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Jordan Smith Fan

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Everything posted by Jordan Smith Fan

  1. Agreed. Samuel's blind >>>>>> his battle, but KJ's battle performance >>>>>> her blind.
  2. It's so sad that Hailey got eliminated after that. She improved a lot.
  3. Yes it was. Match of the year. imo There were so many great moments in the match.
  4. This crown Jewel was imo the best PPV of 2021. Edge vs Rollins, Big E vs Drew, Roman vs Brock. All of them were amazing matches which had amazing build ups and storylines.
  5. 1. Paris/Jonathan 2. Wendy(but voted for Paris because I know how underrated he is here).
  6. Yellow: Matt McAndrew vs Ethan Butler,Jake Wells,Calvin Lockett vs Brennen Henson, Berritt Haynes vs Kaitlyn Velez Matt/Ethan is one of my fav battles.
  7. From the recent seasons Kymberli vs One up Alex vs Injoy Micah vs. Gigi
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