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Everything posted by dtripper

  1. He needs vocal lessons tbh but I like him anyway
  2. Corey on Iris? Ooh Nvmd he is not doing as well as I thought
  3. #Ihateithere though I don't know why I expected anything else who am I supposed to vote for??!!
  4. Boring old minivan, sigh. Will keep watching to vote for instant save, otherwise I have a movie to see lol
  5. Victor: 9.2/10 Jordan: 7.9/10 Cam: 9.6/10, Kenzie: 9.2/10, Corey: 8.4/10 Pia: 9.2/10 Rachel: 8.4/10 Corey: 7.9/10 Dana: 9.9/10, Pia: 9.5/10, Victor: 9.5/10 Gihanna: 9.7/10 Gihanna: 9/10, Rachel: 8.8/10, Jordan: 8.7/10 Dana: 9.4/10 Cam: 9.4/10 Kenzie: 8.6/10 Dana > Gihanna > Cam > Pia > Victor > Kenzie > Rachel > Jordan > Corey AKA I will not be happy tomorrow
  6. is this pitchy or am i crazy? def not crazy about the song anyway
  7. she was already a little famous before the show, maybe that's why he won't take credit for it
  8. Victor: 9.2/10 Jordan: 7.9/10 Cam: 9.6/10, Kenzie: 9.2/10, Corey: 8.4/10 Pia: 9.2/10 Rachel: 8.4/10 Corey: 7.9/10 Dana: 9.9/10, Pia: 9.5/10, Victor: 9.5/10 Gihanna: 9.7/10 Gihanna: 9/10, Rachel: 8.8/10, Jordan: 8.7/10 Dana: 9.4/10
  9. to each their own! he was being outshined by Cam so much I barely noticed him
  10. Victor: 9.2/10 Jordan: 7.9/10 Cam: 9.6/10, Kenzie: 9.2/10, Corey: 8.4/10 Pia: 9.2/10 Rachel: 8.4/10 Corey: 7.9/10 Dana: 9.9/10, Pia: 9.5/10, Victor: 9.5/10 Gihanna: 9.7/10 Gihanna: 9/10, Rachel: 8.8/10, Jordan: 8.7/10, bandzilla & arrangement 6/10..
  11. changing my rating system for nuance, not that america ever agrees with me anywayy Victor: 9.2/10 Jordan: 7.9 Cam: 9.6/10, Kenzie: 9.2/10, Corey: 8.4 Pia: 9.2/10 Rachel: 8.4/10 Corey: 7.9/10 Dana: 9.9, Pia: 9.5, Victor: 9.5 Gihanna: 9.6/10
  12. Victor: A- Jordan: B- Cam: A, Kenzie: A-, Corey: B Pia: A- Rachel: B Corey: B-
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