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Chris wants an 8-person alliance. He named him, Kyle, Vanessa, Carol, Sue, Angie, Jamar, and Minh-Ly. The first five are his main group and the other are floaters they control. REALLY bad news for the evicters.

Edited by Alex95
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1 minute ago, Alex95 said:

Chris wants an 8-person alliance. He named him, Kyle, Vanessa, Carol, Sue, Angie, Jamar, and Minh-Ly. The first five are his main group and the other are floaters they control. REALLY bad news for the evicters.

good news for US! ❤️

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Chris is locking down what he wants of his 8-person alliance. Angie and Minh-Ly are on board. Kyle, Vanessa, and Sue are pretending to be on board. I haven't seen him talk to Carol or Jamar yet but they'll obviously agree to it as well (Carol will be faking and Jamar might be faking).


Brooke is trying to mobilize her allies in order to flip the pre-veto nominees from her & Hira to Angie & Hira. Chris is swearing up and down to Angie he's got her back so I'd be shocked if he does that. They could maybe convince Chris to do Rianne or Madeline as a pawn with Hira maybe. Micheal remains the backdoor target. Chris has considered Sheldon as well, but the main alliance is protecting him and keeping Chris on Micheal.

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Noms are today. Chris' plan is still to nominate Hira & Brooke to backdoor Micheal. If one of "The Evictors" wins veto, the house plans on telling them to use it to backdoor Minh-Ly and then blindside them by backdooring Micheal.

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He's still toying with a Sheldon backdoor it sounds like though. It would backfire majorly if it was Sheldon vs. Hira because Hira would go home. Sheldon vs. Brooke would be wild since they are pretty much the core of the alliance running the house right now.

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18 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Chris, Kyle, and Sheldon are together. So he'll probably do what Suzanne's Six want.

Lol I love this name of "Suzanne's Six." :giggle: 


18 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Omg Suzanne is legit EVERYWHERE on the feeds. We stan a social butterfly!

This hardly surprises me. :lmao: 


2 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Noms are today. Chris' plan is still to nominate Hira & Brooke to backdoor Micheal. If one of "The Evictors" wins veto, the house plans on telling them to use it to backdoor Minh-Ly and then blindside them by backdooring Micheal.

omggg that would be a crazy plan. 😮 The evictors would be dumb to take that on board though.

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3 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Noms are today. Chris' plan is still to nominate Hira & Brooke to backdoor Micheal. If one of "The Evictors" wins veto, the house plans on telling them to use it to backdoor Minh-Ly and then blindside them by backdooring Micheal.

queen-ly's MIND!!! 

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Hira, Brooke, Madeline, Carol, and Vanessa are the veto players. The twist from last year of the HOH not playing in veto is still happening it seems.

As of now...

Hira will veto himself, Micheal will go up and likely get evicted.

Brooke, Carol, and Vanessa will veto Brooke, Micheal will go up and likely get evicted.

Madeline as of now would likely not use it. Sheldon clued Micheal and John Luke in that they might be in trouble. However, the house still wants to trick Madeline to veto Brooke to backdoor Minh-Ly and then blindside the Evictors at the veto ceremony by nominating Micheal.

Edited by Alex95
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