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Everything posted by season1

  1. $10 gas is not coming fast enough for the regime, so shut down more domestic oil production.
  2. Here's one take. And if we follow the money, we'll probably find out that everyone who voted for any funding for Ukraine were getting donations from defense lobbyists and/or funding for their pet projects. Foreign aid is one big organized theft of American taxpayers' money, with funds ending up in the pockets of politicians one way or another. Rep. Massie pointed out that with this latest Ukraine "aid", more money was sent to Ukraine than spent on our roads and bridges in a year.
  3. Is anyone surprised? Another $40 Billion US taxpayer money for Ukraine, while illegals pour into our open southern border because there is no funding to finish the wall. Two sides of the same corrupt political coin. Don't expect pro-America legislation even if the GOP wins the majority in both houses of congress. [image from gab] EDIT: The 57 representatives who voted against the spending bill -- [image source]
  4. Pro-abortion "protesters" doing "peaceful protests." *** Justice Alito and his family had to move to an undisclosed location for their safety (source).
  5. Americans are pro-life, not anti-life. https://www.lifenews.com/2022/05/06/11-recent-polls-show-americans-are-pro-life-on-abortion/ From the article: In the 1990s, poling data showed approximately 55% of Americans opposed all or most aboritons. Yes, Americans support exceptions — such as abortion in cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is in danger. But those cases constitute less than 2% of all abortions, as 98% of abortions are cases when abortion is used as birth control. Since that time, little has changed as poll after poll after poll has found anywhere from 50-60% of Americans still want all or most abortions made illegal. Here is a list of several major polls in recent years confirming this to be true. May 2022: A Fox News poll found Americans are pro-life on a 54-44% margin and majorities want abortions banned after either 6 weeks or 15 weeks. January 2022: A Marist poll found 71% of Americans want abortions to be made illegal or for more limits to be placed on them, all essentially supporting overturning Roe. December 2021: A Harvard-Harris poll found found 32% of Americans want to repeal Roe v. Wade entirely and another 24% of Americans believe the Supreme Court should uphold the Mississippi abortion ban at issue in the recent Supreme Court case, which bans abortions on unborn babies up to 15 weeks. That’ 56% of Americans who are for overturning completely or setting the abortion limit at 15 weeks, which can be done by overturning Roe. September 2021: A new Rasmussen poll shows Americans support the Texas abortion ban to save babies from abortion by a 46-43% margin. June 2021: Gallup found 52% of Americans take a pro-life position on abortion wanting all (19%) or almost all 33% abortions made illegal. January 2021: A Marist Poll found a majority of Americans are pro-life and oppose all or virtually all abortions that take place in America today. When asked, 51% of Americans take a pro-life position with 12% of Americans say abortion should never be permitted under any circumstance, 11% of Americans say abortions should only be permitted to save the life of the mother and 28% of Americans take a pro-life position opposing 98% of abortions except in cases of rape or incest or if necessary to save the life of the mother. More polls cited here. [image source]
  6. I hope Kathy Barnette wins too. She's fortunate that despite the circumstance of her conception, her young mother and family chose life for her. https://nypost.com/2022/05/05/gop-senate-hopeful-kathy-barnette-reveals-she-is-a-product-of-rape/
  7. There are two issues at play on this matter: the SC ruling called "Roe v Wade" and whether abortion should be legal (and up to when, among other conditions). The poll you cited didn't ask about Roe v Wade, but whether abortion should be allowed to some extent, or not. As you have stated in a previous comment, overturning Roe v Wade does not automatically make abortions illegal. Overturning Roe v Wade is removing the unconstitutional legislation from the court. Overturning Roe v Wade is removing the imposed legislation of a group's "morality" on the entire country, a court ruling that overstepped the authority of State legislatures, and nullified existing State laws. Legislation, or making laws, should be done by the legislative body of government or the Congress, be it US Congress or State Congress. The court should not be making laws, like they did with Roe v Wade. IF this SC overturns Roe v Wade, the issue goes back to the States where it should be addressed (10th amendment). Some states are more liberal than others. But even the restrictions (heartbeat law, up to 15 weeks) imposed by some states still allow for exceptions. These laws do not totally outlaw abortion. It just makes it harder to get abortion on demand, or abortion for convenience, or abortion because the baby is a burden, or abortion as contraception, or other rationalization for abortion. As to the actual act of abortion, it is an act of violence against a little human being who does not have a voice and say in the matter. When shown with the video on how abortions are performed and that the "clump of cells" actually look human, many so-called pro-choicers changed their minds. Pro-abortion people changing their minds after watching a video about abortion: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=101541683014637283 The abortion video they watched: The "clump of cells" at 20 weeks -- Over 60 million babies have been killed in the womb since Roe v Wade was decided by the Supreme Court in 1973. The good news is, abortion numbers have declined over the past several years. https://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/ Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape or incest, and less than 8% are due to health of baby or mother. Over 90% of abortions are elective. Percentage Reason <0.5% Victim of rape 3% Fetal health problems 4% Physical health problems 4% Would interfere with education or career 7% Not mature enough to raise a child 8% Don't want to be a single mother 19% Done having children 23% Can't afford a baby 25% Not ready for a child 6% Other
  8. The loud minority and the media gaslighted many corporations into thinking the liberal agenda is the majority opinion. Especially when conservative voices are censored. A PR firm has to actually inform them that America is pro-life, despite what the media and the left says, and that many on the right are now fighting the woke agenda by voting with their wallets. Go woke, go broke is not just a slogan.
