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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. Biden went full Dark Brandon tonight.
  2. This is literally a logical fallacy argument. And you know it’s BS. You’re smarter than that - and completely ignoring my criticisms because you know how “we should pretend women and gay people don’t exist” sounds. next time Hillary Clinton speaks are you going to completely ignore what she says and trust her opinion because of her education and experience?
  3. He’s incredibly anti-gay, clearly that’s his boogeyman. Republicans are all the same. Find a boogeyman - rally the troops around demonizing the boogeyman. Success. can’t go after immigrants anymore, because Cubans are voting Republican, so he’s going after the LGBTQ community…and teachers.
  4. They haven’t shot it down because it’s huge, and they’re concerned about it hurting people. If it was an actual threat, I’m sure we would. There is also, I’m sure, a concern that China would view it as an act of war.
  5. he literally says he doesn’t want to talk about women and gays in African American history. That’s his criticism. Republican or Democrat. Not okay. Black women and Black queer people exist and had an impact on Black history and have had unique struggles both outside and inside the black community. It’s ridiculous this isn’t part of the mandatory curriculum- never mind a college course. But thanks for posting that because it’s clear now that politicians don’t want teachers talking about women and LGBTQ people. At least they say the quiet part out loud.
  6. that was my first impulse, but he was unlikely to win the first time too. We just can’t risk it as a country now my hope is DeSantis gets the nomination, and Trump runs as an Independent. but I agree, he’s out of his mind.
  7. Right - and as I said, your numbers are severely off. “left wing ideology” “wokeness” What does that even mean to conservatives? You mean facts? Because that curriculum is factual. legit, what is the issue? Because it sure seems like anything that doesn’t uphold white supremacy gets placed in this whole/left wing box. So if it’s not that - then what is the problem? AP is revising the curriculum, and DeSantis may or may not approve it. Don’t twist that either.
  8. maybe in your circles. but definitely not in the country, and among people working in academics..the 80 percent is on my side. btw..is he really going to sit by and let the state require girls to provide their menstruation data? The state of Florida is going to learn a lesson about Gen Z… https://time.com/6252147/florida_student_athletes_menstrual_history/
  9. DeSantis. Trump is easier to beat, and also an idiot. I don’t think Trump could beat Biden, Harris, Jeffries, or Buttigieg - who I think are the most likely Dem nominees. They have the same domestic police’s - which I think are terrible - but DeSantis is significantly more likely to get them accomplished because again..he’s not an idiot. All advantages Trump for me, but the bottom line is I’m an American first. DeSantis didn’t partner with Russia. He didn’t attempt to over throw an election. And he didn’t refuse to give documents back to the government - likely sharing those documents with our enemies. Among other things. I’m also not concerned about DeSantis blowing up a country because their leader’s wife insulted him or because it’s Wednesday - or whatever reason Trump might have. if Trump has taught the country anything - I would think it would be that it’s important to have a a competent/rational person over anything else.
  10. On the one hand..the squad deserves this. They’ve played the “both sides are the same” card a while. And Omar absolutely dog whistles anti-semitism. However, the GOP holding her accountable while not holding their Nazi supporting, KKK supporting insurrectionists accountable is certainly something.
  11. Here is the curriculum. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23584340-ap-afam-syllabus-watermark There is nothing wrong with it. I keep seeing “wokeness” as a criticism, so I’d imagine the issues come with the “feminist” section, queer section, and modern movements. the idea that you could provide a comprehensive college course (as remember - this is AP, not high school level..where we white/straight/male wash everything), without including women’s perspective or queer perspective is asinine. And not including modern social movements is a disservice to the students. Again, it’s AP. Which means these kids are thoughtful and knowledgeable about the world - they’ll notice if major movements are not included. This is just sad, but not unexpected. Btw, other governors are threatening to reject the curriculum of its stripped.
  12. Eliminating dues is eliminating unions. And his education choices have been poor (see the recent banning of certain AP classes). Although I can appreciate raising the pay - Florida’s teacher pay is pathetically low.
  13. It’s certainly a debatable issue - and not really one that I frown upon with DeSantis..the problem I have (outside of my belief that the state shouldn’t kill anyone unless extreme circumstances) is the racism associated with the Death penalty..which only gets worse with rape cases. (The south, in particular, has a long and horrible history with killing black men on false accusations). So whatever the law is, it needs to address that. the real question is..does it matter if he can get it overturned? Because if he is pushing for this..then during the primaries consistently points out the 25 allegations against Donald Trump..I imagine he’d get a lot of GOP women on his side. They wouldn’t flip parties for this reason..but a choice between two GOP candidates? I think it ends up being a political win.
