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RuPaul's Drag Race Season 12


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1. Jaida - fave from start to finish. A pretty flawless journey. Great addition to the winners’ circle :wub:
2. Heidi - hilarious, sweet, gave us the best moment of Untucked this season. We have to stan

3. Crystal - what an angel. An amazing growth arc and put up a great fight in the end!

4. Jan - unproblematic and underrated! I think she left at a fair time but I can’t wait to see her step up on All-Stars.

5. Nicky - iconic at confessionals ❤️ Wish we saw more of her, she seems like a sweetheart but also just has a great personality and looks

6. Jackie - didn’t always enjoy her shady side, but a great competitor over the season. Wish she got a win somewhere!

7. Widow - her lip-syncs in front of Nicki Minaj and Chaka Khan...legendary :wub: Great at confessionals. Sad she got defeated by the end

8. Gigi - definitely a talented queen with so much to offer. She lost me a little later into the season, but she put up a great showing
9. Aiden - not much of a competitor but had the occasional good moment and was fun to root for her in the midst of all the drama! I liked seeing her considering how different she felt to other contestants

10. Brita - made for a great early-season villain. I’ve definitely warmed up to her post-elim and would like to see her back on an All-Stars season to see her less arrogant and more driven

11. Rock - only because of how soon she left. She was fun in the early weeks but I kinda forgot about her after her elim!

12. Dahlia - iconic storm off. But the clear first boot in such a strong cast. She brought some great looks!

Edited by *Lily
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Initial rankings post-season:


1. Crystal Methyd - One of my favorites from the start, and a few episodes in she became my clear #1. An absolute joy to watch every minute she was on screen and her brand of kooky doesn't seem forced or fabricated like maybe some of the other ~weird~ queens who came before. Her makeover is my favorite in the history of the show. Her runway looks were always fun, even if she didn't hit it out of the park every time. But when she did, man she easily has some of my favorite looks ever. She also became a challenge threat by the end of the season and kudos to Crystal for listening to the judges' critiques and applying them to future weeks even if the judges' opinions suck sometimes. :haha: 

2. Heidi N Closet - Again, one of my favorite queens ever, she's a delight to watch. Sure, she was relatively unpolished but her attitude and personality are the definition of congenial. She's shady without being mean, funny without being try-hard, and entertaining without any gimmicks. A true star. 

3. Jaida Essence Hall - Really won me over by the end of the season, to the point where I even looked back at some of her runways that I didn't love before and they grew on me. Polished and entertaining is a really hard combo imo but Jaida proves that the two aren't mutually exclusive. Definitely the worthy winner of this season who could compete with the best if there were ever an all-winners season.

4. Jan Sport - I understand how she could be a bit much or annoying to some, but Jan was another delight to watch on the show. She easily should have won a maxi challenge, if not two or three, but I'm glad that she came out looking really good this season and the fan demand for her to be on AS will be very high so I know we'll see her again. Also, I was not prepared to laugh at her so many times, from the Shade Button to the robe of herself that she wore at the reunion...so much fun

5. Rock M Sakura - Probably too high, but she was a clear highlight for me of the three episodes that she was on, so that's enough for her to be this high. So likable, so unique, so funny, so underappreciated by the judges. I hate that she was cast to be a filler queen and even when she proved to be above average the judges just didn't really give a sh*t. Shame

6. Jackie Cox - Kinda here by default, I was very on and off with her all season but overall I think she brought a lot to the competition and has a heart of gold. I loved her perspective on being raised in a Muslim background and wanting to represent her roots even if she isn't religious herself. I think my main problem with her was that I just never really laughed out loud at anything she did, and her lipsync style kind of bothered me for whatever reason, it was a bit manic and...boyish? Idk. Having said that, I see her as someone growing on me a lot over time so we'll see.

7. Widow Von'Du - Another casualty of Ru and the judges playing head games with someone till they screw themselves out of the competition :( You could tell she was really struggling with confidence by the end and she was just over it by the time she left. Overall, though, a fierce competitor and a great narrator this season.

8. Gigi Goode - For a finalist, I find her overall really underwhelming. I appreciate her confidence, and I think her mother is an INCREDIBLY talented seamstress and designer, but the whole time I was just kind of wondering.....how many of these concepts were actually Gigi's and how many were her mom's? A lot of the looks were very similar and I just felt like I had deja-widow-von-du every time I saw her on the runway. Plus she seems just a tad immature and maybe she would have benefited from a couple more years of personal growth? Idk...either way, she was a great competitor and did have several fabulous moments on the season.

9. Nicky Doll - What a sweetheart, you can tell that she also has a heart of gold and her eye for fashion is 100% on point. I do think she was eliminated around the right time, I don't know if it truly was a language barrier issue or if she was jut a bit out of her league in some aspects. I do want to see her return because I think her growth arc has a. lot of potential.

10. Aiden Zhane - As Lily said, never a threat in any capacity but she brought some entertainment and drama and I was rooting for her to do well. I think she has a lot of potential but really needs to hone her craft a bit more if she were to ever be a serious threat to go far. Still, I don't dislike her at all!

11. Brita Filter - Eh. She seems like one of those drag queens who is super successful irl but not really built for drag race. There was just something missing for her each week and her delusion kinda made it even more apparent. I'm glad she was mature enough to realize how silly she was acting during filming though!

12. Dahlia Sin - Broc-ally being in every freakin episode is hilarious but overall, definitely the most forgettable of the season.

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Just finished the finale. Jaida is an excellent winner and she did great in the lipsync. Crytal was an awesome underdog too and Gig started out as my favorite but she was definitely my least favorite out of the final 3. Still like her though!


I hope next season that the reading challenge is not done in teams since it's one of my favorites every season and I didn't like it being changed. 

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10 minutes ago, ~Tom~ said:

I hope next season that the reading challenge is not done in teams since it's one of my favorites every season and I didn't like it being changed. 

Blame S11. :haha:

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“You’ve developed a rapturous fan base since being on the show. What has that meant to you?”

[...] it’s been so many people that have just been supporting me and loving me and showing up out of nowhere. It makes you feel really grateful — especially with Drag Race, because a lot of times, queens of color don’t always get so much love.



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