
Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind"    8
Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love"    7.5
Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)"    7
Arei Moon - "Finesse"    6
Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind"    6
Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times"    5
CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine"    5
Megan Danielle - "Anyone"    5
Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl"    4.5
Joei Fulco - "Runaway"    4.5
Micah Iverson - "Your Song"    3
Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U"    2
Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!"    2
Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance"    1
Mike Jerel - "All My Life"    1


*****also, steverx's trying to compile averages so give numbers in your rankings*****

Edited by holinessss
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1 hour ago, steverx said:

I remember seeing threads like this a few seasons ago so I thought I would start them up again for this season. Rate each performance on a scale from 0 to 10 and I'll average the scores for each performance in the OP as people add more ratings.


This is such a cool idea!!!


I did it in order of how much I liked them, and not in order of when the sung. Will that be an issue?

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1 minute ago, ashwinner said:

This is such a cool idea!!!


I did it in order of how much I liked them, and not in order of when the sung. Will that be an issue?

Nah that's fine. I have them listed in order of averages at this point so even the performance order is "out of order" for what I have lol 😂

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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" - 8

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" - 8

Arei Moon - "Finesse" - 3

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" - 8

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" - 2

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" - 9

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" - 2

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" - 7

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" - 7

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" - 5

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" - 5

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" - 6

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" - 8

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" - 7

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" - 6

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" - 7

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" - 7

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Thunderstorm Artis - 10

Allegra Miles - 7

Arei Moon - 6

Roderick Chambers - 4

Michael Williams - 2

Zan Fiskum - 10

CammWess - 5

Mike Jerel - 2

Mandi Castillo - 3

Megan Danielle - 10

Mandi Thomas - 5

Micah Iverson - 10

Cedrice - 7

Toneisha Harris - 5

Joei Fulco - 5

Joanna Serenko - 7

Todd Tilghman - 6

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Thunderstorm Artis - 10

Allegra Miles -5

Arei Moon - 5

Roderick Chambers - 4

Michael Williams - 6

Zan Fiskum - 10

CammWess - 6

Mike Jerel - 2

Mandi Castillo - 3

Megan Danielle - 6

Mandi Thomas - 5

Micah Iverson - 10

Cedrice - 5

Toneisha Harris - 7

Joei Fulco - 5

Joanna Serenko - 8

Todd Tilghman - 8

Edited by VoiceFan1
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Thunderstorm Artis - 9

Allegra Miles - 9

Arei Moon - 8

Roderick Chambers - 5

Michael Williams - 3

Zan Fiskum - 7

CammWess - 8

Mike Jerel - 3

Mandi Castillo - 8

Megan Danielle - 6

Mandi Thomas - 3

Micah Iverson - 9

Cedrice - 7

Toneisha Harris - 4

Joei Fulco - 6

Joanna Serenko - 6

Todd Tilghman - 7

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Thunderstorm Artis - "Summertime" 9.5

Todd Tilghman - "Glory of Love" 9.5

Zan Fiskum - "Blowin' In The Wind" 8

Allegra Miles - "New York State of Mind" 8

Joanna Serenko - "Rich Girl" 7.5

Megan Danielle - "Anyone" 7

Toneisha Harris - "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)" 

CammWess - "Ain't No Sunshine" 7

Cedrice - "everything i wanted" 7

Micah Iverson - "Your Song" 6

Joei Fulco - "Runaway" 6

Mandi Castillo - "¡Corre!" 6

Arei Moon - "Finesse" 5

Roderick Chambers - "Lost Without U" 4

Mandi Thomas - "I Hope You Dance" 3

Michael Williams - "Sign Of The Times" 3

Mike Jerel - "All My Life" 3

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If an artist doesn't move me I forget them and that's the case with most of the contestants.  The only ones worth a second listen are the only ones I care about - and that's usually only two - rarely three.  This season it's three.


Megan Danielle



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1. Thunderstorm 10

2. Zan 9.75

3. Allegra 9

4. Micah 9

5. Toneisha 8

6. Todd 8

7. Cammwess 8

8. Joanna 7.5

9. Mandi C. 7.5

10. Joei 7

11. Megan 6.5

12. Cedrice 6

13. Roderick 6

14. Arei 5

15. Mike 4

16. Micheal 4

17. Mandi T. 3

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