  14. The rape one is unconstitutional. The fetanyl dealer technically is, but if you deal it - you’ve killed someone, so that’s an easy get around. DeSantis going after teacher unions is terrible for teachers - and students. Quite often, it’s unions that push for students rights. But this is a typical move for him, he’s apparently at war with education and truth. interesting that Republicans never go after police unions.
  15. I agree with Trump’s involvement being key. Quite frankly, it shows that Trump still has a significant hold on the party. he flexed his power, and can now call solving the speaker issue a win for him, and convincing the crazy twenty to vote for McCarthy. Total power mover on his part. The problem though..is the crazy twenty want to break the government in order to cut social security and Medicare. That is tremendously unpopular. there is always a shot that Democrats don’t call it out when it happens and the media spins it as “Congress being ineffective” or “congress cutting social security”..but I don’t see Jeffries letting it happen. When means a Republican candidate not tied to congress will be more appealing for the 2024 election. (Aka an eventual win for DeSantis).
  16. Don’t the 20 crazies also worship Trump? They’re embarrassing. meanwhile, Jeffries introduced himself to the country, and is gonna be a political star. Pelosi couldn’t have picked a better successor if she tried.
  17. he’s celebrating. And he might be speaker in title, but the craziest portion of the party will be mostly running it. October will be interesting, we know they’ll want to shut down the government and economy, but because they got the ability to easily remove the speaker in the deal, any reasonable Republican (if there are any left) can do it too. which, btw..AOC already confirmed that Dems will be likely to vote with the defecting members. my prediction is we’re going to hear a lot of crying about executive orders in the next two years. The damage they can do is to simply break congress - and they’ll absolutely do this. Leaving Biden no choice. The clown show has started.
  18. Close TeamAudra..Republicans are excellent at taking reality spoken and twisting them to fit their narrative. They are considerably better at marketing than any Democrat not named Bill Clinton. the original tweet did not say that DeSantis or the state of Florida was banning books, it said “under your watch.” which is 1000% true. That book mentioned is being banned in some districts. And the reason it is able to be banned is because of laws the DeSantis legislature wrote (which, if you know anything about teaching - was absolutely ridiculous) the second tweet claimed DeSantis/Florida isn’t banning books. Also true, but not at all what was said. Season1..some of that is okay, some of it is ridiculous. I don’t have a problem with no leadership involvement in primaries…in fact that’s a shockingly good idea and returning to primarily single subject bills. but most of what they want are tools to break the government (further) and create chaos. Congress is incredibly unpopular because of how ineffective it is…
  19. Rumors are starting that some of the 20 are planning to vote present.
  20. 100,000 to watch McCarthy lose the speaker vote repeatedly is way over what it normally is. this doesn’t look good for Republicans. Again, people are sick of the chaos..that’s why even repubs are defecting from Trump to DeSantis (who is at least chaos in a suit) in the first place. This won’t help.
  21. 100,000 people are watching C-span today. do I think that this specifically will have an impact on voting? Probably not. Do I think it’s indicative of the shitshow that House Republicans are going to be for the next two years. Yes. And do I think that will impact voting? Also yes.
  22. oh trust me, Democrats like it. you’re kidding yourself if you think this is good for the GOP, unless you think this will be helpful in getting rid of Donald..but y’all really should have taken the out that Liz Cheney gave you. the reality is, the past election showed the general voters are sick of this crap. And it’ll show itself again next election.
  23. Freedom caucus wants term limits? hmm..now I’m getting a little suspicious of the convos they keep having with AOC.
  24. Fighting against Vaccines is just an element of clueless that’s expected from Republicans. And I expect his equally clueless fans to cheer. no, we can’t stop it now because people didn’t do it when we needed to. Literally exactly what scientists said (that if not enough people get the vaccines, new variants would cause problems) happened, and we have politicians going “see, vaccines don’t work.” Freaking polio is making a come back.. similarly, if you can’t understand the difference between Trump’s reaction to China, and Biden’s reaction..it’s not even worth discussing. on another note - House Democrats are literally bringing popcorn. To the floor, some of the 20 GOP members are threatening to vote for Jeffries now. Hilarious.
  25. Blake’s was hard. Very much between Danielle, Chloe, and Cam for me. I think Cam is Blake’s best winner by a mile, but my favorite was Chloe. Had to go with the rock girl. Kelly’s was much easier. I like GNT, but it’s Brynn all day.
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