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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. yeah this was really embarrassing 4 u bestie. but that's ok based on who i rave about most often that's probably the most reasonable guess
  2. it's one of those seasons where i think some of the no chairs were very strong. tragically, Kala was already ranked in a previous set.
  3. I mean, regardless, it's a silly concept, even for other reasons. What if a contestant's mother had passed? The contestant had two dads? So many reasons why this doesn't make sense to do; they should have scrapped the concept as soon as they anticipated it being a potential issue.
  4. bestie have you seen the politics thread ? it's even worse than this it is rather enlightening about certain members of this website though..
  5. new hints. these ones are kind of bad but i can't think so here ya go Limited? Maybe, that’s one of two possibilities 48.856613 Why is the music team obsessed with this topic?! Another oxymoron. @nytsch @erik g @Cookie73 @Gustavo527 @Hsamid @allistr @FloorWax @Someone648 @allistr @jarmon @VintageVoice @Hamza Tufail @AliXRose
  6. 13. Gina Miles I definitely don't think the whole singing vs. speaking voice thing is a big deal, but Gina's voice is truly very cool. I love how low her voice sounds when she's singing. Furthermore, it doesn't feel like she's trying super hard to force out huge notes or big runs -- the performance comes off classy. On the other hand, because Gina doesn't go for many vocal tricks or big notes, the performance does feel a little one-note. I'm willing to accept that, though, because that "one note" is a pretty great one. HINT: "Looks like your coach took a lesson from you!" Niall chose to advance Gina on his team, making sure that she wasn't "the one that got away" from his team. 12. Jamar Langley It's funny to me that I'm ranking this so high because I thought this wasn't very good at first. However, the performance has really grown on me because of how joyful it is. Furthermore, Jamar has some vocally cool moments. I love the texture of his voice, it's so hard to describe but it's not just rough or smooth. I don't know if it's like a strong vibrato or something but it's very compelling. I thought that his stage presence was also perfect for the song. Finally, his last note where he goes high was very well-done and I can see why the coaches turned there. HINT: I hope facebook doesn’t call her a screamer… At the end of Jamar's performance, when he received a chair turn, Jamar's wife screamed twice (love her for that). 11. Kylee Dayne I love this song and Kylee's rendition is incredible! The opening note, where she goes really big, already got me super interested. The rest of the performance is strong as well, with some softer moments, with great runs, as well as big notes. The huge note on "now I-I-I-I" was very impressive and shocked me the first time that I heard the performance, but also it had always been clear to me that the note wasn't perfectly executed; initially that was overriden by how impressed I was with how powerful her belts were but now I see that, as the climax of the performance, it would ideally feel a little smoother. The final head voice run at the end was absolutely stunning, but also felt a little sanitized, overly-technical, and lacking in passion or emotion -- unlike the rest of her performance which was passion-forward. HINT: Should’ve listened to what Kim said! Kim Cherry warned her to not go chasing waterfalls, but now Kylee is like falling water. 10. Jayda Klink This performance is absolutely stunning! Jayda's tone and generally everything about her voice is extremely pretty. Perhaps this should be unsettling for me considering the nature of the song, but I thought that her calm expression throughout was kind of compelling for some reason? I feel like there's not more to say because the performance wasn't very different throughout, it was just pretty the whole time. I do think it's a kind of funny coincidence that her belt on "No Air" sounded like she was running out of air. HINT: Ariana could’ve advised. [credit to @FloorWax for getting this first] If Jayda were out of breath, she should just "keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'."
  7. yes !!! she's so good. tragic that she was with Adam bc he's a loser and also whoever gave her song choices were terrible. love her tone
  8. just remembered that if Holly makes the finale she and Kelly will do a duet. that will be insaaane. perhaps unpopular but i thought that desz and kelly wasn't as good as it could've been because desz was more powerful than kelly obviously, still a stellar performance bc both are great singers, but desz's voice has such depth and is so rich and powerful that kelly's seemed a little boring in comparison meanwhile, holly and kelly on a pop/country powerhouse ballad would be great; i think they're a very good match.
  9. wait can one of y'all explain what the format is for today's episode (and perhaps tmrw's episode if they're in conjunction w/ each other)? i'm confused what's going on bc yall are already talking about results so im wondering if theyre doing the silly goofy thing where they put the results in the same episode as the performances since this is 3 hours long
  10. Group 1: The top two is correct. Matt and Kaeyra should be lower imo but not egregious considering that there were not that many stellar performances that night. Group 2: Woah there okay so. Olivia has no business being 3rd when she dodged the signature note of a Mariah song? Love and stan her but that wasn't it. Also thoroughly confused why Michael is in the upper half. Megan should be higher.
  11. there have been several pop contestants who have covered this song on singing competition shows i think. rock-pop version: more indie pop:
  12. finally someone agrees Chris was a stronger vocalist than Cam. it wasn’t even close imo
  13. idk that seems to simple.. u have to think outside of the box and be creative
  14. same energy as some IDF user postulating that Kim sang "Always On My Mind" to pander to the country audience when it was actually a tribute to a relative (?)
  15. jayshon no way you're reacting to this with a laugh emoji you have NO room to talk as a ryley stan and a recently initiated Holly enjoyer...
  16. Breathin' is one of her biggest songs I'd like to hear Greedy, but idk how big that is. I think Makayla may have done it a while ago but maybe that was a different song.
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