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Everything posted by vee_

  1. I think it's the episode 2 weeks ago actually Devereaux!
  2. That's great 3-6 are the golden years and then AS2 is amazing too!
  3. VALENTINA (S9) I have nothing against Valentina but this is actually just so I can save Nina (who I'm not really a big fan of but from the list, I prefer her the most). Anyway, Valentina came in the workroom looking sweet and innocent. BUT SHE ISN'T. She's a calculated hoe who loved acting like a victim. Honestly, I'm lazy to write a writeup about Valentina But yeah, she's a talented queen there's no denying that but in this season she tried so hard to act like she's an angel when she's not. Thank God she embraced her true self after the season and people loved her for it. Anyway, she is slayed some runways for sure and one of my favourites from her is her white bridal look and probably her lingerie look if she could've worn better stockings that match her skin tone because that would be a perfect slay in my opinion. Without Valentina, we would've not gotten the iconic, "You're a model..." "...you look like Linda Evangelista..." "...they eat her up!" from Aja. Also, Farrah's, "You don't love me." There is also the, "I'd like to keep it on please" Greedy lipsync. Valentina served great television too so she left a mark in the fandom that's for sure. I'm cutting this short and just posting some videos. Bye Valentina!
  4. DECEASED AS3 made me like Aja
  5. Watch All Stars 3 Just pretend you know all the queens
  6. Shangela was in Katy Keene episode last week too and not just a cameo or a 10 second role! @miss denise WERKING QUEEN
  8. you need to watch AS3 because she isn't anymore maybe in S2 and S3 yes.
  9. She wasn't overrated in S3 though I think. She became a fan fave because she polished her drag, worked hard, and then slayed when got invited to All Stars. She deserved to win based on performance, even Trixie fans would agree @/Chris #rupaulsriggory
  10. I'm obviously from the future.
  11. you've watched Season 3 and All Stars 3?
  12. I don't think it's out in America yet? Is it not Friday there yet?
  13. Yeah, the Heathers were the more loved ones. Me too for obvious reasons
  14. Still iconic! WAIT WHAT?! kimoraandderrick.gif I didn't know this... ALSO, HAVE U LISTENED TO LM'S NEW SONG?!
  15. I'm team Heathers but Yara and Alexis contributed too in S3 being iconic! Alexis' patriotic video Yara's Amy Winehouse snatch game
  16. Top 4 is iconic! And the Heathers vs. Boogers Heathers winning in the end in in the top 2!
  17. It would've been if only they weren't paired together in the LSFYL
  18. I cant believe Henny and her iconic chicken work out isnt gif worthy
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