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Everything posted by Bk1234

  1. It looks like Nini is back home! It must feel great to return home after spending months in that hotel. Hopefully she’ll be back for lives soon though.
  2. If I remember correctly, they are taping a portion of the Playoffs today. Wishing Nini the best of luck!
  3. Favorite Audition: Jordan Rainer - Fancy Rating: C (Ok) - no one really stood out to me besides Jordan and Alexa… I absolutely adore Reba
  4. Add me. Her performance was mesmerizing. Niall got a good one!
  5. Same. I didn’t really get it last season, but tonight he really stole my heart.
  6. Unfortunately, Nini’s audition didn’t air tonight Was she in the sneak peak for tomorrow night’s episode?
  7. I love Niall so much. He’s probably my favorite coach on the panel. I didn’t really get the hype last season, but I definitely get it now. He’s so funny.
  8. Fingers crossed I literally can’t wait
  9. Saba Vachiberidze was a producer on the Voice of Georgia. He re-posted the promo featuring Nini’s singing snippet. It seems like he’s hinting at Nini being aired tonight…
  10. Yeah, I am very intrigued by that one. Curious to see how she pulls it off!
  11. I almost forgot to post this… https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxWEaFaSmzw/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Everybody Loves an Outlaw re-posted the clip from Nini’s audition!!
  12. Today is premiere night!! I hope we get to see Nini’s audition.
  13. I love so many of these songs. She NEEDS to cover Evanescence on the show!! That would be so good.
  14. Omg, she would absolutely crush this!! Thanks for suggesting this!! I hope you’ll join us somewhere down the line…
  15. I can’t tell if this is Nini hinting that she’ll be on tomorrow night??? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
  16. I don’t know. It’s still hard to predict, especially since the Playoffs haven’t been filmed yet.
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