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Everything posted by psterina

  1. Here's some possibly good news, regarding this. As much as I don't like Trump, it appears, he could be right, about the weather, and Corona Virus. This is a really good video
  2. And THAT, is the intention. When it all goes down, it's going to be too late. The government response is above and beyond, what it needs to be, don't you all think?
  3. Massive voter suppression in AZ, and FINALLY …. someone, with a conscience, won't do their bidding
  4. Who is turning 30 today? A huge Happy Birthday, to Siobhan!!!!! And … a Huge Happy Birthday, to her sister Azora, who had a birthday Yesterday. She looks so much, like Siobhan
  5. Not saying I believe this. Not saying I don't. But …. interesting , anyway ….
  6. Exactly! Kim hits the nail on its head. It comes down to … The establishment or, the people
  7. Thank you for posting. I was coming here to post the video she released, regarding this. And, Yes. .It's a good solution, being that so many people, are going to be off from work, for a little bit. As one of the commenters on the video said "Talking points are cheap. Tulsi makes it happen. Now that's a leader"
  8. I know, right? It's an important issue
  9. Maybe I am, throwing my hands up in the air. I have crossed a line. Back in 2016, the DNC, was every bit as corrupt, and treated Bernie, the way that they're treating Tulsi (only they amped up their mis-treament exponentially, for Tulsi). I was beyond infuriated, then. Multiply that, many times. I only voted for Hillary, because of the Supreme Court, and because, I didn't want Trump. But NOTHING changes, without deliberate stepping outside of the box sometimes. And that time, is now. Maybe things, just really need to get really bad, before people see, and change the system, by the sheer numbers of people, being fed up. There is a movement RIGHT NOW, to change the 2 party system, and I'm going with that. I am sick of sheople, and their blindness, being led around like drones, and believing, what is fed to them. Refusing to see, how this system holds the power, to put politicians into place, to keep the same old, same old, is madness. They have their chosen one, already. It is rigged, and has been. The choice isn't between Democrat & Republican, the choice …. is between warmongering corporatists, and, the people
  10. The oligarchy is made up, from those on both sides. Kim Iversen, lays it all out. 2 sides of the same coin
  11. Well … keep laughing honey, cuz guess what? Trillions of YOUR tax $$, keep going out for the powerful elite, not to mention the many, many lives lost, that we are KNOWINGLY funding!! So, yes … let's continue THAT, while our country is falling apart at the seams, and the entire world, is looking upon us, as the worlds police. The ONLY candidate, that was willing to take that on, was ghosted & smeared. But, by all means …. keep laughing, because the joke, is on us ALL As for myself, as a lifelong democrat, I will be leaving the party, and like most of the country, will become an independent. Or, if Tulsi, begins a new party, I will join that. The war mongering, deception & corruption, of the DNC & MSM, is not something I want to be a part of, or contribute to. And... I will write Tulsi's name in during the General Election. Even risking, the re-election of the worst president, I have ever seen.
  12. Here's something that has been LONG OVERDUE. Investigating the U.S. for war crimes
  13. So … THIS, is the best person, to be our president? sadder, than sad.
  14. Because, Sanders has been weak and cowardly on important issues. She, is the one who has my vote, and my support. As far as to why Tulsi, is still in this ... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/why-hawaii-rep-tulsi-gabbard-is-continuing-her-bid-for-president/ar-BB10Sup8?ocid=spartanntp
  15. He's already one of my faves. Add me !
  16. Although it's obvious, that she is not going to win, the point is … she is still running, because there are many of us who want her to run, and are supporting her (Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, Greens, as they all show up at her town halls). It is her Message, her Platform, that needs to get out to people. Having TRILLIONS of $$ spend on the endless Regime Wars, has got to come to an end!!! It's senseless!!!!! We weren't elected to be the world's police! The last reason she is still in, is because of vanity. THAT, is not at all, who she is. And … She is literally a target, because of what she stands for (Reigning in Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Privately Owned Prisons, Big Ag). That is why she is silenced. Lives have been ended, for taking this kind of stand (JFK,RFK,MLK)
  17. Thanks for posting. Always great hearing new stuff from Maddie!!
  18. Yay! Here's footage of last weekend's performance. Siobhan slays. The audience whoops & hollers, at the awesomeness, in the middle of her performance, and a standing O. Enuff said !! Somebody To Love Radio Gaga
  19. It's hard to "catch on", when the goal posts are moved, and she's kept off the debates, and also, when the media either smears, or ignores her. She has met the debate qualifications, (2 delegates, and 1, gave her that qualification), but looks like the very corrupt, un-democratic DNC, are going to play dirty, with her again. It's not Russia interfering with our Election. it's the DNC and Mainstream Media. It's CRIMINAL !!
  20. LOLOLOL As if Kamala, doesn't think of how Tulsi ended her run, every day. And probably will, for the rest of her life. Fact is …. Tulsi IS still in this race, against all odds, and … with the MSM ghosting her, or smearing her. I have no illusions, about her winning (this time), BUT … she is a unique candidate, pulling in people, from all fronts, with a message, that needs, to keep getting out to people. And, she has my full support, and vote. The ONLY candidate (and I mean ONLY), to come out swinging against the Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Private Prisons, Big Ag, Big Oil and ….. the very corrupt, disgusting DNC, is Tulsi. The rest are supporters of all that I listed, or …. are cowards.
  21. Tulsi voted correctly. And, I totally agreed with her. As much as I hate Trump (I've never hid that), she stated why she did so, and it included, the foresight to KNOW, that the Republican led Senate, would never vote for impeachment. AND, that it would incite his base (which it has) The only thing the media focused on, was THAT, amidst so much going on, that got ignored. Tulsi has shown herself to have judgement, and great foresight. One of the things the media NEVER covered during that time, was THIS … which vindicated Assad, after being accused of gassing his people, and also vindicates Tulsi, and all that smearing that mindless drones, continued to spread . But, did any of you hear about this? Of course not !! Because all the media brought us, what the impeachment, for weeks and weeks. The mass media is bought, and corrupt. Stop buying, into its lies.
  22. THAT, I believe …. puts her on the next debate stage Slayage, will ensue Also … I believe she got 2 delegates https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/485832-gabbard-claims-first-delegates-of-primary-race
  23. Came across this video. Love the sound of her voice. Yup! Here is her original "Black Coffee"
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