  9. They're already reacting, whether the leak is true or not. They've been protesting in front of the Supreme Court building within hours of the story breaking out Monday night. This leak (assuming the documents are authentic) is intended to fire up the left, put pressure on the Court, intimidate the Justices to change their votes, and possibly push laws to pack the court. EDIT: More on the protests that started Monday night -- https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/barricades-erected-supreme-court-reported-leak-draft-decision-overturning-roe-v-wade-protesters-start-gather-court/ This could get ugly.
  10. This Supreme Court leak probably came from one or more law clerks for the liberal Justices -- to mobilize intimidation efforts against the SCOTUS justices. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473 Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows "We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court. ---
  11. Babylon Bee doesn't disappoint -- Story 1: Story 2:
  12. Welcome to USSA. The "Biden" regime has created its own Ministry of Truth. Here's a detailed blog with background info: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/28/tucker-carlson-emphasizes-the-mission-priority-of-newest-dhs-agency-disinformation-governance-board/ [Image from Conservative Treehouse]
  13. You mean the conspiracy theory that conservatives are shadow banned and/or restricted is actually true? And now they're removing the restrictions so these corrections are occurring on right-leaning accounts?
  14. Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, tweeting about Truth Social -- It's understandable that Truth Social is currently #1 on the app store, it's the newest social media app, and it's finally working. BTW I reinstalled the app and my account is now active. Seems to be working fine on my old iPhone. Web and Android next month I think.
  15. Here's an interesting thread about Twitter numbers for the past day or so. Leftist accounts are losing followers while right-leaning accounts are gaining followers in significant numbers -- Twitter algorithm and bot accounts cleanup before the sale is completed? EDIT: Here are a couple of theories RE influx of right-leaning followers:
  16. Here's Danielle's recent interview with Houston Life. She performed the National Anthem in Houston Astros' opening day last week. Also, Danielle was on the CMT awards red carpet a week ago; here's a short interview:
  17. #leavingTwitter was trending earlier.
  18. The last two years have shown us that the government will force you to live as they want, like getting an injection or lose your job. Or close your "non-essential" businesses and lose your livelihood. And ask the baker who was sued because he refused to bake a cake for a gay couple due to his convictions, if the left let him live the way he wants.
  19. According to Cawthorn, the picture was taken during a cruise he and his wife were on, before he even ran for office. It was some kind of game. I don't think the left released the photos though. More background story on this blog, including his allegations last month, which McCarthy and other republicans do not like. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/04/rinos-try-smear-rep-cawthorne-picture-wearing-womens-lingerie/ As to whether he should be primaried or not, I would look more into his votes in Congress than what he did in a cruise game show with his then wife.
  20. For decades, I've seen the left take cultural ground and push the overton window on social issues further left, as the GOP "leadership" refused to fight in that arena ("It is not the hill to die on") because they didn't want to be called bigots and racists. They focused on economic conservatism (yea right, 30 Trillions in debt) and national security conservatism (muh "War on Terror"), and every time a conservative runs on traditional values, pro-life, pro-secure borders, energy independence, pro-2A, pro-freedom agenda, the GOP leadership stays silent when the left and the media attacks the conservative politician. Now that a handful of Republicans are finally fighting back on cultural and social issues, especially the ones involving kids and their education, and women's sports, they're just creating a distraction. The cultural clash is bound to happen. I say bring it on, let the cultural fight happen, and let's find out where the majority of America stands on the cultural issues that actually affect their everyday life.
  21. Here's one perspective about the efforts of Dems to prevent Marjorie's reelection: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/04/22/the-desperation-of-democrats-surfaces-in-effort-to-block-ga-representative-marjorie-taylor-greene-from-reelection/ I can't blame the democrats for trying to disqualify Marjorie from running again; they can't defeat her on the ballot box, they try other means. But the GOP leadership and the RNC not defending her is inexcusable. Makes you wonder if they're in on it too.
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