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Everything posted by echoap

  1. the PV has been locked for a while. The real question is: Is Parijita winning the season?
  2. Parijita was good but her rendition lacked a proper climax. Hope she goes back to pop-soul
  3. Morgan even getting the traditional TCO songs lul. Hope it works for her.
  4. Kinda boring song choice but Parijita slayed so I'm satisfied.
  5. Hope they leak Parijita so I don't have to watch the show tonight
  6. Reposting Cami's newest song so it doesn't get buried in the previous page
  7. Cami's new song, "Parasite", is out right now!
  8. Didn't care for the song but it was a good battle. Bryce's beard isn't long enough so Bodie might have a fighting chance. Still a long shot though.
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